New KailiArt Painting

I was delighted yesterday when the postman rang my bell and gave me a package from Australia. Swoon! I knew it had to be one of two things I'm expecting from there... to my surprise it was the one that I wanted it to be the most -- my new KailiArt painting. To say it is beautiful in person is such an understatement. I selected it for my home because it says, "From Little Things Big Things Grow" and this is very special to me - as we changed our whole life to move here and I strongly believe that good things, even great things, will grow out of this. I have no clue where I'll put it -- but I placed it on my wall for a quick snap shot though now it's in my cabinet waiting for a new wall to rest upon. A painting this sweet needs the perfect spot.

new painting

Even my husband loved it, he kept looking at it and really likes the illustration style. Which goes to prove -- never think men are only interested in "their" stuff -- no, no! Many are interested in what a lady likes, too. I find this quite often with Thorsten. We went to the store yesterday and he helped me pick out socks for Fall and in the end, he selected better ones than I had in my hand so I just told him that I was happy with his choices and we walked to the register to pay. This happens more and more frequently as the years go by, it's almost like the roots of two trees standing by one another become intertwined and start to share the same nutrients and water and sunlight... We're sharing so much of the same things that often I notice that more and more common interests are showing up. When we first got married, we both had good taste in things but in very different directions. It took some time to be married, not only emotionally (that came fast for us) but spiritually and even when it comes to lifestyle and taste. I, however, refuse to ever become one of those couples who finish the other ones' sentence or can no longer surprise their partner because they know too well what the other desires. It's hard to avoid this as the years go by, but I sometimes will throw in something to disrupt the balance so that he is surprised. I'll explore something on my own that I know he'd not expect for me to know about, or I will suddenly want to learn all about a subject he is interested in that I never in my life cared for. So, this new painting is a symbol of how things are growing for us as a couple... Thank you Kaili for the BEAUTIFUL work. I advise everyone reading to buy a painting from this girl, she is one to watch and absolutely talented and the warmest most caring girl ever. (image: holly becker for decor8)


Allison said…
I love those moments of synchronicity with one's partner. My husband I once went to this exhibition at an art gallery that was all about comics and graphic novels. At the end of it was a big bookshelf with copies of the works that they'd shown parts of ... there was tons of stuff, but individually, my husband and I both found a copy of the same work. It was just a nice moment to see our preferences so in tune.
Juliette said…
aww, yay! That's such a special thing when you both find something you love and enjoy the searching process together!

I was so shocked last year when my husband got all into a cool Keramik place we went to in Austria. He was finding great stuff left and right and insisting on purchasing it! He surprised me again this year on our last real shopping trip to some lovely places in Nurnburg, actually getting into it! We love it when the other surprises us by joining in on something, from shopping to biking; it really is a joy of marriage to be able to share in this way!
Kelly said…
I really appreciate couples who each have a strong point of view but develop that ability to complement one another. My husband and I joke that we have a tiny window where our tastes overlap. It can take a lot of negotiating to find it, but when we do I always think it ends up better than if I just picked out something that only I liked. Plus, he has a killer eye for sale rack finds at Anthro.
Sarah said…
Oh so lovely!
Will definitely check out her work and how delightful that she is in Australia, not far from me :)
Traveling Mama said…
This is gorgeous! I know what you mean about your husband- I feel the same way about mine. It is quite fun to travel the world with my best friend and I cannot imagine it any other way! I am also blessed in the fact that he loves to shop, though sometimes I wonder if it would be better if I could just spend all the extra $$ on myself! LOL! He is actually very generous and I'm always the one having to say no. He'd buy me the world if he could!
Wishing you all the best!!
iva yaneva said…
oh, it's really pretty! I love the style too :)
it's great that you guys are so comfortable with each other and know what the other person needs and wishes. it shows how much each of you cares. but I do agree about the surprise moment - definitely want to keep that :)
Anonymous said…
That is a lovely art piece as the cake topper to your lovely nest!
Laurel said…
Awe Hello! I love this art! So so darling. I agree 100 percent about keeping marriage lively and unpredictable. My husband is very steady so it is me who throws curveballs:)
Also- We go our evey Sat night on date night-for 13 years. Never miss it. Even when things are off it is on. It along with a motorcycle saves us Can't take four kids on bike.:)
Love your bloggy,
Laurel said…
Awe Hello! I love this art! So so darling. I agree 100 percent about keeping marriage lively and unpredictable. My husband is very steady so it is me who throws curveballs:)
Also- We go our evey Sat night on date night-for 13 years. Never miss it. Even when things are off it is on. It along with a motorcycle saves us Can't take four kids on bike.:)
Love your bloggy,
Such a gorgeous painting and such a wonderful reason to have it in your home. I quite like it up there surrounded by those sweet acorns(?) I am so happy it is making you happy!
Anonymous said…
Beautiful picture! I always love receiving packages too, especially from what has been purchased. A great new surprise for the day and a total great piece of picture to have!


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