More Updates!

I have been so bad about posting here regularly. But you are always on my mind, and I'm constantly thinking of when I can make time to blog on haus maus! I'm off to a Fall festival here in the large gardens (Herrenhausen) and then to dinner with friends... but I will write a bit more here tomorrow as Sunday morning will be a bit slower for me. For now, here is some eye candy from Swedish magazine Skona Hem.

I've been building a pretty extensive inspiration file for my next apartment adventure (we're on the prowl for a 4-6 room apartment, or 3 bedrooms for those of you in the states), so I'm starting early to collect ideas. :)

Once we move, I will wallpaper, paint, and get very creative as I will plan to stay in the next place for many years. Right now, I'm feeling a bit in limbo since our apartment is only one bedroom and with two people working full-time at home and plans to have a baby in the next few years, I really need a larger space for office and for planning the future nursery. :) See you tomorrow! xo (images: skona hem)


Sarah said…
Lovely post! I adore the second photo :)
SimplyGrove said…
Great inspiration images!!! xx
WOW so great to hear you will be getting a bigger place. I bet your SO excited about that. Your plans sound similar to mine. We also want to get another place, but waiting for the housing market to pick up so we can sell our current place -since we own it. Then plan for BABY in a few years...Woo hoo! Great inspiration so far, I'm sure your place will be super nice...Maybe i'll see you guys on House Hunters International? Jk

Jen Ramos

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