Herbst Festival

So! Here it is Sunday already and since I promised you a post... here I am! I took some photos yesterday at the herbst (Fall) festival that I attended here in Hannover with my husband and mother-in-law. We had a really nice time and the weather was perfect for being outdoors, low 80s and sunny with some clouds but pretty clouds. :)

Herbst Festival

We enjoyed all the sights and sounds, though we arrived to see that some of the shows we thought we'd catch were only going to be on Friday and Sunday, so we missed those. But in the end, it was okay as there was a lot of booths to shop in, good food to eat, and nature to enjoy. I loved all of the booths with plants and flowers that so many were purchasing for their gardens and balconies. Here in Hannover it is common for people to have a patio or balcony attached to their apartment, much more common than in downtown Boston for instance, so people usually enjoy their small outdoor space very much -- decorating them with potted plants, herbs, small vegetables, flowers and often if there is space, a table with chairs for eating out on the balcony. We often join my mother-in-law who lives next door to us because we don't have an outdoor space and she does, so we like to eat on her balcony when she invites us over for mittagessen or Kaffee und Kuchen. :) Anyway, back to this lovely fest that I attended... I think that is why this type of festival is quite popular here in Hannover - people love nature and often have a tiny little space to enjoy their plants and flowers at home. Here are some impressions for you to enjoy so that you can feel as though we went together, okay?

Herbst Festival

Herbst Festival

how cute...

Herbst Festival

Herbst Festival

Herbst Festival

Herbst Fest

Herbst Festival

Herbst Festival

Herbst Fest

Herbst Festival

Herbst Festival

Herbst Festival

Herbst Festival

Herbst Festival

Herbst Fest

Herbst Fest

Herbst Festival

Herbst Festival

Herbst Festival

Herbst Festival

Herbst Festival

Herbst Festival

Herbst Festival

Taking a break with coffee...

Herbst Fest

Herbst Fest

Herbst Fest

Herbst Festival

Herbst Festival

Herbst Festival

Herbst Festival

Herbst Festival

Herbst Festival

Herbst Festival

Herbst Festival

So, what's at this festival, you ask? Well, obvious from the photos -- lots of plants and flowers and also many tents with products and services for sale/hire. Each vendor (over 130) had their own white tent and there were many of them to enjoy. One had only soap from France. Another booth had fudge, cookies and candy from the England, Scotland and France. My favorite was a new vendor from Baden Baden, Germany called "Café König" -- you can see the photo of the tent with the two girls and all of the chocolate bars above... They even have an online shop in case you are interested. I purchased some lovely bars with lavender in them and can't wait to enjoy a square (or two!) with my tea later on today... I must confess, I thought the French "owned" the market when it comes to chocolate and though it's true -- Germany and Switzerland has THE best chocolate in the world. Even the basic supermarket brands, like Milka, are really, really delicious making American chocolate bars nothing one could ever eat again after consuming a steady diet of chocolate from France, Germany and Switzerland. And of course Austria too. Any country in Europe that speaks German or French, you can guarantee, will have the finest chocolate in the world. :) In my most humble opinion of course. And then you had booths with fresh herbs, oils, seed pods for decorating (along with horn). You could find tents selling handmade clothing, felt products, home items, gardening supplies and lots of tents with lovely things for dogs since it seemed as though everyone who attended brought their beloved pooch. I "met" a dog called "Arnie" and the owner was so lovely to me, allowing me to take his photo holding his dog. It was so cute. There were tents with fresh jams, berries and marmalade from this region, and a beer garden (of course). There was even an Indian import shop with clothes, beaded boxes, and elephant chimes (which I picked up one in the most lovely turquoise, I'll share my garden fest loot later). If you were hungry, you could find tents selling lachs pizza (pizza with salmon), salami pizza, vegetarian pizza and salads with fresh vegetables and homemade dressings. You could put raw dough on a stick and grill it over an open pit for a real southern German experience. Of course, there was plenty of nutella available for adding to the bread once you'd cooked it. You could find cheese tents from the region, a gourmet cheese spread tent from France (yummy) with fresh bagette, nougets of all shapes, flavors and sizes, coffees, teas, homemade loaves of bread, cheese bread, honey from this region, pumpkins, ice cream, plum cake, cherry cake, pumpkin soup, herb soup, curry chicken with Spätzel (the best noodles!), I could go on and on... And animals! You could watch dog shows, horse shows and even see baby hedgehogs and rabbits. There was even a sweet "adopt a dog" section where you could meet your potential new friend and adopt it right there. How nice of a concept this is! Unfortunately all of the dogs were too large for my apartment... Bottom line: Germans like their festivals and parties and they do them very, very well. The next festival is next month in the same garden and then in May, another one. There is also a fabric market outdoors that comes here from Holland which will take place next Saturday, and another regional festival indoors called the INFA will will be going on in October. Then in November and December you have the annual Christmas markets that cover about one mile of the city where you can find wood toys, bake forms, candy, cookies, hot food from all over the world, gifts, you name it... And this is only in my little city. If I go an hour north to Hamburg or east to nearby Berlin, there are hundreds more. And then all the towns around Hannover like Celle, Hameln (the famous town of the Pied Piper) Lüneburg... Sigh. (images Holly Becker for Haus Maus)


Vanilla Press said…
Hello.What beautiful photos!So vivid & colourful.I love the Pug & the castle-shaped tents.All gorgeous!
Katie said…
Holly those are such great photos! That festival looks like so much fun! Looks like you enjoyed the day.
Anne-Julie said…
It's so beautiful, Holly!!! So inspiring!
i was immediately drawn to the two girls with all the chocolate bars! looks like a lovely fair - puts my own town festivals to shame. i love the matching white tents. so charming. [did you ever come to festivals in newburyport when you were living in nh?]
You have a very lovely blog. Lots and lots of inspiration, especially as my sister lives in Hannover. You are most welcome to visit my blog too.
Take care
Your pictures are amazing, you are really lucky we do not have nearly the festivals you have. I agree the chocolate is like none other and the Christmas markets is something!
I'm so happy you shared your day at the festival with us. I so wish I was there! We love traveling to Europe and these outdoor festivals and markets are a favorite for me. Everything is done so well, right down to the charming outdoor tents with windows and steepled tops (you would never see that here). Definitely would have brought home some of the delicious breads and chocolate!
leslie said…
Oh Holly, what a glorious afternoon you had. It may sound odd but these pictures feel like "coming home" to me...with all the tasty looking food, plants waiting for a garden spot, sweet and arty accessories, divine chocolates...a lovely park...very soothing for my soul and yet really sophisticated looking. Thank you for an amazing post again!
Unknown said…
Ah, lovely. I don't suppose you got a manufacturer's name for those big gray wicker chairs, did you? I'd use one or two inside, as I have no outside space.

Usually I don't mind that, but at the Hamburg Botanischer Garten today they had dozens of organizations with booths selling beautiful plants. I've killed enough houseplants here that I refuse to try any more, but there were gorgeous, gorgeous plants.

What is the name of that festival/park? I'd like to try to come out to the one next month.
Aaah, Holly! I'm so happy for you---Germany looks so lovely and it's been fun to read all of the great ways you're taking advantage of your new opportunities. This makes me want to fly to Germany immediately and go to a festival. How lovely. Keep these posts coming!


Amy (I was in BYW) :)
Unknown said…
I think this is my first time commenting on your blog, but I love to read about your escapades in Germany. The festival looks amazing (especially the booth with the chocolate...). I'm so envious (in a nice way!) of your move to Europe, my partner and I hope to do that one day and so I love reading about what life is like over there. Thanks and have a great Sunday!
Bee Designs said…
It looks like an incredible event, with all the wonderful colours, smells and tastes it must have been a sensory overload...in a good way of course.
my hyggelig said…
That was just lovely, thank you for taking us along! I never make it to weekend markets, so it's nice to visit. Love the pug and the car ~ what kind of car is that? Gorgeous. I'm enjoying 'being' in Germany with you. :)
Sue said…
How wonderful! The tents with their pointed lines are so beautiful, and I would want so many of the items I saw in your pictures. This is my first visit to your blog, and what a treat you had for me here.

Stephanie said…
Thank you so much for the beautiful photos! It's so nice to read what you think about Germany.
Greetings from Munich,
Juliette said…
That was lovely! We had such pretty winter window boxes last year, I wish we were planning on doing that this year, but we've decided to wait until spring.

Holland Fabric Markt - just last week another blogger I met via your site and I were trying to see if we could meet up for the Frankfurt show at the end of the month, but depending on our travel plans I may just have to wait for the one in Nurnburg - looks awesome though! Can't wait to see this year's preview on Haus Maus! =)
mary said…
This is hands-down one of the most lovely festivals I've seen (I agree with Meg, above, my neighbor). I'd be in heaven! And your photos captured everything so perfectly.
Unknown said…
Holly, how did you not end up totally poor after this beautiful festival. I would have bought everything - it's all stunning! I'm feeling the need for a trip to Germany with all these great crafts available. x
Botany's Desire said…
Wow, I would have died and gone to heaven on site of all the fabulous looking herbs, plants, veggies, bread and CHOCOLATE!!!

So very jealous right now.
I'm so jealous!!! That festival looks amazing and the white tents are so pretty. I'm going to check out the chocolate seller online. I'm starting to wonder if we suffer from a serious lack o' charm here in the States...
Victoria Klein said…
What a great event, and you took so many wonderful pictures that it really did feel like I was there.
Laura said…
Looks lovely, the wreath caught my eye especially. Unfourtunately we're not just around the corner, more than a few hours drive, but we have a pumpkin festival going on right now in ludwigsburg (just north of stuttgart) that is absoulutely fantastic. Maybe some fall you'd like to venture down south a bit to check it out! Pumpkins at the Palace
Eva said…
Milka chocolate is originally Austrian :) khm, khm...

thanks for sharing! I love blogposts with manymanymany photos!!!
nichole said…
Beautiful photos! It really captures being there.
Love this post!
Oh wow.....it is just heaven on a stick AND baby hedgehogs? AND adopting doggies on the spot? *sigh* Thank you so much for sharing this with us hun....it is divine!
jja said…
Great, i would buy many things there :-))) I also love belgian chocolate, for some really good one try Godiva or in Austria this great brand with many unsual flavours (we have shops in Germany too!) http://www.zotter.at/
Lea said…
Die Drahtherzen sind der Hammer! So eins suche ich schon lange!
Johanna said…
Try the christmas market in Nürnberg. It is supposedly the "best" one in Germany. I have been there when it snowed a little and it was pure magic. It has a castle nearby and the city is so old, you would feel like in a fairy-tale.
Well, only my opinion ;)
And of course, it is a bit far from Hannover.
frollein anna said…
Hi there
believe it or not: I was at the Herbst festival, too! I am new in Hannover as well and was very happy to discover the Herrenhäuser Gärten this weekend.
If you want, we could meet for a coffee some day and share our new-hannover-citizan-experiences?
Traveling Mama said…
I think I would like to live in Germany very much! What a lovely festival- so much to take in and see. My favorite photo was the one with the pumpkins, the apples, and the lavender. What a perfect way to capture fall!
Skönt Hemma said…
Beautiful photos full of coluours :D
Maureen said…
Love your comments about chocolate. Here we have a chocolate maker called Montezuma and they have tastes in their chocolate that are wonderful.

A lovely treat!
GREAT pictures, its like you took us a long with you! It remined me of a country fair that we have here in Maine, which I will be going to this weekend. "The Common Ground Fair", all home grown, home made...
Hannah said…
I have family in Hannover and once when we were visiting we set off to Hameln thinking it was Hamlin of the Pied Piper...then I checked the map and realised it said Hameln not Hamlin and we turned round and went somewhere else thinking we were wrong! Is it indeed Hamlin? If so Im a bit upset! haha
Also I cant wait to find some markets like the on in this post the next time I visit!! Hannover is the best!
Miss B said…
This looks like soooooo much fun! I would love to go anywhere that had bunnies and hedgehogs!
If only Germany were just a few coconut trees down the road! I so wish our festivals and farmers markets were this awesome! Thanks so much for sharing! I anxiously await for you to post on the Christmas festivals there! Thanks Holly!
Bianca said…
Hello Holly,

I detected your really nice weblog through another weblog and it's really nice.

As you love your festivals so much, please allow me to recommend you another town which is only one and a bit hour (if you take a Niedersachsen-Ticket and take the suburban train) far from you: Bremen.

Apart from the fact, that it is a nice city, at the moment the Freimarkt is taking place on the area behind the main station and much smaller in the city.
And the Christmas market in Hamburg is very nice (we visited it last year with dear friends) but the one in Bremen is also fantastic, you have one in the city, continuing at the river Weser with a middle ages village.

Best regards,
freitagsfish said…
and don't forget the "onion market" (Zwiebelmarkt) in october in Weimar! most beloved and very old market and city party since over 300 years...

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