Cock a doodle doo!

For those of you who have been following haus maus since last year, you may recall that I've mentioned the rooster truck a time or two. It's a truck that makes a loud rooster cry about 6 times in a row -- you can't miss it -- and that way everyone knows it's here. In my district there's this truck that stops by our street on Tuesday afternoon and parks for about 15 minutes, opens up the side (like a snack truck) and sells fresh locally grown foods - I always buy the berries but there are eggs, jam, meats, cheese and everything else you can think of.
Here's the "rooster" truck...

Rooster Truck (he he)

And here are the berries that my husband ran downstairs to buy from the truck. They taste amazing, no chemical taste - no frozen and then defrosted taste - farm fresh! Yay!



The food in this region is wonderful since around it is all farmland and the farmer's bring their harvested goods into Hannover to sell at numerous markets throughout the week held all over the city (we have a farmers' market two blocks away on Wednesday even in the Winter and also another one around the corner on Friday as well). And of course, on Tuesday the truck comes with a few things so I have access to fresh food all the time. And of course, fresh flowers! If the rain doesn't come in the morning, I'll take photos for you at the local farmers' market so you can see what it's like and I'll post them here tomorrow or Thursday, okay? Then you can check out the local farmers' market - or grocery shopping outdoors German style. :) (images: holly becker)


Jeni Baker said…
Wow, agreed, that is quite lucky! The berries look amazing!
Anonymous said…
Hi Holly,

when we moved to Calenberger Neustadt about 12 years ago I had never before heard about the "Rooster Truck" and I wondered where this "Cock a doodle doo" came from every wedenesday afternoon!! Half a year later someone told me...

Herzlich Willkommen in Hannover! I hope you will love it!
Victoria Klein said…
Swoon - just another reason why I would love to live in Europe ... because things like your rooster truck as so very normal; what heaven!
Wow, that is so cool. Can you imagine how much healthier people in the U.S. would be if we had that kind of thing (as opposed to burrito wagons and ice cream trucks)?
Amanda Nicole said…
You are so very lucky! I would love that kind of service ;)
Traveling Mama said…
The rooster truck is hysterical! When we lived in Spain we had a farmer's market that would come once a week to our street. It was one of my favorite parts about living in Spain! I loved shopping the market, buying fresh produce, and even churros with chocolate sauce every once in a while! I justified the churros by buying extra fruit! :-)
Laura said…
Yes, it's berry season in Germany right now, my favorite local harvest! delicious. We snacked on a basket of raspberries today, fresh from our farmers' market.
alix said…
Yum!!!!! I love this notion of the Rooster Truck!!
As an aside, i also love fondue, so I can't wait for you to have a fondue party for me to live through vicariously!!
Unknown said…
Oh how brilliant
wish they did that in England it'd be especially handy with me not getting out at the minute...
we had a fish van but the people retired
there used to be a library van once too
good to see you're settling in H
good luck and good blessings in your new home and country!
Kat x
Lara Harris said…
Oh wow, that is such an awesome thing to have!:)
Rona Chang said…
the concept of the truck is so interesting. i wonder if that could catch on stateside like the dessert and lunch trucks in ny that keep their audiences engaged by twittering.
Unknown said…
The styling in your photos is fantastic girl! Makes me want to eat those berries right up.

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