Sail Boston

There's this big Sail Boston event happening down in the city this week, we spent the entire day there yesterday since it was the first real SUMMER day we've had all year and I wanted to be outdoors to take full advantage of it! After about 9 hours on our feet (no kidding, we walked and walked and walked), we had dinner at this very loud pub (the oldest tavern in America) called the Bell in Hand Tavern and I swear it was some of the best pub grub around. With all the windows open, the warm summer salty breeze and dim lighting it was the perfect way to end a very hot and sunny day. They had the best DJ too, he played everything -- I was dancing in my seat. Would you like to see a few photos that I took to give you a glimpse of Boston and the waterfront area?
Sail Boston Event
Sail Boston Event
Sail Boston Event
Sail Boston Event
Sail Boston Event
Sail Boston Event
Sail Boston Event
Sail Boston Event
Sail Boston EventStreet Performers
The ships in the harbor were beautiful and we danced and listened to a band over at Rowe's Wharf behind the Boston Harbor Hotel called Mystique - they were great and a lot of fun. There was even a Captain Jack Sparrow walking around in full pirate gear... I was DYING to have a photo made with him but didn't have the courage to go ask. I wish now that I had! It would have been so cute to show you here, a picture of me and the cap'n. But of course, I had my Captain Hook with me -- my darling husband -- so it was just fine to miss a photo with Cap'n Jack Sparrow. :) In the last photo above you can see some street performers near Quincy Market - a bunch of about 7 kids who were dancing to Billie Jean and doing crazy acrobats - flips, cartwheels -- it was pretty amazing. I was standing there dancing and clapping like a fool but hey, it's Summer so why not have some fun! What did you do this weekend? I'm soaking in the sun and packing all day tomorrow (Sunday). I'm trying to balance work, meeting up with friends to say goodbye, packing, selling stuff, and having a little Summer fun but it's not easy! I'm only in this house for 19 more days, then I'm in a hotel for 5 days, so I have to get this house cleaned out by August 1. ... but there is always enough time to have fun. :) (images: holly becker)


Natalie said…
I used to live aboard the Liberty Clipper, it's nice to see that they can participate in the Sail Boston. Und ich bin auch aus Deutschland!
Juliette said…
Aww, thanks for posting these! I miss Bean-town and can't wait to visit this Christmas. I wish we could snag a summer day there, too. Guess I'll just have to travel vicariously through your photos! Glad you had fun!
Roland said…
Very nice photos! Want to go to america too - perhaps next year ;)
Have fun the last days in your house! Germany is also nice :P
alix said…
What an awesome day! That looks like loads of fun (hey, was that Thorsten in the dapper cap??).

I'm so glad you're getting to squeeze in a little fun time in before your move!
haus maus said…
I'm glad everyone likes these photos. :)

Alex - yes, that is Thorsten -- so much cuteness huh? My hot boy...
looks lovely. :) my best friend just moved to boston and i can't wait to go visit him--these photos are making me want to move up my trip!
Amanda Nicole said…
Wow, what amazing pictures! I love slow, seaside days.

It's too bad we can't see a photo of you and the Captain! Although, once when I was on vacation I spotted Darth Vader playing the fiddle and was too shy to snap a photo of us together. Ah, regrets.
whoistracy said…
So cool!!! I used to live in Boston- moved back home in 2003 so I miss the city. Loved looking at your photos. I've heard Tall Ships is supposed to be amazing!
Julia said…
Hey Holly!

Beautiful post from a beautiful city. I recently visited Baltimore and also thought of having my picture taken with Capitain Sparrow! But I was discouraged by the average birth date and height and backed off.

The people in yellow shirts and green pants are BRAZILIANS!!! and those cartwheels and dancing, I am completely sure, had to be capoeira. Tradition says slaves were not allowed to practice fighting (that makes sense) so they created this dance to sharpen their fighting skills without the masters noticing. If they asked why they were kicking and blocking fisticuffs, well, they were just dancing. And so they prepared for fighting for their freedom. I don't know if it's true, but sounds fantastic.

I'm sure you'll get to see more capoeira in Germany. I live in Minneapolis and got my dose at the May Day Parade during the last two years. And though it looks a bit washed out, real gutsy capoeira is an incredible spectacle.

Auf Wiedersehen!

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