More German Music

I can't believe I didn't mention these two bands in my earlier post about German music. Shame on me, because I absolutely love them.
Blogged today

The first one is Nylon. Do you know them? Oh my, so wonderful - maybe like Norah Jones-ish, they are very jazzy electro. I don't know how to describe them, but I love lead singer Lisa Bassenge - her voice is stunning and she sings in German and slowly enough so that if you're learning like me you find yourself singing along quite easily. I have the CD "10 Lieder über Liebe" and highly suggest it. It's great Sunday afternoon at home music, the kind of music you play as you sit in your living room with a good cup of tea and a nice interiors magazine on a cool day, with a few candles burning nearby... It's very cozy or as the Germans say "gemutlichkeit" (one of my favorite German words, it's so cute). The next one is also jazzy with great vocals, the band is called Kitty Hoff. You can listen to them here on ..... A few other faves, particularly good again for those studying German because you can sing along, is Anna Depenbusch and Ruben Cossani, but I'm not sure how exactly I'd classify them. It reminds of me 50s music, very mid century mod. xo, Holly


Luna Levy said…
Oh Holly! I just read your post from July 1st and wow, you are making the big move that I made 13 years ago! I've told you this before, but I think you will love it! And yes, there is good health care in Germany, and yes, it is a great low crime place to raise children - I don't regret moving at all (I just miss cranberry juice and good Mexican food :)

And yes! Europeans take looong vacations and it took me a while to get used to it as well, but it is a great thing and very healthy :) It's important to take time off and travel and enjoy life, and somehow it is less competitive here and people are just more relaxed. But I definitely noticed all of the Scandinavians taking July off too :)

So - good luck with your move, you are moving by leaps and bounds, and if you are in Munich sometime this fall and ever want to hook up (or if you are speaking somewhere), let me know :) All the best with everything! xoxo Stephanie
Eleanor said…
Thanks for the great post and comments. It reminds me I have got to get back into German music. Even though I've lived here for almost 10 years my collection of German music is pretty limited. Another more band I like, besides Die Sterne: 2 Raum Wohnung
Amanda Nicole said…
I adore your music selections. Downloading some Nylon right now, thanks!
alix said…
Oh man, life has been so insane (work mostly) that i have had ZERO time to read and connect with my bloggie pals. I do always try and do a quickie drive by on hausmaus and decor8...but barely have time to comment.
I LOVE this post. Being half German I'm always interested in modern German culture and MUSIC is so fuN! (like seriously, all we know are Nena, Flaco and Heino!!! haha....have you ever seen Heino?)
i miss you and I'm glad you're enjoying those final days!
Your Grace said…
hi holly!
thanks for this lovely post!
i love all the german music you suggested.
do you know where i can buy them though??? are they available here in the US?
i have a friend who lives in hamburg (right across TH2, actually...ahahaha) maybe i can ask him to get it for me.

goodluck by the way on the big move!

Alexis said…
Thanks for suggesting such great German music! I'm always trying to brush up on my college German, and the music really helps!

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