The Final Countdown

It's the final countdown - 6 weeks from today we'll be boarding our plane to London, spending some time there for an extra long layover, then heading to our new home country of Germany! I'm so excited and eager to just wrap things up at this point but I'm standing here with lists a mile long of to-do's so I must not be too eager - there is much work to be done! And a lot of goodbyes to be said.


To make it easier on my friends and family, and since we'll have no furniture in our house except for a bed after the 15th, I'm staying in a hotel in Boston before our departure just so I'm in the city, accessible, and in one easy place for all to come see me off. I can't wait to lay around in a luxury hotel for that period, use the spa, relax a little, dine out (no cooking or clean up!), and spend our final time in America in a most special way. I think the hardest goodbye will be to my mother but it is what it is... I just have to push through the pain/tears and deal with it or else it could be the one thing that makes an otherwise joyous occasion a stressful one. It's going to be nice to be back in the city, I lived and worked there for years and years and YEARS but when I left it all behind for country living in New Hampshire, which I thought I'd love, it became increasingly more difficult for me to regularly spend time with my friends there. I do love the country and parts of it I will always cherish and love - like the apple orchards and pond in our backyard and the songs of the frogs at night and the absolute quiet. But with my line of work, I need to be where there is action and opportunity and though we could have relocated anywhere in the states, I feel like I have my calling abroad and since I've been trying to get to Europe, any country I was happy to move to just as long as it was on that continent (smile), since the early 1990s and now it is just time. No more time to wonder, think about it, ponder, decide, weigh or toil. Just Do It.
image from double exposure. very audrey hepburn. swoon.
I think as we age we get this feeling of "running out of time". Do you ever experience that? You hit your mid 30s like me and start thinking you are running out of time to have children, buy a home, build your business, live in a new country, change a career, or whatever else you've been holding back from doing. Truth is, we've been running out of time since the day we were born because at that moment, we begin to age. You just don't feel it or see it or know it until you hit 30 (the age most seem to notice the signs of aging) and then some go into panic mode. I personally did not, 30 felt like 20 to me and I didn't care either way. But 35 and beyond feels differently, at least for a woman, because those critical child bearing years are NOW! and so you need to act swiftly for fear of losing your opportunity to have little ones. In addition, lots of women feel upset about age for many other reasons that have nothing to do with children. It can be their loss of energy, gray hair, wrinkles or other signs of normal wear and tear. In the end though, I think that the moment we say we are OLD we are old. Until that moment, we are young. We are as young as our mind. We are as young as our heart. And aging is so beautiful in that we have all this experience and stories and way more insight that we had 10 years prior. But the only down side to aging is that once you are in your thirties and forties and so on you are going to want to get started with your life if you haven't already because waiting for the day in which you will decide to be happy or live a dream is no longer an option. When you are 20 you can say, "Oh I can wait!" and it's perfectly fine. Waiting is not always an option past a certain point and everyone is different but each finds his own point and each knows if the opportunity is no longer there because they've now waited too long. This is how I don't want to ever feel. That's called regret. I am still very young but also I need to seriously consider starting a family at some point and I want to travel before I do so, and find a place to call home and plant roots in a community (I've not done that since living in South Carolina so for the past 16 or so years I've always felt displaced from moving so often). So this is why, though we could have relocated anywhere, we decided to go where our family and friends are, where the tree is already planted and where we can now reside and grow together with them. And I'm not about to plant myself and just do nothing from there. I have plans! More dreams! More goals! And my agent is still pushing me for work because I'm writing a decorating and lifestyle book and I need to start on this seriously in the Fall. I can't wait to be published, what an honor that will be and another dream come true since I wrote and bound my own little books in my bedroom from age 4-15. If during this move, I find some of them, I will share on this blog. But yes, I have a book to write, a storefront to open, and other big plans to jump on so I'm heading abroad while I'm still energetic and healthy enough to take all this on. Plus I'll need to go to German school weekly for about a year so my schedule is going to be jam packed. But I love a busy life filled with people and hustle bustle so leaving the country and heading to a new land is the absolute best thing for me at this stage in my life. So with alllll that being said, it's the final countdown. This past week I've sold 50% of my things with more on their way out of my door daily it seems thanks to Craigslist and close friends. I recently sold a bunch of things to a fellow blogger too who will soon drive up to meet me and pick them up. I feel so blessed that this relo is going so smoothly thus far. I also have the dealership wanting to purchase my car. Yay! I think that for an international move, things are going a little too perfectly... but I'll take it! Can you believe that I was once a relocation manager in the corporate world planning moves for executives from the USA to faraway lands and then back again? Oh yes, I did and it was exciting work. Now I'm applying the skills I learned back then today in a very personal way. Gotta love "what comes around goes around". xo, Holly


belinda said…
Holly, it all sounds so incredibly exciting. I'm in awe of your energy and your passions - I just know despite the sad goodbyes, the unknown, the ticking baby clock and the full-on schedule you have ahead of you, you will achieve ALL of your goals. And more. You just seem that sort of person. I'm glad you're moving to Germany - it will give me more of a chance to meet you one day as I plan to get there in the near future to visit my oma. fingers crossed! enjoy your last few weeks in the States xxx
1richtungsblog said…
Nice Layout Holly! Enjoy those last days in Boston and keep up the energy!
xo Anita, Austria
Melissa A said…
Wow Holly,
Thanks for sharing so much on your blog. I have yet to do that since I just started but would like to. It makes your blog more personal and interesting. It is great to hear that you are going for and fulfilling all your goals and dreams. It is an encouragement to me to keep on going for mine. Even though it takes time, you are doing the things you set out to do and that takes courage and perseverance. I know that I don't know you, but I have to say, since reading your story, it really does make a person proud of you. Blessings to you and your husband.
Emmy said…
Holly - this post really resonated with me. I'm on my fifth European country now and planning to stay for a while. I have also reached the point where I have, great husband, great home (well, we get the keys in 15 days!), great job and still feel like I am running out of time for everything. How do I fit in a family, if I do will that stop me having my own small still to be decided business. It bothers me sometimes but the rest of the time I can't believe my luck to have all that I do. I, like you, revelled in my 30th birthday. My thirties are wonderful, I gush about them and had no idea that this year 33 would ambush me like the crocodile in Peter Pan. Tick TOCK tick TOCK. I guess I'll just have to keep reminding myself that I can do it all, I've lived barely half of my life and I have so much to look forward to. Its just going to take some creative planning.

P.S. I love the new look for the blog. Very fresh.
Juliette said…
Preach it sister!! =)

Hitting 30 was traumatic for me b/c I realized I had all these expectations in my head that I wasn't even aware of. I think I'm more adjusted to the "see what comes" type of mentality, but I definitely feel the tug of "running out of time" emotions, and so does my husband who dreams of a 7yr PhD program that in reality has quite a few hurdles in the way.

We are pushing on. Part of that involves making a home where we can feel at peace in. And developing relationships in and outside of family, which we have near us. I had so much fun yesterday unpacking all my pretty serving dishes and finding them a home in our new kitchen! It's so much better than our last apartment! You'll have fun settling too.

Also: VERY cool about the book, and love the new blog design!
Traveling Mama said…
Gasp! You are writing a book! I feel a little "woo hoo" but that's probably not the most adult-like reaction. Oh, who cares?! Woo Hoo!

Good-byes just stink. They never seem to get any easier. As I read about your mom I felt tears springing up... there always seems to be a steady flow when my family is part of the conversation. I have the "Big Fat Greek Family" that is extremely close and it nearly broke their hearts to see us leave. Thankfully they are all very supportive and they love to travel!
You have such a uniquely blessed situation in that you get to live overseas AND have your husband's family near. That's incredible! I'm sure they will one day make fantastic baby sitters too!
Wishing you the best as you live your dreams!
Epp said…
Hello, Holly!
First of all - what a nice makeover to your blog! So summer-y.
I truly hope that everything you wrote about is going to happen exactly the way you plan it. Fingers crossed for you!
Welcoming you in Europe, and in Germany.
Greetings from Frankfurt am Main,
Unknown said…
Just enjoy the time in Boston. Friends, family and fill the suitcase with pretty memories.
And I understand you when you say that times runs when you are 30 or more. I am 34 and every year that passes it seems to be a year lost for having a baby...and for example it is being a point of discussion with my boy, who is younger and don´t feel that running.
Go ahead and enjoy. Just enjoy and do what you think to be happy.

Katja said…
I love the new look of the blog, for me green is the color of new beginnings and hopeful things :) Like the first commenter I too am in awe of your energy and passion - it's always so inspiring to see people follow their hearts and their dreams. At 27, I'm still in the process of figuring out what my dreams might be, I don't know if that sounds silly.
Tricia McKellar said…
Holly, the banner is sweet! I am enjoying reading your posts about the move-- brave, hopeful, determined, optimistic :) You go girl! :)
Victoria Klein said…
I am so immensely excited for you! Each day, your to-do list will get shorter and you will be that much closer to relaxing in Germany with your hubby.

It was quite interesting to read all of what you wrote about age. I just turned 25 on June 11th and feel all those things ... at only 25! I always feel like I'm short on time. The fact that my husband and I are buying our first place here in the States still bugs me a bit, but it really is the best place for us right now, thanks to our other plans.

No matter what, I'll end up in Europe. Til then, I'll enjoy reading about your wonderful life and working towards my own goals. :)
It is very hard to say final goodbyes and leave. I've done that a few times now.... just a week ago again. Wish you the best in your new life and home. It is a luxury to be able to do things like these. Cheers!
Allison said…
While travelling with children would definitely be a different kind of trip... life goes on after kids (so I've been told ;). You can still travel, start a business, write a book, etc. However, you might have trouble doing it the other way around if biology is not on your side. Not wanting to be a busybody, but passing along advice that's been given to me. Wishing you the very best on your move and setting up your life in a new country!
Jenn Ski said…
I feel they same way after moving to NH.

I felt so part the art community in Boston when I lived in Somerville and now I feel a bit out of the loop. But on the other hand I love my home and being close with nature. I guess you can't have your cake and eat it too.
Kimberly Julie said…
tomorrow marks 5 weeks until i move to the caribbean... the good-byes are going to be so very difficult, especially to my wonderful boyfriend and my dog. it will all be worth it though for the "life experience" that i am chalking this entire adventure up to. :)
Amanda Nicole said…
What a beautiful post. I'm really looking forward to reading about your relocation once you get there, as I also have future plans to move from Canada to somewhere in Europe (probably France).

I always thought I'd embrace getting older, but lately I've been feeling that pressure you're talking about, the pressure to get EVERYTHING done. But I really like your approach, and I think the notion that you're not old until you say you are will stick me for awhile. Here's to hoping your transition keeps going so smoothly!
Unknown said…
Oh my. Your post had me in tears. I'm definitely at one of "those points" in my life right now, and it was just so good to hear someone else going through it, too, but with such a positive point of view. Thank you so much for sharing, and I wish you well on your new adventures. :)
malinda said…
thanks for all these great haus maus posts - I find them incredibly inspiring. thinking about going east...
Jen said…
Hi Holly, I love reading you have to say. So open and honest. I know how tough relocating can be (married to military) especially when you have to leave your family and close friends. I always tell them, "Hey, at least you'll have a cool place to visit". And they will! Who wouldn't want to travel to Europe?? And you're right about aging. You're only as old as you feel. And kids only make you feel younger. Mine do, anyway! xo Jen :)
alix said…
So many things to discuss....for starters, that pink Kate Spade wallet was my wallet for YEARS!!! I loved it so much. It eventually got a tad thrashed so I had to get a new one. But it makes me happy to see that you have one too! Secondly, your new header is sooo cute.

As for all the other stuff, you're so right about getting "older". When I hit 30 (and actually up til 35), i felt like I was still 28. These last few years have def aged me. Life gets crazy with a child, but there is also pressure to possibly have another. It's hard juggling work life and home life...I'm noticing more grey hairs. I know I have a very youthful outlook, and I'm lucky I look young for my age, but I have definitely hit that point where I feel like life is catching up to me. I'm sure experiencing the death of my aunt plays into that too. You start to feel your mortality.

Well you are SUCH an inspiration Holly. I am really so excited for you. Do you think your mom will come and visit you? Is she a traveler?

How amazing you have sold everything...OH, and I just know you are going to enjoy those days in Boston. I have been wanting to do a post on how much I love fancy hotel beds!!
Anonymous said…
Well good grief! You are really touching me with these posts lately. Again, I'm choking up with tears, you've hit so much - spot on!

Don't mind me if I just camp out right here..... ;)
alix said…
hi, me again. haha. i just realized i forgot one of the main things which was HOLY CRAP YER WRITING A BOOK!!!! WHOOO HOooo!!!!!!!

you are the coolest, Ms Becker.
Heather said…
Hi Holly! Good luck with all your all sounds so exciting, and motivating! I know... getting older and wanting to do EVERYTHING is to fit it all in and balance everything. Unfortunately, for women, you may feel 20, but thehaving baby years are limited, and the pressure can be really tough. I always knew I wanted a family...hoped and dreamed, and it was really tough for me to meet Mr. Right. When I did, I was 40. I ended up getting pregnant right away when we decided to go for it...(thank God!) I used to be so sad thinking I might not have the baby I'd always dreamed of. It's the one thing that won't, and can't wait. And, as people say, there is never a "good" time. You just make it work, and I think with your love of travel, you'll do it with a baby in tow...or in that cool bike!
Erin Dougherty said…

Thank you so much for this beautiful post - I'm almost teary eyed after reading because it resonates so perfectly with me. I think a lot of creative types struggle with that feeling of needing MORE, needing SPACE. I've always felt the call of Europe, but having settled down with a local Boston-ite I fear it may never happen. I wish you the best and cannot wait to read about your new adventures (living vicariously)in all the places I see in my dreams. They'll be your reality - how exciting!

How strange that I feel connected to you because of this, and we've never met. Ah, the power of blogs. :)

Thank you!


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