{sunny side up}

Whew! April is over and now it's May and well, things are getting more in control here in my wee little world. Last month is a bit of a blur because I worked 60-80 hours each week between all of my contracts, my blog, and a lovely class that I taught online which required my full attention for 4 weeks straight. It was wonderful and ran on pure adrenaline but did I feel tired on the last day of April. Man! I took a day off and rested and feel great again -- lots of energy and I'm focusing on my next class which I should be kicking off early Fall.

little pretty things

I had 208 students worldwide (208, I know, huge!) and feel so incredibly lucky to meet so many lovely people -- 2 men and 206 women, and together they learned more about this little thing we call blogging. Ha! Little, not! Blogging is such a kick butt way to get out there and mingle and show your stuff so I'm psyched that I was able to share my passion and enthusiasm for it before my class of eager and awesome students. I have a lot going on between now and the end of October so I'm thinking of kicking off my next e-class at the beginning of October so if you're reading and you are interested in participating that time frame looks like a good time for my next class. The next class will have some changes -- it will be longer (six weeks instead of four) and will include some other updates in the materials and assignments but will be the same class that I just taught in April as outlined here. I can't wait! How are you doing? I hope all is well. I have some big news to announce on decor8 and here on haus maus but I'm not sure when to announce it so I'm trying to think of a good time. I'm thinking the end of May so you'll have to wait... there are still a few loose ends that I need to tie before I can go public with my news but I can't wait to tell you. I'm extremely over-the-moon excited about this announcement. A huge life change about to take place! Yay! (image: holly becker)


Victoria E said…
I'm right with you on April being downright crazy, but it sounds like your past month has been much more professionally productive than mine. ;)

I'd love to take you next class, so I'll have to keep an eye out for when sign-ups are available.

You're waiting until the END OF MAY to announce your news ... wow, that makes it feel so far away! I'm sure it will be worth the wait though ... (trying not to watch the clock).

Hmmm, you said a huge "life change" ... maybe you are permanently moving to Europe ... or having a baby! :D
Anonymous said…
Are you pregnant????snellysi
haus maus said…
he he! Or both! or neither! he he. I cannot tell yet but I will, I will!!! :)
Wonderful blog---going to read more about your classes! Ahh...and the news...what could it be?
Rosalina said…
I missed the whole e-course from last month, and was so bummed when I saw. I'll definitely sign up for the next one :)
Unknown said…
i dunno if curiosity kills the cat...but its definitely killing me....oh pls tell!!!:))
Anonymous said…
looking forward to the next class, Holly, so i best keep an eye out for signups later this year.
oh, waiting for exciting news is a killer (in the best sense)! :0)
Fifi said…
I can't wait to hear the great news ! You seem so excited, that I am too :-D

About your next BYW class, can we be part of if, if we were on the last one ?

Take care !
Concha said…
Hi Holly,

I'm one of your students! :) I LOVED the course and can't wait to take part on another one.

As for your big news... are you writing a book? having a baby? :) :) I can't wait to hear it!

Hugs from Portugal,

→lisa said…
Ack! I can't wait until the end of the month. Well...I *can* wait, but I don't want to!
Working 60-80 hours each week? You need to slow down!
shanon said…
Is it the end of the month yet? I wanna know! I wanna know! Hehe I'm so glad your blogging course went so well, and that the next session will be even longer. This all means to me that soon there will be even more sweet and encouraging blogs out there, just like yours!
diana said…
lemme guess....baby-maus on his/her way?
I'll wait with my congrats and virtual hug until you tell your news ;)
Jill GG said…
I love surprises! Can't wait! I'll be keeping my eyes out for the next class! Would love to participate!
alix said…
Aw Holly this is so sad but I log on to the decor8 forum every day just to see if someone has posted something new! I miss our class! (and i'm jealous the new group gets SIX weeks! hee).
I'm bustin' to know this news....I think all your fans are crossing their fingers for a wee little mauschen to join the party!!
Can't wait to hear and I'm glad you're rested up after that exhausting month!!
alex (galexiegirl)
I'm so glad to read that you'll be doing another class and I hope to join it! I'm also on pins and needles about your news. Oh, the suspense!
What a gorgeus blog!
Greetings from Italy!
Danielle said…
Well, after being one of the lucky 208 on your BYW course I am very excited to hear what your news might be...and to those considering the course in October - don't hesitate...it was the best investment I've made in years!
Shelley said…
Why not actually announce when you are ready/able, rather than just say you have something to announce later??
moline/yvonne said…
Oh Holly, that sounds so exiting and promising. We so have to spend time together - I think last year just was not the year for us! There were so many changes since the beginning of this year here at home. I am leading a more private and focussed and happier and healthier life and I got some inspirational links from you this year at the beginning. And when I am reading your post I can only nod and nod so many times. So hopefully this will be the year of our meeting Dear!
Ad if there is a baby in sight or on the wis list: all the better together with a new nest in Hannover or elsewhere to complete the circle.
Cookie Cutter said…
It's killing me! End of month is still 2 weeks away! Can't we negotiate for the news to be announced sooner? :P
Can we sign up now or be put on a list for your course? I don't want to miss out! And about your news... whatever it is I'm sure it will be worth the wait!
Hugs from Morocco!
Heather said…
I can't wait to hear the news! I'm hoping you're expecting a little Haus Mauslet! Or twin Haus Mauslets? If so...definitely go w/ the larger apt. in Germany!
Oh! I just emailed you with fingers crossed you will be doing another course, so glad to hear your news. I think I might be addicted to (both) your blogs- so very inspiring and an enjoyable read. Your news definitely has me intrigued :)
Melissa A said…
Can't wait to hear the new and exciting news, teacher Holly!
captain kk said…
hi, i love that timber organiser on your desk.. where can i find one??
also love the blog and will read up about the classes.. sounds good :)

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