{new camera swoon}

I've been dying to show you my new camera but I had to wait until it actually arrived. he he. So today from Tokyo... live and in person, my new Fuji Instax Instant Camera. But it's not just any camera, it's an instant camera that gives me a business card sized snap of the image within seconds. I bought it to photograph my shoes to post on the exterior of my shoe boxes but now I have a few other projects in mind so stay tuned! :)

What's This Cuteness, You Ask?


I can't wait to bring it with me to London in August to take some photos. I'm only in London for the day so I'll have to snap fast! :) {5/26 9:48 PM UPDATE} Wow, I cannot believe the response this camera is getting. I've been flooded with tweets and emails all day since posting this. Okay so here are the deets if you want one: Seller on eBay: UniqJapan Model: Fuji Instant Mini 7S "Last Model" - The last model part is important to note when you buy this camera. The earlier models did not have settings - This one, the "last model" as he calls it which means "latest model" has four settings, cloudy/indoors/sunny/little sun. I think it's pretty nifty to get it with these settings. Cost: I won it for $132.50 US Dollars. I think you can "Buy it Now" for about $10-15 more. Shipping: Was VERY fast. It came within a week from Tokyo to New Hampshire. It's not some Made in China knock off. It's the real deal. It was $37 to ship. Goodies: The camera came with batteries, an English instruction sheet that the seller made himself, original packaging, and 11 packs of film, 10 pictures per pack. He also tossed in a darling little Winnie the Pooh photo album sized especially for these photos (they are the size of business cards). He also threw in a brand new camera bag with tags in light blue. So cute! Oct 14, 2009 Update: Seems Urban Outfitters felt the buzz about these little guys because now they carry them too. You can get yours here. And film too. (images: holly becker for haus maus)


Fannie S. said…
I love it! What is it called?
Ez said…
Those are so lovely Holly! Like a polaroid but narrower and longer! Love it!
Have fun!
ack! i've been SO curious since you mentioned your new camera. and now i'm SO jealous!! fantastic!! xo
That came makes me giggle! I must have one now! Too bad I just had a birthday.
Unknown said…
Cute! I haven't seen photos from that camera before, they are great!
sunny said…
I love it!!! It's a cute camera and look at those images!
GiDu said…
I love your new camera!! It looks like so much fun to use. I hope you get some great snapshots with it.
Nolwenn said…
It's like Polaroid instant camera, isn't ? Can I ask how much you paid *blush* ?
haus maus said…
Kara/Nolwenn: It's a Fuji Instant Mini 7S "Last Model" and it came with 110 Instax Films for 132.30 on eBay (I won it) and he gave me a cute little camera bag and a little winnie the pooh photo album with it. The seller is AMAZING. He only charged $37 for shipping from Tokyo to New Hampshire and it arrived really fast. If you want to know the seller, just say the word and I'll go look him up.
Gretchen said…
Now I know how an eight year old boy looking at a new Pokemon card feels... too cute, Holly!
Lisa Parks said…
That's so darn cute! I've been camera obsessed lately so it's fun to see that!
Izabella said…
i had heard about this and was curious to see what the images looked like. it's just too cute and fun!
erin said…
oh, what fun!
alix said…
OMG....um OK, that camera???? I'm dying. It's amazing. AMAZING! The color, the shape. And the photos! (also allow me to be say that I'm thrillllled you are taking photos of your shoes for your shoe boxes...I TOTALLY did that for my nicer shoes--I think I saw it in a mag ages featuring celeb closets. My friends tease me mercilessly about this, but I swear it RULES! Keeping the rest of my closet organized, well, that's another story....
Fannie S. said…
I would love to know the name of the seller and give him more business! :) I also have a friend in Japan, so I could always bug him and make him send me one.
Rachel B said…
Holly! How exciting! I love instant cameras of any kind. These images are gorgeous!
knack said…
so fabulous! I love the pictures !!
Callie Grayson said…
very cool!!!
now i want one:)
Anonymous said…
wow. SO cute. love it!
Danielle said…
How cute. I love it. Would love to know the details for the seller.
Lani said…
Hi Holly,

Would love to know where this gem came from?

vol25 said…
this really is too cute! We take a 32 hour long road trip to visit my husband's family every year. I always keep a roadtrip journal scrapbook of sorts, and this camera would be perfect for that! I really like the small size of the photograph.

If you get around to it I would love to know the sellers name.
Rosalina said…
So cute! I want to buy a Fujifilm instant camera sometime soon, too.
haus maus said…
Here, enjoy everyone. The seller ROCKS IT LIKE YOUR MOMMA. OFF the hook. The man is a doll. He includes free stuff too. :)

Lani said…
Watch his sales go through the roof!
Where does the film come from?..and how hard is it to get more?

I love my Polaroid but, there will be no more.

Love it. Want it. Need it...too.
Waxy said…
Totally forwarding this post to my husband! My birthday is next week!!!
Tina said…
that was on my christmas list last year but ended up with something else instead. maybe this year. i love those little guys!
Thanks for sharing! I love it! It's going my wishlist...if only Christmas and my birthday weren't so far away.
Thea Coughlin said…
LOVE this camera-uber fun. wow
Laura said…
as soon as I saw this.. went straight to ebay, bought it and paid. Now the waiting begins...*sigh*
Wow, an updated Polaroid!!! It sounds so sweet! Show us your pictures from London please! =)
Amy said…
wow so cool! i must get one!
daisies said…
i have the same camera in choco brown :-) i picked mine up from urban outfitters (here in canada) ... there is a wide format version camera as well :-)

Elv Freiheit said…
Very cool. I've been trying (in vain) to find polaroid film for ages. Perhaps this is he alternative.
Oh wow! That camera is fantastic!!
I'm a little bit jealous...ha ha ha!!!
Unknown said…
Can you buy more of the film on eBay?
Unknown said…
is the film availble in the us?
RLMEnglish said…
OOhh I want one! I guess I will have to wait a few weeks and gather the money and get to purchasing!
bo said…
so cool! thx for sharing.
Anonymous said…
It's cute, but... $132.50 + $37 shipping for a novelty camera to photograph shoes for your shoeboxes? Wow.....
Yoli said…
I am totally in love with this little camera.
atia said…
that is fabulous! they remind me of moo cards. the shoe box idea is great as well, I might have to borrow that :)
Unknown said…
Buy film for it at Lomography.com. You can actually buy a version of the camera there too.
KERRY said…
Oh my...that is the most perfect camera l have ever seen! It's beautiful! No wonder you are swooning!
haus maus said…
Anonymous - hey why not? I am using it for other projects too. Heck, a few dinners and a movie costs that much... I'm happy with my purchase!
Anonymous said…
Well, that's officially the cutest thing I've seen in months. Possibly years!
Holly said…
This is turning out to be expensive reading as have just clicked 'buy' and 'send to the UK'!!
jen jafarzadeh said…
what an incredible find! i am totally ordering that camera — you're so right that it has so many project uses besides being just a fun camera. thanks for sharing all the details, holly!
Are you loving it??? I am on my way to purchase if you are! Thanks for the tip!!!! So excited.
Renate said…
Wow, looks like such a fun camera! And what luck to come across an eBay seller that seems genuinely nice! I bet he sold loads of these after your post! :-)
This is so awesome! It's just the thing I've been looking for a DIY photobooth for my wedding reception! Thank you!
jonahliza said…
<3 that camera. i found it awhile ago at shop.lomography.com. gotta check it out!
tpm said…
Urbanoutfitters.com now carries the camera for $130. It ships for free with a $150 purchase. Free returns at store.
Babylotta said…
Nice cam! Wondering if it would be a good idea to make a weekly photo of our kids for documentation :-)

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