{what are you dreaming of?}

Here we are smack dab in the middle of a major recession and I'm thinking about decorating and beautiful homes. I can't help it. I've been thinking about lovely interiors like crazy lately. I say lately but really who I am kidding, decorating and design has been on my mind almost every second of every day for years, it consumes my thoughts so often that I often have to MAKE myself STOP thinking about interiors and start thinking about other things so that I don't become one of those boring "one topic only" types. You know, we all have the surgeon or the therapist friend and they're having lunch with us and ALL they talk about is medicine for 5 hours straight, barely a pause, and though your eyes are glazing over and you're starting to slump in your chair, medicine boy over there continues to blah blah about his fascination with the human body. I secretly (well until typing this publicly that is) fear being known as a single topic kinda girl. The doctor type -- one topic -- that's it. (My uncle is a surgeon so I'm not beating up on doctors.) Truth is, I'd prefer to be a Jill Of All Trades vs. a master of only one. Often my friends want to talk about my work and I intentionally change the subject but man, in my heart I really want to ramble on and on about decorating, crafts, handmade things, art, blogging and design for hours and hours at a time. And they'd totally let me. But something in my head says that's wrong and I need to throw in a little astronomy or astrophysics (if I could pronounce it without sounding like Daffy Duck) every now and then to keep it fresh -- to let everyone see what a broad and spacious brain I have -- my world views -- how I feel about global warming, Brad and Angie, Octomom or the latest Lost episode (is that even still on?). Maybe toss in how I'm trying to "get a little greener" or chat about the latest hybrid car on the market (if I even knew what it was). Funny though, when I start to chat about things unrelated to decorating I always end up back on topic all over again. I swear, I could be talking about organic lettuce and somehow sofas would make their way into the convo. Then I realize that, oopsie, Holly is back to talking about decorating and blogging and so I jump into chatting about my last vacation and whoops! I'm now explaining (with lots of hand gestures) the amazing hotel room decor or some great design shop I found. I mean really. Do I need to get a life? Don't answer that. Well thank goodness I blog because it is through this that I can obsess and share with others without restraint. Everyone expects me to wax on about design because well, I'm Holly the decor8 blogger and well, it's sorta my job and I can't say I mind it one bit. So currently these are things that I'm frankly ga ga over: 1. High ceilings, soaring, like this! 2. Wishing I had a patio or balcony to decorate. :( 3. Transom windows 4. Tiles - from subway tiles to Turkish tiles. 5. Ceiling medallions, still! 6. Wallpaper in an entire room vs. just an accent wall. Like a small bathroom or an entry or hallway. 7. Pale aqua, yellow, deep blue with a touch of white and gold. 8. Pale pink, red, orange, yellow and white with a touch of gold and black. 9. Embroidered anything 10. Nursery design and I'm not even thinking of having a baby for at least another year! 11. Geometic prints mixed with ethic florals and organic shapes 12. Wallpapering each shelf of a cabinet with a DIFFERENT paper. 13. Wallpaper on a ceiling with only paint on the walls. 14. Bringing vintage wood furniture into my German apartment to slowly replace some my IKEA stuff. 15. Still dreaming of the perfect kilim. 16. Rosemary topiary - two - for my windows - only real ones. 17. Bedding. I can't stop thinking about bedding and how I want to finish my bedroom in Hannover this year because it's so boring currently! 18. COLOR COLOR COLOR 19. Art and trying to think of more unique display ideas for it 20. Crafting again -- I'm feeling a BIG need to work with my hands right now. What's on your design mind these days? (photos: bo bedre, domino, amy butler, boden, flowers in blue vase from etoile)


amanda james said…
hello there,
i can help you with your patio/balcony-problem ;-) you can come over and do mine! besides your coming to berlin we could have coffee or tea on my slightly embarrassing balcony. i really have no ideas nor money :-( but i have two chairs, a table and even a third chair for me. cause the other matching chairs are for you and your husband-off course ;) and besides of that, i am dreaming of a organized study desk:sigh:
my said…
I am dreaming of...
soap making.
redecorating the bedroom.
the chocolate souffle from CPK.
sleep. :)
Sunday mornings.
I think that's it for now but I am sure there's more but I am exhausted right now. :)
Leslie said…
Ahh I dream of a lot of things - All Day. Just a few..

1. Making a quilt, modern in colour and design (Aqua, Red and White I think.)
2. A new sofa...I have been trying to pick one. Its such a big decision to make!
3. Danish Furniture...ahhhh!
4. Lots of colour. I never stop dreaming of coral, but I am loving warm greys, bright yellow and earthy greens.
5. New art, even perhaps some creations of my own.
Stephanie said…
Bedding has also been on my mind for an eternity, because I really wish to have one beautiful, gorgeous set for the bedroom. But, living in Germany, I find it hard to find some, and when there´s one I like, it doesn´t fit for our blanket, because it is 200x220cm and most designs are only available for the smaller, one person blanket version. Oh, if I just lived in the US, then I could buy bedding from Anthropologie ;-) ah I´m such a consumption addicted...
Katja said…
I'm dreaming of color too, and of finally being able to tend to the two small gardens we have (still so much snow on the ground over here!) and plant lots of pink and white and red flowers (we have already bought seeds).

We blog readers are lucky you want to talk about decorating and design, it's always a treat to visit your two blogs! :)
sofablog said…
oh dear, where to start:
light and airy spaces, white wood floors, curtain free windows, work spaces that balance organization and charm, colored glass from the 60s, colorful vintage postal stamps, super bold typefaces, Friz Hansen's PK 22, circus themed toys, ... and now I will find it really difficult to get back to work. cheers, claudia
Juliette said…
me too on the COLOR COLOR COLOR thing, and light, and nature - both inside and outside, like indoor plants, gardens, balconies, etc - we're looking for new apartments and touring all the potentials just makes the wheels of my brain spin and burn rubber baby!

I'm really crafting more now - going through all my stashes and actually using instead of HOARDING, ha ha -it's cost effective since I already have the stuff, and it's making hubby happy b/c he somehow thinks it means we'll have less stuff to move to a new pad! not so sure about THAT, but I'm having fun anyhow!
1richtungsblog said…
1. starting the blogging e-course
2. bringing people together through my blog
3. taking the plants out from the basement to the patio ;)
4. buying some furniture for the patio
5. hanging some lamps over my dining table (I got some great ones you will see on my blog soon!)
6. I could go on like you ... but I have 3 princess daughters I have to take care of right now! So happy decorating everybody & have a great weekend!
drey said…
haha i laughed over what you wrote because it could have been me writing it. it's quite sad really. i even re-do my in law's homes/rooms TO TRY TO SLEEP! (counting sheep is so boring)

i too... become so interior-ly minded that i fear i'm becoming too obsessed. maybe it's also because i don't get to fully immerse myself in the art? dabbling here and there at home... is so fulfilling... and yet soooo not fulfilling!

thanks for sharing. i loved this post :)

lately i've been dreaming of a white, black and yellow cottage on the (safe distance!) edge of a cliff. my sun-lit (but not glaring) study at the back of this cottage looks onto a rose garden, birch trees, weeping willows and green green grass before the ocean beckons beyond. soft jazz accompanies my solitude typing and occasional sips of chai tea.

then... life hits home in the form of Hannah wanting me to watch Charlie & Lola with her on the TV while making coffee out of playdough. :)

Jan said…
I find it even more challenging to change subjects with a person whom you met in a certain context. (like we can't talk about anything but working out if it's someone we met....working out.)

Dreaming about hanging art that's been purchased and sitting for months, painting more walls white, light & airy curtains, and gardening....
Oh...I hear you hun. I could talk about all of those things all day long as well. We are in the process of moving house so, I am especially caught up in "where shall I put this?" " How will I make that work" "Oh, I can't wait to put this there and add in this that and the other thing....how pretty will that be!" Hee hee! So, I understand and all I can say is.....I love it!
I am dreaming of:
a new couch
a porch swing
anthro drinking glasses
enhabiten pillows
painting things white and dove gray
Anna said…
Retro, farmhouse chic, contasts like wine red, mustard yellow, black and white.

Vintage movie posters.

Found objects, B&W heritage photos in small crustily-jeweled frames, scattered along under the cupboard above the countertops, fresh-cut flowers in glass vases, stainless steel containers with neat labes for my sewing, open flat work surfaces for creating, writing, reading.

And the quintessential decorative fluffy cat in the window.
That's what's on my decorating mind.
diana said…
oh yes - high ceilings: Once you are used to them, they're hard to give up. We have 3.40 meter these days and with the accompanying tall windows this makes for spacious, light rooms even when the amount of square meters is not always huge. Right now I'm dreaming of:
- the bathroom furniture I ordered from this place: www.schubladen.de,
- finding a stunning antique tapestry/embroidery piece to hang on our living room wall,
- turning our hallway into a thirties time capsule (I don't know where this comes from, as this style tends to be too dark to my liking, but I can't shake the idea off),
- linen upholstery
- flowers everywhere in the house!
Have a good weekend!
shanon said…
I've been thinking of a wallpapered ceiling and painted walls this year too. I want to treat myself to it in my bedroom. A chocolate brown damask is what I'm feeling.

I'm also dreaming of pink cosmos and blue delphiniums. The open shelving that we are putting up in the kitchen this weekend. Wearing capris and flipflops again. Growing grape tomatoes. The perfect purse/tote. Long summer drives and homemade ice cream.

And thank you for using my "Sunlight Pink Lemonade" flower photograph above. That made my heart skip a beat. ; ) Have a wonderful weekend Holly!
Laura Trevey said…
Just found your blog! Love it...
Have a great weekend
~~ Laura :)
→lisa said…
I don't tend to make lists like this, but it is a fun idea!

• pot after pot of succulents
• dark bluish gray paired with light yellowish green (think green grapes)
• dog art
• vintage baskets
• new plastic baskets in bright colors
• vintage linen
• blank walls
Anonymous said…
I'm thinking spring, even as it is snowing outside. I've been doing a lot of housesitting over the past 6 months or so, which has made me realize little details I LOVE and others I could do without in a home. A good learning experience, for sure--but it makes me ache to take all of my things out of the boxes and get settled somewhere again, somewhere that's actually mine (or at least mine as long as I pay rent...). Sigh..one of these days.
wanda kujacz said…
It is a real and important delight to read your pages in the morning like I do for quite a long time now... I don't know why I write you to day, why we choose to keep in silence and just watch and why we let some words ? ... :)
thank you to share your world
Anna @ D16 said…
I am crazy-obsessed with painting ALL of the wood flooring on the second story of my house white. After doing the one room, I can barely think about anything else.

Losing the ugly yellow/orange wood is going to make me have a whole new relationship with all of the beautiful wood furniture I have. Right now there is so much competition between the furniture and the floor that it just looks busy and disjointed.

I honestly think it's going to be life-changing! We're doing some test swatches in the dressing room this weekend to see what works best in terms of prep and application.

And then there's the garden...AKA the dirt rectangle...
Alina Brito said…
This is what I have on my mind:
-jute rugs
-cheap, modern wall art
-floor lamps with white lamp shades
-BIG mirrors with a simple, but wide, dark frame
-a little bit of blue here and there
-the inminent opening of IKEA on my city (IKEA, baby!)
-Mother's day cards
christa Baca said…
Dreaming of my white house

Dot said…
oh gosh I know how you feel, my current thoughts are garden/balcony/roof terrace (I have none) parties and how pretty I could make them look and what food and drink would be best, bedding is a big theme too but I think I need to move before I put the actions in to motion!xxx
I dream of nice colours and redecorating my living room. I love your blog!
a little sewing said…
I am a little embaressed that I am so obsessed with roman shades right now.
Re: your photos, I adore the stuffed ottoman with the pom-pom trim.

and yes yes yes to COLOR COLOR COLOR.
ninainvorm said…
I'm with you on this Holly! ;) Though unfortunately this isn't a real, fulltime job for me yet, so people usually look at me with this 'all very nice, but isn't it time to get yourself a proper job' look on their face...
Right now my interior/design dreams are about a beautiful large living kitchen, about high ceilings and beautiful windows too, and about a few serious design pieces that I can never afford...
Teresa said…
I'm dreaming of...
A better paying job.
Beeing economically independent.
A small red cottage with a garden.
Two trees in my garden and a hammock.
Two dogs.
A studio where I can do all kinds of crafting anytime.
Pixie said…
This is easy...I dream of all kinds of things:
-cooking a great meal that's easy and fast
-finally getting my apartment decorated
-having said decorated apartment tie together instead of feeling like a mish mash
-chai lattes

just to name a few. :)
Unknown said…
Oh darling, I am dreaming all the time, since we always have a rather small budget( 4 kids, dadada)and I am a decorator myself, let's see: Finally a real overhaul of the whole old house, new bathroom(still the ugly originals from the forties)new kitchen, 20 years in the making. A fresh basement, lighter colors in the house, a new sofa and a different type of book storage (no more IKEA), a few really nice antiques, a redecorated bedroom,
please stop me....
Usually I do my dreaming for the benefit of my clientele!
I am dreaming of having more time to paint and to create my little memory boxes and more time with my husband, less time cooking, more time for the piano.
Early summer, not more cold weather,undiscovered books by Jane Austen!
Alles Liebe!
Me too! Colour, sofa's chairs, flowers, tables, vintage posters, art, if i didnt have a blog i would drive people around me crazy!
malo said…
Great topic!

On my design mind is:

My garden. It's time to prune the roses and to sow vegetables and annuals. And I have some new roses I ought to order pronto.

Find a little space in our small house where I can fit a table for my drawing hobby. Also on the same subject I am thinking of some kind of a portable inspiration board.

Organize. Nice looking storage solutions is always on my mind.

But most of all I am so happy to be able to enjoy familylife and having my kids using every corner of our house for their creativity and I am struggeling to get past the thinking of this is a livingroom and this is a kitchen.
malo said…
Great topic!

My garden. It's time to prune the roses. And I need to order some new ones pronto. Also time to saw vegetables and annuals. And the garden furniture need some oil too.

Storage. I am constantly obsessing over smart and stylish storage solutions.

Living with kids. I love the way they use every corner of our small house for their plays and creating. I love how I love it.

I am trying to find a place in our small house where I can fit a desk for my drawing hobby. I also think a lot about some kind of a portable inspiration board.

There's a lot more design on my mind - but i'll stop. I love this opportunity to talk about interior design.
Luna Levy said…
Look at all the lovely things you've been sharing over here at Haus Maus!
Oh, my husband and I have dreams... of his and her studios and a garden and a house with lots of space and light. So when are we going to win the lottery :)
Anonymous said…
I dream about knitting.
And trying to squeeze every ounce of time to knit.
And cushion covers. Looking for patterns right now. Whether just white with some accenting pattern.
Anonymous said…
I really want to steal your list. It is a great list.

I am in the middle of a move, and a move that brings a little uncertainty to my life.

I love photography and can't seem to bring myself to photograph anything right now. So, that is definitely on my list of things to improve on.

I love to blog and continue to do so because it is a constant in my life that is easy to hold onto. I really wanted to take your class but because of all that is going on that had to wait. I am hoping you do the class again so I can participate.

I want to get a garden started and a garden table for salad greens. If the snow ever melts I can get started.

I am reading more these days and I love it. Currently I'm reading the Tenth Muse, by Judith Jones and she is so inspiring that I can't hardly stand it.

BBQ, walks on the beach, crafting, sewing, exercising more all top the list right now.
My Design Mind?? Storage, storage and storage!! Two months I moved into an apartment in the Mitte (Berlin) and discovered that there is life with no closets. I came up with a myriad of temporary solutions but reached my breaking point yesterday knowing I HAD to get out buy more units!!! Not wanting to go to Ikea, I'm hunting the markets, with fingers crossed that I stumble upon the perfect piece that doesn't break the bank!! Wish me luck!!

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