{today I'm inspired by...}

I've been holding onto these photos for ages and want to put them here so I can refer to them later for inspiration... Prepare to drool. Here, have a tissue for that mess you're about to make. I want to swing open these doors and show you my freakin' a m a z i n g living room. Perhaps I'll go all Amy Adams on you and sing the Happy Working Song in my ballgown, as I really can see myself calling out to the nearby forest for creatures to help me tidy things up in my splendid home. I love a grand entryway, I dream of ones that look like this gorgeous space above... I don't like the table in this entry though, I'd prefer something different and with color (a turquoise chest of drawers, perhaps?) but the overall space is lush. Look at the stained glass! Imagine the door bell ringing and you enter this space to welcome your guests? Gosh, so dreamy - very movie-like. I also reallllly like the idea of writing with markers on glass, this is in a cafe but how nice and clever to put a large mirror in the kitchen to write on this way. I think I will do this at some point. Do you know what kind of marker will not ruin glass? What should I look for that I can wipe off easily? (images from who knows, if you know let me know so we can be in the know, deal?)


wndl said…

dry erase pens work well on mirrors. it's even included in a post on lifehacker about them: www.lifehack.org/articles/productivity/10-things-to-do-with-dry-erase-markers.html
Anonymous said…
I would ask at cafe's.. they often have marker pens to write on glass fronted cake cabinets..these would be perfect for writing on a mirror in a kitchen :)

I know our fave rest. does it - i will ask them next time I am in.
LittleDoodles said…
I think you can use chalk markers for writing on glass...it just reminds me Amelie and the cafe she works in :)
Anonymous said…
hallo, what about a grease pencil? i have written on mirrors with them. my husband is a glassworker, i will ask him, though i imagine it is hard to ruin glass unless you write on some sort of porous, sandblasted or etched areas.
Anonymous said…
I love the chandeliers. But the bareness of the mantel seems a little unsettling to me... I want a big mirror there...
Anonymous said…
I think dry-erase markers (intended for white boards) should work but you may want to do further research. Great idea though. I could leave my husband messages on the bathroom mirror like "Please put your hair gel back in the drawer". :)
Anna @ D16 said…
Funny, these photos look like what the result would be if you redecorated my house! :)
Dry erase markers (the kind you use on white boards) work perfectly on glass.
Leah Williams said…
Yes! Crayola has washable window markers. They come in a pack of 8.

I have used them on my bathroom mirror to write reminders to myself from time to time.

You can find these at target, walmart, michaels, etc.
Anonymous said…
You can use childrens markers on glass, wax pencil, almost anything but be forwarned. This picture doesn't show the "double vision" effect when you write on mirror glass. You will see the writing and the reflection of the writing. It's very disturbing.Try it, you will see and see.
Barbara said…
I'm guessing they are using a grease pencil, nowadays I know you can buy other chinagraph pencils though which might clean off easier. I'd probably call an auto glass place and ask what they use.
Barbara said…
After commenting I did a quick search and someone recommended marker's designed for overhead projector sheets since it cleans off easily with water. Hope that helps
Unknown said…
wow, so beautiful and airy. i think maybe wipe board markers would work but I can't swear to it! thanks for sharing!
Ryan said…
yeah, remember the vis-a-vis markers from overhead projectors in school? the dry erase marker work too but are kind of hard to see.
Macy Dawn said…
aaah! I'm am drooling over these images and am grinning at your prose. I love it all!

I adore everyone of these pics
Every has already given you wonderful (and more appropriate) suggestions, but lipstick also works in a pinch. ;-)
Elizabeth said…
I use Dry Erase markers to leave notes to myself on my bathroom mirror. My nephews also have a ball drawing pictures on the mirror with the same markers. I've never had any problems removing the marker from the mirror. It's really great!
Kristin said…
I use sharpies on glass mirrors and bottles all the time and it just wipes right off. You can even use sharpies on pelxi-glass and take it off with WD40.
Ann Marie said…
Boy, you are right....what an amazing space. I'd love to live in it!
cassandra said…
that entryway is TDF! love it.
Emily said…
At my former design agency we rescued an old shuffleboard off Craigslist. We kept game scores using a grease pencil on the creative director's office window (on an interior wall). You could see his office through the marked up window which was a cool look.

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