{hug a tree}
I'd love to share with you today a photo that I took on Sunday at the nearby wildlife refuge in Concord, Massachusetts. I love trees and between you and me, if no one is looking I like to hug them. I know it's dumb and considered childish but I find joy and a sense of belonging to nature when I hug a tree. I've been doing this since I was a child so the behavior may be odd to some but completely normal to me. As I hug, I look straight up into the branches and sky and feel this sense of oneness for a moment, like we're all on this planet together trying to grow, reach, stay alive, fulfill some purpose. I smell the bark, feel the roughness on my skin, lay my cheek against it and just hug strong and tight. I usually cannot put my arms around their thick trunks, it reminds me a little bit like a child trying to hug its father. I feel small and humble next to such soaring strength. Trees give me peace.
Majestic, powerful, live givers -- trees are extremely beautiful to look upon, smell, and listen to whenever the wind blows. They house so many animals and insects -- there is so much going on in a single tree that we often overlook such details as we pass them by. On Sunday in this gorgeous wildlife refuge I noticed so many out doing their "fitness walks" not even noticing the beauty around them -- instead they were speaking loudly blah blahing over some mundane work issue or gossiping about some friend. It made me sick, you know? Fitness walking in a wildlife refuge? I used to feel sorry for people who cannot unplug long enough to be in the moment with nature, who are obviously quite out of touch, but I stopped feeling sorry for them and instead feel ashamed that they are so disrespectful. I feel ashamed that people, despite all this technology and growth, are becoming more and more aloof to the natural world around them.
When walking through a forest or any space that is primarily occupied by other living creatures be it plants, animals, insects, birds... I think it's important to be respectful and kind and know your place. You are in their territory now. No longer does this space belong to you and your problems and stress and petty gossip sessions as you speed walk with your friends. Just leave those problems at the forests' edge, free your mind, step inside, and be their guest. A guest of nature. Allow yourself some clear space in your mind and heart to feel the calm of the forest. It's actually trying to give you something if you allow it to.
P E A C E.
F R E E D O M.
C L A R I T Y.
There are so many special places to interact with nature and renew your spirit. I'm so happy that I'm in touch with my need for this natural connection, are you in touch with this side of yourself too? You'll feel so much more joy in life and have a greater sense of who you are when you allow yourself some time to explore a local wildlife refuge, national park, garden, etc. Leave your iPod at home because these places have their own very special tunes to play.
Unplug now and then. Hug a tree.
(photograph by holly becker)

My boyfriend is someone who finds it hard to see the small thing. Im starting to turn into my mother by saying things like...'Look at the catkins in that tree' or 'do you smell the lily of the valley?' This world we live in is a beautiful, wonderful, inspiring gift and i for one tresure every second in it.
Thank you for your post...a lovely way to start the day!
Emma x
Are you game?
I was relating a personal frustration I had while visiting a local wildlife refuge last week. I related that people were speed walking and talking very loudly and not caring about the animals that they were disturbing or respecting those around them who were observing the flora and fauna as respectful and considerate guests. It annoyed me that people could enter a wildlife refuge and be so obliviousness to the beauty around them. It still annoys me!