{freebies at kindred}
Have you heard of Kindred yet? It's a special place that my friend Ez and I developed in order to promote the work of artists free of charge - free for them, free for you, free for all! At Kindred you can download many beautiful desktop wallpapers for your computer designed by artists worldwide that we hand selected.

You can also download and print thank you cards and gratitude notes, the gratitude notes feature my photography. I hope that you will tell your friends about Kindred because it's a really positive place to not only discover new artists but to grab lots of freebies so that you enjoy beauty everyday!

Dee :)
Note: begin each word with a capital letter and end with a symbol ^
If a word contains a W, you must end the preceding letter with a ^.
If a word contains a V, do above AND cpitalize the letter following the
ExampleL Amazingly^ Fe^w^ Discotheques^ Pro^vIde^ Jukebokes^
I hope this is helpful. It is a very pretty font, I like to use it myself.
I will check up the kindred site more later :)