{what's your style?}
I found this southern home in New Orleans on the House Beautiful website and fell so deeply in love. Of course it's wayyyy over the top and not at all how I could live but I love the femininity, mix of textures, lush silks, and the gorgeous palette of purple and blue. It's so SOUTHERN, it's like all those plantation homes I remember touring as a kid on school field trips.
I grew up in South Carolina so I spent lots of time studying all that Classic, Georgian, and Greek Revival architecture. Transom windows make me drool. I adore ceiling medallions, crown moldings, ornate fireplace mantels (esp. 19th century french limestone, oh la la) -- architectural details like that take my breath away. Chandeliers, wide original wood floors, tile floors or marble... I love, love, love it all. As southern as I am, living in New England since I was 17-years-old has certainly had an influence on my interiors style. So I'm a southern girl with a bit of a northern twist. Plus I've always lived either directly on the beach with the sand in my backyard, across the street, or within a few miles drive. Mix in with that all my frequent adventures in London and Paris as a single girl (I've been to both destinations 15 times or more) and you can start to understand my style influences and why this particular home in House Beautiful is one I 'feel' in my heart when I look at it.
Funny thing is, that although I connect with this style I couldn't live like this. I'm way too laid back and not as fussy. I love lots of pure white, space around objects, and I don't like my windows dressed quite so heavily. Shades or drapes but not both. This home is the south, meets France, meets London, and then gives a hug and a kiss to New York. The only thing it needs is something to make it feel a bit more coastal and laid back. A little less posh. More clean lines and less ornate curvy pieces. A few more geometric prints, maybe even some ethic style. I guess my ideal style is Sydney meets LA meets Savannah with a touch of Paris, a London kiss, and a wink at Sweden. Maybe even a cocktail with India. Sounds like I need medication, huh? So ethno-euro-coastal. I just laughed as I typed that. Yeah, that sounds more like a Holly home.

Let me ask you, when you look at the homes and apartments that fill magazines and books, do you ask yourself WHY certain images draw you in and try to figure out where your style and likes come from exactly? It's really fun and a good exercise to try this if you haven't before. It's also a really good way to figure out what your personal style is.
For instance, if I were to ask you, "Describe your personal style" can you do it easily or does it take a really long pause and lots of thought? If you have to really think about it this could be a bit of an issue for you. How? Well if you're in a store and you see something you think you love, you may buy it only to go home and realize you don't really like it or that it doesn't work with what you already have. If you know your personal style really, really well you can go into a store and just immediately pick out things you love that you'll bring home and love too. It's really that easy, there is no magic to it. To know thyself. This is how shopping can become a really fun adventure instead of a boring task as well.
So try it, next time you see rooms you love -- ask yourself why, pick the room apart object by object, what is it that you like? Everything, one thing, five things? REALLY think about it. You can even start taking notes and see what recurring words or themes start to surface.
I have a busy, big weekend ahead so I'll let you think this over. If you'd like to comment below with your style - a few sentences or less as it shouldn't be complicated - please do so.
(images from house beautiful)

I also do a lot of seasonal decoratng to bring some freshness into the home and to get a new perspective on things. I love to evolve my style and I am always on the lookout for a new treasure. Have a great weekend!
the complete juxtaposition of collections in the last picture is DEVINE... All further proof that style is not simply a matter of taste, but ultimately it's how a
selection of unique pieces are combined and presented, that defines each person's individual style.
Quirky, cozy, personable, functional:
I love your blog. You have an AMAZING grasp on all things Deco, zu Hause und Design. Bin neidig auf dein zweiteiliges Leben. ;) Bin Lehrerin an einer HS und mache alle 2 Jahre Austausch mit einem kleinen Dorf in der Nähe von K-Town. I get my Germany fix in shorter bursts now. But I will read your blog to stay up on the German style I miss!
As far as my style goes, I know if I like something right away, but I never think about stuff in advance... which may explain why my apartment is a bit chaotic.
I'm drawn to white spaces, minimal clean lines mixed with retro and danish modern pieces, 60s/70s patterns and accessories with minimal colour. Just lots of simple retro/modern contrasting. It all makes me very happy!
My style is south American meets the world, ok the one that needs medications is me!
Toma Haines
"Describe your personal style".
It really helps me to focus.
I never thought about that when shopping. I thought it'd be better to follow my instincts but instincts are guided by my personal style.
So, I think my personal style
is simple (one main colour such as white) with a touch of bright colours here and there. It reminds me why I picked this pair of pumps I have.
I think every time I go shopping I'll think of this as a reference.
Thanks for this food for thought!
I love colors, I am a painter as well and would possibly describe my style as bohemian, I usually mix wildly, old (I do not have the money for antiques...)and new, modern and classic, found and natural, plants and flowers, make do with was is available, find things in strange places...oh well: In the end important is that I love it.
Lifestyle is an aspect too, some of my clients are empty nesters, some have more then one wild child and a dozen pets...
I do not like to create 'movie sets' for homes, it is simply not realistic, so often I walk in and will be confronted with things to work with, sometimes I like them, often I do not. And yet, I'll make it work. I see a wide gap between the fabulous magazine shots out there, which I love and the regular places I see as a decorator every day. Sure, I find my clients here
in a very affluent neighborhood, but I don't see often the desire for truly great design and a departure from safe choices.
It takes a great effort on both sides and trust and courage to get there.
I love your view on all thing you describe, stick to it, it's wonderful!
Viel Glueck!
PS: I am fairly new to the blogging world, please check out my design blog!