{Polizei Mini}

Here's a police car for ya... This was taken in Munich and it's a mini cooper for cops. I can hardly stand the cuteness.

Polizei Mini, originally uploaded by Karsten Schlautmann.

Imagine these in America? No one would take the police seriously. I can imagine these things racing around, too funny.


Anna @ D16 said…
Have you seen all of the things cops ride around on in NYC (mopeds, bicycles, tuk-tuks, golf carts, horses...)?? I think Minis would fit right in here! :)
Vica said…
Ha-ha! Das ist toll! But I would rather see a lady polizei at the wheel :)
Anonymous said…
Oh, this is funny! My cousin was just here visiting from Argentina, and I asked her what she thought of the US (southern California, at least). She said everything appeared enormous! The houses, cars, restaurants, roads, EVERYTHING.

Of course, in Argentina everyone living in the city walks, takes public transportation, or drives a Fiat.
Anonymous said…
That's darling! I love mini's. Wille and I saw some cops in Rome a couple of years back on Seg-ways. That was kind of cute too we thought.
Anonymous said…
here is a smart car police car that we saw in prague.
AnaLorena M said…
That's so cute!!
It must be a new thing, because I lived in Munich and never saw anything like this :)
hmstrjam said…
this is so cool! i love the mini!

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