{what is your favorite candy?}

in the last post, we discussed mean people. today we'll move on to candy. sound good? New Year's Resolution:, originally uploaded by decor8.

my goals this year are endless, i feel like i've set more for myself in 2009 than any other year of my life. it's exciting and a whole lot of scary. i think being hopeful is often pretty fun whether you make all of your goals or not. some get high off of hope (me) and i believe you can because the thought of 'maybe' is a much more resassuring than a big loud NO. one of my goals for the year is to resist temptation. but before i do i'm going to eat the PINK m&ms I found today. just a small bag, i promise. PINK is such a great color for these things, don't you think? i wish they stocked them year round. i want to run out and fill glass bottles with them or pour them into big milk glass candy bowls. i think pink m&m's are my new favorite american candy. i also like junior mints, heath bars, peppermint patties, orbit gum, and swedish fish. i think that's it though, i'm not keen on candy in the states. chocolate tastes like wax to me here now. remember, i was in germany for 5 months where candy is the best i've had EVER. now that i'm back in america, i'm candy addicted because in germany my friends and family gave me candy ALL OF THE TIME. they all had candy bowls filled with amazing sweets. and because lots of it was new to me, i had to sample one of everything offered to me. but of course. my little deer is trying to resist temptation today. i wish her well. i'm going to go now and eat her m&m's. what is your favorite candy? please tell me!


Katie Wilkes said…
I love anything sour! i.e. sour patch kids. but also nutty -- and sometimes chocolately... ok maybe I like a little bit of everything. I'm not a huge fan of m&ms but I do really like the dark chocolate m&ms. the sweet and the bitter chocolate mmmmm
Anonymous said…
I do love See's Candies; they don't seem waxy to me (but I DO know what you mean), maybe it's because I grew up with them. Uh, I'd love to try some German candies! I did grow up with a friend who was from Holland and we ate this: http://ottoman.typepad.com/ottoman/2008/05/the-search-for.html (there is a link for ordering).
Anonymous said…
Usually when I'm craving something sweet, I drink dark chocolate equal exchance cocoa. Just the right amount of sweet and heavy on the cocoa content. Otherwise I like frozen dk. chocolate dove candies or dark chocolate peanut m&m's. Every so often, Marden's carries these GIANT swedish chocolate candy bars with hazelnuts. I can't find them anywhere else so I usually stock up. They didn't have them this year. Whoa is me. So I scour the shelves at Marshall's & TJMAXX for something similar. There is this other imported european chocolate bar that is dark chocolate covering marzipan...but not the sickening sweet marzipan....the kind where it is just ground up almonds with just a tiny bit of sweetness. Those are the best EVER. Whole foods also carries (usually) dark chocolate covered almonds that are rolled in cocoa. YUM. They are in that area where you scoop the stuff and bag it yourself. adore.
btw, Your little deer is so precious!
Anonymous said…
I'm one of the few people who prefer American chocolate. Specifically Hershey's. My favorite candies are: Kit Kats, Reeces PB Cups, White Chocolate and Coconut Raffaelo. In Europe I like Lions, Gummy Bears (I can't remember the brand at the moment), and the chocolate covered "biscuits". I also like most Japanese candy. Oh, and there's this Mexican candy called "gloria" it's caramel or dulce de leche with pecans or walnuts. Those are my new favorite candies! SOOO GOOOD!
Desiree said…
Mmmm I really love Rockets & sour/gummy type candies!

<3 yum yum!

ps. I love the little fawn ^_^ Of course!
Heather said…
My favorite candy is usually a chocolate/carmel combo or a chocolate/mint combo. I love the 3 Muskateers Mint! And for some odd reason I love taffy. Not the fancy taffy but the buy-it-at-a-convience-store kind of taffy that I'm sure rots your teeth and your insides.
Allison said…
Roger's chocolates are my favourite ... that's the name of the whole company, but the ones I mean specifically are the "Victoria creams" wrapped in pink houndstooth pattern wrapper. They are dark chocolate around a sweet, creamy filling that comes in a number of flavours.

We used to always have a box of them at Christmas when I was little, back when they only had one shop in Victoria. Now they're available in a number of other places (though probably not outside of Canada except by mailorder). I still love the peppermint ones the best, but maple, coffee, and raspberry are my other favourites.
Suzanne said…
Hmm, that's tough for me because I LOVE candy! I think my all-time fave are these things called "Fuzzy Peach Slices" - I'm in Canada so I'm not sure if they're available anywhere else, but they are basically a sweet peach gummy with semi-sour sugar coating. Swedish fish and peppermint patties would be tied at my second fave!

A friend of mine once went to Germany and brought me back some gummy bears and gummy cola bottles that were the BEST I've ever had.
Allison said…
Oh, and my favourite "trashy" candy are cinnamon hearts. The really spicy sort.

I think spice-based hard candies appeal in general as they're very refreshing. I once had some clove candies that were delicious, and I have a box of anise-flavoured "mints" at work.
Unknown said…
Chocolate for sure is my favorite. I just received a package of Cha cha's a chocolate bar from Belgium from my friend overseas. As you say, its just not the same here. :)) I also have a huge craving once in awhile for spice drops here, the mint ones.. And now that I am talking about it I want it. LOL.
dgabriel said…
Without question it's Toblerone. But then maybe it's because it's not really American per se. I just know I get the really huge bars of it at target ($5) and I'm set for almost a month.
Hanna said…
I like panda licorice, botan rice candy, swedish fish, ginger people ginger chews, and so much more! it's so hard to choose a favorite...
Laurie G. said…
I love Smarties. The are so very tasty, perfect combo of sweet and sour, pretty & petite, looking so cute in their packaging that's fun to untwist at the ends, I feel happy when I see them and eat them, they settle perfectly onto the tip of my tongue. Sweet tarts are a close second.
Petra said…
usually I do not eat lots of candy...but if then it will be zotter chocolate from austria, they offer really crazy flavours....ohhh and theres something from morocco called "jabane" similar to the turkish and spanish nougat. In Marrakech they offer in the Bazar white nougat, orange flower scented...so sweet and sticky...oh my...this is so great with fresh mint tea....this is soul candy ;-)
Stephanie said…
I love Lindt Chocolate here in Germany. It´s just the best!! Ritter Sport Joghurt Chocolate tastes also really nice. The American "candy" I´m crazy about are cheetos, although I´m not a big chips fan in general. But these I love! And Doritos are also nice. How delightful it is to talk about candy ;-)
Anonymous said…
I'm a chocolate addict all the way. Dark chocolate from Switzerland or Germany. None of that waxy Hershey's business. :)
Anonymous said…
I totally agree about the chocolate, Holli. I have a friend from France and she brought me the most amazing, smoothest, most delicious chocolate I have ever put into my mouth. I really have not eaten bar chocolate made in the states since!

I was truly spoiled.

I have to say my fav candies are Runts or smarties...I am trying to get over my holiday eating habits, so I am on board with you in resisting temptation this year.
Anonymous said…
I'm really a dark chocolate fan; here in Montreal we have awesome little chocolateries, so nothing taste like wax :) Our French heritage I guess.

Weirdly tough, I'm half way into my pregnancy, and my «candy» of the moment is pomegranate seeds. Sweet & sour, juicy and crispy, perfect combo in my opinion :)
Juliette said…
Red Vines baby, all the way!

They're tricky to find on the East Coast in the US, but pretty common on the West Coast. No clue about the middle. I definitely am not seeing them here in Germany =( I think they are a tad waxy, but I don't care, they are way too fun (useful as a straw with all sorts of carbonated drinks) and have too many good memories attached to them for me to stop liking them. Ever.

Poop. Now I'm totally craving some and have none. And no, Twizzlers are not an acceptable substitute.
Anonymous said…
I love candy, especially chocolate. I'm a big fan of the Ritter Cornflake and Coconut chocolate bars. Another favorite, the mini Cadbury Eggs with the hard shell. I get crazy addictive to those. I've always been a fan of the Kit Kat bar, crispy wafer and chocolate, yum! Lindt Balls are great too. I like caramel candies as well, such as Goetz Bullseyes and the 100 Grand Bar. Lastly, every October I look forward to the return of Candy Corn. Sugary Sweet...
Miss Ripley said…
Let's face it, I'm a chocoslut. I love most things chocolate. I've just discovered Green and Black's organic chocolate, which is delicious, but I'll eat other, mundane chocolate as well.

On the candy front, i do have a soft spot for fuzzy peaches, and Swedish berries. On the German candy front, I love the Haribo gummy bears.

I'm trying to resist temptation this year as well. I'm not too optimistic about my chances, but I do feel pretty strongly about cutting back on bad eating. Good luck with your resolutions!
Jessie said…
Twizzlers Pull 'n Peel!
Miss Ripley said…
Let's face it, I'm a chocoslut. While my new chocolate obsession is with Green and Blacks organic chocolate, I'll eat (and enjoy) many of the more mundane brands of chocolate. I am trying to think more about the sourcing of my chocolate though, as I'm hearing more and more about the unsavoury practices of the chocolate industry.

My favorite candies are fuzzy peaches and Swedish berries. On the German candy front, I really like Haribo gummy bears. My German cousin used to bring them for us when he'd come visit.

Hopefully I'll be cutting back on the sweets this year. I'm trying to eat healthier, and only indulge in small quantities, and, in the case of chocolate, when hormonally necessary!

Good luck with your resolution!
My friends husband brought me back some chocolate this fall - OMG! It was delicious. I love chocolate from Spain, too. Even their sugar-free was yummy (husband is diabetic). I'm not sure if I have a "favorite" candy, but I do really like fudge. :) I have an easy recipe and ask myself constantly why I don't make it year round.
Hello Lindello said…
It changes depending on my mood, but lately i've been attacking peanut M&M's like theres no tomorrow. I think its the chocolate crunch combo...Pink starbursts are also a fave.
Callie Grayson said…
really good chocolate! (european is the best!, i do have to agree)

try this... take your peppermint patties and place in the freezer, once frozen enjoy! supper yummt!

Lane said…
I just love a straight up hersery bar. However my german sister (our exchange student from back in the day) just send a Christmas package and it had these hippo candies with choclate goodness...yummm I really want one!!
Terriaw said…
I love MnMs too! I love to mix the plain and peanut mnms in a bowl and snack on them throughout the day. I also love junior mints and bites of a dark chocolate bar. And butterscotch hard candies are tasty too.
Sweetina said…
Heehee...you had to go there!
Fun topic!
I'll divide my into to parts: chocolate and not chocolate and others!
I'm spoilt,because i lived in Bermuda most my life, and we had all the British and a fair bit of European sweets readily available.
I still love buying hard candies in the apothecary style fashion..it's such a treat!

My favorite 'not-sharing-this-bag with-anyone' chocolate is:
Cadbury mini eggs. The milk chocolate with the hard candy shell.They are in the stores here in the U.S. closer to Easter.
But my opinion is Swiss Chocolate is in a class all it's own.
It's almost an entirely different taste... Heaven!

Non-choc favs are:
the British hard candies that I emjoyed as a child. ( available at World Market.)
They are Pear cadies that are yellow and red,"Cough" candy,Humbugs and Fox's Glacier Mints.
And Polos... and Maynard's Wine Gums...

My American top 3 are:
-Sugar Daddy
-Salt Water Taffy
-Cinnamon Reeds

Last but not least...Bermuda Glass Candy which is a homemade treat sold at school fairs etc...made with corn syrup,vinegar,butter and i forget wht else...but it's amazing!

Sorry i took up so much room Holly...heehee
i guess that's why i am called Sweetina!
haus maus said…
I just read the "bulleyes" comment and laughed, add those to my list because they ARE my favorite candy ever and I didn't even mention them. I also love Charleston Chews and growing up I was a Sugar Daddy QUEEN. I loved those things. Not anymore now, they stick to my teeth and I hate that. But as a kid it was fun to eat gooey stuff.
Lorie said…
Anything dark chocolate with almonds.
Taylor said…
For tart I like American Smarties. For something sweet give me Reese's Pieces, please!
JTay said…
Oh how I love sour soothers!! Or some people call them sour "keys"... I'm not sure if you have them in the States.
(Isn't that funny that there are so many differences in candy availability between the U.S. and Canada?)

Now seriously... I'm ready to go out in that blustery snow to buy me some sour soothers...
Anonymous said…
Oh yeah! Comments are working again! I love love Raisinets.... with Popcorn. Of course that only works in a movie theather. Gotta love all the "Kinder" (Ueberraschung, Schokobons, Bueno etc.).
Barbara said…
Mmmmmmm Toblerone... I love the little bitty toffee bits... I liked it better though before it was part of Kraft... There seems like there is less toffee bits that I remember.

Daim comes in a close second, only because I don't have a local dealer for my fix. ;) Otherwise it'd be first.
brandeye said…
i love snickers, and hershey kisses. pretty much anything with chocolate.
Anonymous said…
Dove dark chocolates and swedish fish! not together, mind you.
I grab the organic dark chocolate bars at whole foods that have coffee nibs in them. I little square goes a long way. I'm also trying to perfect candying orange peel. I recently bought a dehydrator for this (yes I am a domestic dork).
bettyninja said…
This photo is SO fun and fiesty! I need to stay away from anything sugary and fruity myself
I've tried dozens of pricey organic and specialty dark chocolate bars, and I have to say, good ol' inexpensive Hershey's Special Dark is all I want! I live on that stuff! But for some strange reason I don't like the normal size bar, it has to be the 4 ounce bar (thicker pieces, I guess.)

I love your pic of the pink Ms & the deer, it's a very nice composition. Plus I just adore pink!
Anonymous said…
Smarties- the taste and the colours!
Anonymous said…
In Canada...

Jelly Tots
Licorice Babies
Spearmint Leaves
Chinese White Rabbit Candy
Big Turk chocolate bars
Crunchie chocolate bars
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
Twix bars
Skor Bars
Terry's Chocolate Orange
Quality Street mix
Macintosh Toffee
Kraft caramels
Tootsie Pops
Gummy Berries
Cinnamon Hearts
Maynards Wine Gums
Jelly Belly Jelly Beans

Clearly, I have a problem.
ereagh said…
Well, as a fellow expat living in Germany (Munich) my candy preferences have become quite local. Perhaps it's boring but I'm a huge Ritter Sport fan. My alltime favorite is Ganz Mandel (it reminds me of the 'Worlds Finest' that we sold in elementary school candy drives.) Rapidly moving up the list is the relatively new 40% milk chocolate bar (in the chartreuse package) The perfect not to milky milk chocolate.
Anonymous said…
Well, where shall I start.... I am with you on American chocolate - i don't like it and was always happy living abroad that they sell Lindt wherever you go (preferably 70% cocoa or white)
I am always fallig for liquorice and "After Eight" - for decades now! There is nothing more perfect than ice cold "After Eight"s but only the thin ones not the modern thick ones or sticks. Sigh....
Anonymous said…
It is funny, because I just posted about pink m&m's on my blog! I knew I liked you!
Anonymous said…
If you like Haribo-Gummibären you should try katjes Euro-Münzen - they are by far my favourites. Is two or three packages per week already an addiction?
They are not as soft as gummy bears but taste a little more fruity and sour (very little).
and they remind me of summer days at the swimming pool when i was a child....

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