{new mini painting}

I spent some creative time this weekend in addition to our 5 million things we had planned. I cannot believe that this weekend I met up with Anne, had Allie over, went to dinner with my mother in law, had Esra over and then went to lunch with her and my cousins, and I did some painting, thorough cleaned my apartment, grocery shopped, did laundry, AND worked on some misc. work-related projects. I had an extremely productive weekend to say the least. I love weekends like that!
new mini painting, originally uploaded by decor8.

So this little painting is like 4 " x 2.5" and is titled, "Skirting the Issue". I created 4 paintings but this is my favorite one so I thought I'd share it. The others are over on my flickr so you can click on the link below the photo to find them.

By the way, I went back to that junk shop and couldn't find the little painting I wrote about last week. :(


Amanda said…
Lovely, Holly! I just had a look at your other artworks on flickr. I love your use of colour/color. What beautiful little creations, I'm sure your loved ones will truly appreciate such a thoughtful little gift.

Merry Christmas!
Amanda xx
these are all lovely Holly. and the colour mixing looks fine.
what a productive weekend indeed.
sorry about the wee painting. another one will be found.
good luck with all your finishing up and getting ready to head back stateside. to freezing cold weather i hear too? it made the news here in Australia last night. :)
Swestie said…
Ich liebe Haus Maus! Wirklich bin ich eifersuftig. Ich bin Amerikanerin, aber einmal habe ich in Freiburg gewohnt! Whew!

That's enough German. Anyway, I so desire to be living the deutsche Liebe mit Gluehwein, heisse Marioni, und weisse Wohnheimen!

Viel Spass dabei, and if you ever get the chance to visit Freiburg (I highly recommend it, and it is very close to Basel & Colmar), schick mir an e-mail and I'll tell you a few great places to eat!!

If you don't mind, I'm going to feature your blog of Haus Maus as my blog of the week this week!

Thanks for all of the hard work and inspiration! Your photos are beautiful!
Unknown said…
I love the painting and the wonderful title!! More more:)

Its rare when I have a weekend like that, but when I do
I always ask myself, why can't I seem to get stuff done like that all the time. It seems like time will slow down just enough once in awhile to let us fit that long list in, and other times, there is no time.
liza said…
It's a lovely painting! And I'm sorry about the little landscape. But do not be so hard on yourself about not creating something from it - you are creating every day... maybe not painting or sewing every day, but writing and inspiring with beautiful posts (which is not easy) plus everything else you do.
Im so very impressed that you managed to fit THAT much into your weekend! I do love a good productive weekend!

And your painting - Just gorgeous!!
Anonymous said…
whoa HOLLYYYYY!!! These paintings are precious and amazing....
Holly...I LOVE this. It's so sweet! ~Suzanne

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