{back in new hampshire}

i'm back in new hampshire, friends! i'm happy to report that our flight to zurich was perfect and our flight from zurich to boston was great, comfortable, and i had terrific passengers nearby so that was especially nice. i watched ice age: meltdown and the new Mummy movie and also watched this great documentary about Swiss designer Yves Behar who lives in San Francisco and did this gorgeous art/lighting installation at a CA airport. I really loved learning about his work in depth, it was great, I am very much a fan of his work so hearing him talk and explain his inspiration and how he works was extremely inspiring.
+ 2 more bins (not shown), originally uploaded by decor8.

i made sure not to sleep and the moment we arrived in boston we were surprised by our good friends who brought us flowers and an entire bag filled with organic, delicious gourmet style foods from Whole Foods (my favorite grocery store here) and German wine. Tammy and Danny are such good people. We live an hour north of the airport so when we got home we realized we had been awake for 24 hours straight, but we decided to stay up and sort through all of our mail (some of it shown here, add a few more bins to this image!), unpack, etc. Then we awoke this morning around 10am, no jet lag at all, and went to run errands, unpacked, mailed our gifts to friends, called our family in Boston, Rhode Island, and Florida, and then ran to Target for some DVDs and some basic stuff like laundry soap, etc. since we are getting a snowstorm now and may be snowed in this weekend. BUT I may brave the storm and go to the movies tonight to see Twilight. I'm dying to see it. And another nice treat today, we went to Starbucks to see our 3 favorite baristas in the whole wide world and they were all working the same shift so we saw them all at once. It was so nice. I love those girls. They were so excited to see us too. It felt really nice to be welcomed home. Oh and knock knock! Our neighbors just knocked on our door as I'm typing this with a homemade casserole to welcome us home. How nice! So we're back in New Hampshire and though haus maus will have a different focus until we're in Germany in May, I hope you'll continue reading and I'll talk about our life here and share photos, etc. when I can. xo, Holly


Anonymous said…
Welcome home! Glad you made it back safely.
bethy said…
your mail matches your decor :) gotta love that!
liza said…
Welcome home! I heard there was a storm coming that way from my sister in Boston. I hope it's a cozy and peaceful weekend for you.
Petra said…
It´s nice to hear that everything is allright and you two arrived save back home ;-)
....unwrap all your mail must be like Christmas, birthday and all this together....;-)
mandalei said…
I am so glad you made it home, and had such a lovely reception! I am still waiting for my fella to make it in (he flew in to Newark last night only to have his other flight canceled and the next available was Sunday. Morning.) He should be coming via rental car sometime today. I am inspired to make something nice for him upon his return after reading your post!
Heidi Jo said…
How sweet! Sounds like the best international flight experience you could have. Welcome back to home sweet home. : )
Alicia said…
What on earth are all those packages? I've never seen anyone get so many in such a time span! lol
Sweetina said…
So glad you had a warm happy Welcome Home! Looks like you two Mausers were missed around there!
I'm so pleased that you'll write about the goings on in your NH home and life while your here.
Enjoy the snowy Winter weekend and Twilight~
Desiree said…
Glad to hear that you're happy & home ^_^
a little sewing said…
Would you write post some day about what it's like to live in an apartment (esp. in Europe where it is so much more common) vs. living in a single family home. We have also taken a 2nd home in another city and it is a small apt in an old building. I am still adjusting to feeling "sandwiched" between my neighbors. Sometimes i like it (I feel safe there) but somtimes I hate it (they can be a little nosy!!! But mostly just nice elderly folks)
Welcome back to USA!
Ahh...it all sounds like such a lovely return home! I am so glad you got home safely and had such a warm reception! Have a very merry Christmas my dear and a happy, happy new year!
Steph T said…
So glad your back, Holly. I look forward to all the posts.
Anonymous said…
wow Holly, are all those your etsy purchases? I get all excited about the idea of unwrapping all of those!
I looooove that yellow & white/cream pillow on your couch!! Where did you find it? Would you mind stopping by and letting me know in case I can't find your answer in the array of comments on this post? :)

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