{happy dance!}

i'm soooo happy. see this pastel green lamp? it's mine! allllll mine! i cannot believe it. it's from the 1950's and will be perfect in my living room. when it arrives i will photograph it in my apartment for you to see. i really am dancing on my sofa right now as i type this. i cannot believe i won it, i was up against 19 aggressive bidders. i've been looking for a lamp like this for 8 weeks on eBay and in local shops and could never find one so the moment this listed last week i was ALL OVER IT, doing a virtual drive by each day to see if anyone was bidding... i am still in shock that i won it. i also won this Max Bill Bauhaus Design clock/timer for my kitchen in white. it's vintage and very charming and i need a clock soooo badly in there so it's perfect. today is a REALLY good day. What did YOU do today? I spent time with friends, took a long walk in the forest, made a yummy fish dinner, went out for hot chocolate at bagel brothers with my husband, and now i'm going to do something crafty... i hope you have a nice Sunday too! oh guess what? there is a new little design store that is having a grand opening tomorrow one block away from my apartment. we don't have design stores in this particular square, just a bakery, bar, kindergarten, hair salon, and a driving school so to have a new design shop is REALLY exciting. it's mostly for kids but i peeked in the window tonight and saw some really sweet things for big kids like me, too. yay to new design shops! :) xo, holly {update: We just called the man who has the lamp and he is going to deliver it to our house on Saturday so in 6 days. Can't wait.}


Anonymous said…
congratulations! Love the color.
Callie Grayson said…
yeah! congrats on your lamp!
and the Max Bill Bauhaus Design clock is fabulous.
Your sunday sounds wonderful. I have been enjoying the autumn weather before it gets to cold with my dog outside with the kids on my block, now for a cup of tea! and a biscuit.... really 3.
Unknown said…
Congrats!! I love that lamp! And a new design store - how wonderful!

I spent a great Saturday enjoying the one sunny day we've had here in several weeks. We got some great yard sale finds, scoped out a local gift store I hope to sell my photographs at, and then came home to do some projects around the house. It was so relaxing and productive.
Anonymous said…
I want to see your lamp in your living-room. I'm not used with old things and it's difficult for me to imagine how this lamp will be in your living-room. But I want to see photos because I'm sure I will be shocked. It's time for me to learn a bit about imagining how "old" (better antique) things can live with the new ones. You know what? I'm impatient for seeing how it looks :D
haus maus said…
marichucky - he he you are cute. The man that I won the lamp from lives near me so I may meet him this week to get the lamp so when I do I will post it here on haus maus so you can see it in my apartment.
Sarah J. said…
Congrats on your wins!
And that clock/timer is so cute!
Anonymous said…

Love that light; great win :) Oh, and the self portraits, so darling; when I do that, it never looks cute like yours do---how fun of you. Your home is so warm and inviting and the artwork looks just perfect.

thanks for sharing,

Stratos Bacalis said…
Love the lamp! So great that you won it!!! And the clock rocks too!

I had a lovely day, going to three architecture exhibitions - will make a post later tonight about them - and then for coffee at the telecommunications tower cafe down town with lovely views of the city.
Roxanne said…
Cute light! the color is perfect for your space! Can't wait for pics. We walked to the movie theatre today to enjoy the weather. Have a happy Montag!
Peggy said…
Holly, I am just catching up with your new blog. How exciting for you, I am so envious!

Your little German home is absolutely adorable. Really shaping up. This lamp will look fantastic in your living room. As will the clock in your kitchen.

I love your cupboards in the dining room and kitchen!
Epp said…
Cool finds, again! eBay really is an inexhaustible source of cool stuff.
Me? :D Just arrived from Paris. My head is full of fashion and fresh ideas for my creations. I will try to sort things out today and "digest" what I've seen during the last couple of days.
Living in Germany is so much fun also because you can easily make those long weekend trips to other hip places in Europe, isn't it?
Greetings from Frankfurt/Main again!
Many congrats on your wonderful finds! I love that feeling when you win something on ebay or at an auction that you just MUST have.

Very much looking forward to seeing them in your apartment. I'm just thrilled watching your home take shape and how every little item you put in it just seems as if it were meant to be in that exact spot with those exact things around it... really fantastic, you have a wonderful eye.
Anonymous said…
Hey Holly,
congratulations for your nice lamp and your Max Bill clock! Both are great.

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