{bad, bad blogger}

i am so very sorry for being neglectful here on haus maus. truth is i have been so busy with friends and family, travel, and of course work that i haven't had a lot of time to blog - especially since i'm trying to enjoy the last few days of summer weather i can before the cold weather moves in. i've been thinking about you all so often and wonder how you are and whether or not you've grown completely bored with haus maus and have roamed away to explore other blogs instead. but if you're reading, please do not lose faith in this little maus -- i'm here! i'm here! and i promise to be a better blogger going forward.
(new print from amsterdam)
so let's talk about the latest in my apartment. first i have good news! my bed from octopus arrived after waiting for nearly 4 months. and when it arrived, the frame was broken. yes, really. i can't begin to explain how pissed i was. but my husband is handy so he rebuilt the frame with lumber and screws and it is now perfect. we complained to octopus and they agreed to refund us the 60- Euro shipping fee but that hasn't happened yet and it's been two weeks. i'm still waiting for my dining room table to arrive from them, it was supposed to be here last week but octopus never called to confirm the ship date yet. should be this week i think. i'm so eager for my table to arrive because i've been blogging from my bed since i arrived here in germany 6 weeks ago so it's time to actually have a table, ya know!? all i can say to everyone who is even considering placing an order with octopus in hamburg - DO NOT. they are honestly the worst company i've ever dealt with in my entire life. i'm removing their link from my shopping links in the right column here on haus maus because i don't want any of you to go through the rotten experience i've had with them over the past 4 months.
(more goodies from amsterdam.)
as you may know, i spent last weekend in amsterdam for 4 days. it was nice but i was happy to get back to hannover because the weather is so much better here. it's already quite cold and gray in am'dam and here in hannover it's very sunny and wonderful. i was surprised when i was in am'dam to see how much i missed hannover and my apartment here. i was homesick! funny i think. i kept comparing dutch life to german life. it's funny how you can be in a country for only a short period of time and you start to call it home and adjust so quickly. truth is, i LOVE it here in hannover. i mean, i really LOVE it. i have had no 'hard' days since i arrived, i miss nothing about american life except my friends back home and my family (esp. my mommy) and i really miss certain foods but if i only pull my kitchen together i can create my favorite foods myself so it's okay.
(my new little myrtle tree.)
so what's new with my little apartment? here are some things i've picked up since i've talked to you last: 1. my bed is here! yay! and it looks GREAT 2. i have new bedding 3. my bedroom curtains are up but still need a hem sewn in 4. i found a great 1950s mirror for my bedroom that i've installed, i am now looking for a desk or dresser to place beneath it. 5. i have a pendant light in my bedroom, we found it at ligne roset. it's gorgeous and white, it's called Bloom. 6. we found two night tables today in the city at this second hand shop, they are mid century and very cute. $20- Euro for both! we'll pick them up this week. 7. my kitchen is still a mess and has nothing but a sink, dryer, fridge, and oven. sad. 8. my bathroom has a washing machine now. we plan to stack the dryer from the kitchen on top of it since the 'stacker' thing arrived yesterday by mail. 9. i have a new end table for my sofa. 10. i hung the pendant lights in both the hallway and kitchen 11. i hung 3 different pendants in my living room and i'm still not happy so i'm trying to find a new pendant for the living room all over again. 12. my cabinet arrived for the living room, glass doors, white, perfect for storing fabric, china, etc. 13. i bought a little myrtle tree for my window that i love so much. 14. i found a great ethnic floor pillow that i must show you... 15. purchased more home design books and magazines. my weakness. 16. picked up a great 50's light today at the flea market for 20- Euros. not sure where it will end up, but it's very cute. 17. purchased a great celery green bench for my living room to put with the new dining room table but now i'm not sure i like it in the space so it may end up in the hallway... that's all i can think of! now i need: 1. to finish my kitchen, buy shelfing, sink, dishwasher, cute rug, pots and pans, etc. 2. buy dinnerware 3. purchase a little desk or dresser for my bedroom 4. purchase a sofa table 5. buy frames so i can start hanging my prints 6. find curtains for living room and kitchen (or roman blinds) 7. find a pendant light for the living room 8. buy a small kitchen table and two small chairs 9. buy dining room chairs 10. waiting for dining room table to arrive... 11. waiting for hallway furniture and mirror to arrive from car moebel... 12. buy a few shelves from ikea for the hallway for displaying art... 13. sewing machine
(fabric for future projects from the amsterdam fabric market.)
(four new white plastic placemats for the table that never seems to arrive.)
(new paumes books from yvestown. that is my new floor cushion that i told you about beneath the books.)
(a box for my pencils and pens.)
(loot from amsterdam, this is from a shop called hema that is also in germany.)
(more fun loot from hema.)
so i have a long way to go but i expect to be finished with all i've listed above by the end of september. this is my goal at least. i'll show you some photos this week, it's too dark now to photograph my house. lots of love... holly


Anonymous said…
Hooray! You're back! haus maus is my favorite blog, and I've been missing it!
Anonymous said…
Are you sure that you won't stay in Europe longer? ;)
kelly said…
Glad to see you back in BlogLand here. So sorry to hear that your bed was broken -- thank goodness for handy partners!

Meanwhile, I can't believe you've been there for six weeks already -- time flies! Glad the transition has been so smooth for you. I really enjoy this little window to your world. Thank you for sharing.
Anonymous said…
I still faithfully check everyday. I'm glad to hear that everything has been well and that your bed has finally arrived!
New bedding is such a joy! I can't wait to see the new set up.

I'm totally jealous of all your European magazines. I've been scrutinizing the covers of each one you share!
Juliette said…
hee- you said 'sofa table'! you must be doing that translate-from-German thing from Couchtisch. =) I thought, doesn't she mean 'coffee table'? Or am I way off and some people say sofa table? I can't think in English anymore!

Sounds like you're moving along, which is a good thing. Glad to hear you're doing the dryer thing. We finally scraped together enough to buy one ourselves and it's coming in 2 weeks - SO EXCITED! Drying in our living room in the winter just doesn't cut it.

Looking forward to the pix, and must say I love the new print from Amsterdam - reminds me of the British childrens books I had growing up. (vintage Rupert Bear anybody?)
haus maus said…
Hi Juliette et al,

It's SOOOO good to be back again to blogging on haus maus. I felt guilty for not keeping up with it.

Yes sofa table, I couldn't think of the English word to save my life. Yes, coffee table... ha! Yes I am definitely thinking in German now.

I'll post some 'in progress' photos this week -- most likely tomorrow. See you all soon!!!

haus maus said…
Hi Juliette et al,

It's SOOOO good to be back again to blogging on haus maus. I felt guilty for not keeping up with it.

Yes sofa table, I couldn't think of the English word to save my life. Yes, coffee table... ha! Yes I am definitely thinking in German now.

I'll post some 'in progress' photos this week -- most likely tomorrow. See you all soon!!!

Anonymous said…
I love to read Haus Maus, Holly! I'm looking into getting my first apartment in a new building and starting totally fresh with the decorating, so I love seeing your great ideas for making a new place beautiful and homey. It's very inspiring! and I think we all understand when you're busy for a while :)
Jessica said…
What great progress Holly! And although we do miss you, we would never stop checking in to visit you...
shanon said…
Yay Holly!
I'm looking forward to the "progress photos"... I can't wait to see them. It was nice to see all your lists today, I'm a mad list maker as well. ; )
I think it is very cool, and appropriate, that you've been so busy immersing yourself in your new life, but selfishly I do miss your blog posts!
Chitra said…
Hello holly,
Nice to see your post on haus maus. Good luck for the rest of the to do list and waiting to see few pics.
Chitra said…
Hello holly,
Nice to see your post on haus maus. Good luck for the rest of the to do list and waiting to see few pics.
Concha said…
Hi Holly, welcome back! :)
It's so much fun to read about your life in Europe!
I love Hema as well.
Can't wait to see pictures of everything you've written about!
jen said…
I kept checking in to see if you were back blogging and was so glad to see you finally were!

Can't wait to see all the pics of the new goodies.
a little sewing said…
I am patient, I can wait for posts! I also enjoy reading about your fun apartment and German living. I shall do it, too, some day. (My mom is German and I love all things German).
Unknown said…
Ugh, what an Octopus nightmare!! To screw up EVERYTHING like that and then not even be timely with your refund - inexcusable.

I love how colorful all the little goodies you pictured are - so cheery!

I've also been longing to send you a photograph as a housewarming gift since your blog is such a joy to read and an inspiration in my own house projects. If you're interested do contact me! dsbrennanphoto at gmail dot com
I love all your goodies! What lovely fabric especially! Too bad about your bed being broken...such a letdown...hopefully things go better with your table!
Bonnie said…
Yay! You're back. I've been missing my daily hausmaus fix. Can't wait to see the bed (finally!)
Renate said…
guess you were in A'dam the wrong weekend - the weather was wonderful this week!
Love all the stuff you've bought (Hema is such a great store!), especially the print.
But I have to ask: where did you get the righthand plate in the first pic? I adore it! Please tell me it's from a store that delivers to Europe...
Anonymous said…
Oh... you're not a bad blogger! Just a very ambitious one with two beautiful and flourishing blogs! I love to read about your updates here, though I have to say I also enjoy your personal touches on Decor8 too!
Lovely post, so glad to have you back... I hang on every word, literally.... I'm always dreaming of my future life as an expat so enjoying living vicariously through your adventure. hugs!
Runnergirl said…
Hi Holly,

Bobble (from Vox) gave me your link because there is a very very slim possibility that we are going to investigate moving to just outside Boston, and I was wondering if you could share any thoughts about living in surburban New England? I've always wanted to live in America, but hubby tells me it's nothing like what I see in films and tv programmes, so I was wondering if you could give me a more realistic picture.
You can find me on Vox http://runnergirl.vox.com/
Runnergirl said…
Hi Holly,

Bobble over at Vox gave me your link because she said that you are a New England native. There is a very very slim chance of a job opening for my husband outside Boston, and I was wondering if you could share any experiences of living in suburban New England. Hubby tells me it's not all like I see in the films and on tv. so a more realistic perspective would be welcomed.
You can find me on Vox at: http://runnergirl.vox.com/
Thank you!
Ellen said…
Oh, I love that darling plate in the first pic!

thanks for sharing -- I keep popping in, looking for updates.

I'm dying to do something similar -- temporary re-location wise. I'm hoping to figure out how to make it feasible one day!
You know, your taste is so very lovely Holly that I just love reading what you have picked out and seeing it all come together. How nice that when you were away you missed your new "home"....(I love that you said you miss your "mommy" -in America-and I sure hope my girls feel that way about me when they are older)
No worries...I will always check in to see your sweet, lovely home as it grows. I only wish I could visit and see it in person. It looks so warm, cosy and perfect.
Dovely said…
what are those books in the first pic?
Constanze said…
Some things never change, or at least Octopus doesn't... My mom once ordered a table for the garden there, around 1990 I think, and we waited several months. I just wonder how they still find customers. I really hope your dinner table arrives soon.
C-Rett said…
Hi holly... this is really a late comment :) but i was meaning to ask you about the marie claire magazine under your floral box for pencils and pens.. is it the normal fashion magazine or is it about ID? because the cover is so nice... i'm even thinking of buying it from you... i know i cant find that from where i come from.
Anonymous said…
Hi Holly,
Where can I get that pink creature in the first picture on top of those books? He is a favorite cartoon character of mine and I can't remember his name! :)
haus maus said…
Hi Sara! It's Barbapapa - a French cartoon character. I picked up the figure here in Europe but I'm sure you can google it and find them online. :)

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