{wallpaper finally ordered}
go ahead and say it. it is about darn time. i totally dragged my feet on this order. but i did it. i ordered 3 double rolls of cole & son's cow parsley in yellow (well, it's really a goldenrod color, not lemon-y yellow as this picture shows). when i first tried to order it, it was $189 per roll and $49 shipping from england. sheesh. i love it but i'm not going to throw down that much cash on walls in an apartment that i doubt i'll live in for more than 3 years. it's not like we are keeping this place forever. good news is that i don't settle when it comes to price. i always find a deal. always. an online store based in america sold it to me today for $105 per roll and since they have 10 rolls in stock in new york, the shipping is from nyc vs. london so i paid $12 ups vs. $49. i saved $289 today! amazing. if anyone wants the hook up, email me offline (decor8blog at yahoo.com) and i'll send over the company name, my contact, and the website. i'm sure they'd extend the discount as this is standard procedure for his company. i got his name via a decor8 reader.
okay so about this apartment... i see us buying a townhouse or a 4 bedroom apartment in hannover in the next 5 years with a shop or studio space attached for my big business plans. but my husband tells me that a mistake i commonly make is that i live for the future when it comes to decorating my home. he said i frequently deny myself certain things that i really want because i say, "i will have it in the future when i own a home, and that for now i will take second best". he wants me to get over this. now. i have to agree. i'm 35 years old. it's time to buy wallpaper and invest in a rental that i won't have in a few years because the point is that i will love it while i have it. i'm alive today. i don't know where i'll be financially, physically, etc. in the years ahead. i deserve to awake each morning to rooms that are exactly how i want them to look. it's not materialistic or selfish of me. it's not like i haven't saved to furnish this apartment. i have been saving each week of my life for this 2nd home in europe for two solid years but planning the entire thing since '01.
so the wallpaper is ordered. i ordered a bed frame that may or may not arrive by the time i'm there. and i ordered a shower curtain. i guess this is progress? no, not really. this is beginning to scare me. i hop off the plane in germany in 5 weeks. i better get my rear in gear.
i've decided that if i do not like cow parsley in the kitchen, that because i ordered plenty of extra, i can always paper the bedroom or hallway with it so it will be on display somewhere in the apartment. but i predict the kitchen will look stunning in cow parsley. especially since it's goldenrod and the floor is grayish ceramic tile. now i'm motivated. i think i'll go order some furniture.
Here are all the details.