wardrobe {kleiderschrank} help

as a room in the home the bedroom rocks -- what a great space. it's the first room most ever had all to themselves growing up which is why i think in general it feels the safest and most comfortable. i can't wait to decorate our new bedroom. it's a simple square with no fancy details. a pretty generic apartment bedroom. but it has no closet. i'm looking to purchase a wood kleiderschrank (wardrobe, closet) with 2-3 doors so that i can share it with my husband. in germany, it is common for rooms to not have closets. this is a hard concept for most americans to grasp i think. in our new apartment, there is not one closet in the entire house! not even a linen closet or pantry. so i'm a little concerned because i've never lived without built-in closets so finding furniture that does double duty will now become an important point to consider when shopping. even though part of me will miss the american style closets, another part is pleased because i don't like where my currents closets are positioned in my new hampshire home but they are built-in so i cannot exactly move them to another wall. the advantage i see with the german way is that now i can move my closets whenever i want. i plan to go with mostly white as a base for all of the furniture in the home with a few unexpected surprises. i planned to purchase a wall system from ikea but i'm starting to see these wooden wardrobes in this swedish style that i really love. oh and the french ones are wonderful too. so my eyes are roaming. i've always wanted a wardrobe like this (above) but in america there is really no need for one unless you have more clothes than your closet can hold. i want to wallpaper the interior. thing is, this particular one is nearly 2,000- Euro which is around $3,000- USD with tax and shipping, so i'm not too keen on the price. (the dollar against the euro is so depressing.) does anyone know of where to find something like this for half of the price or even less, in solid wood? i can even paint an unfinished piece. ideas? i would prefer new vs. used since lots of the used ones i've looked at in antiques stores have warped doors (something i cannot fix) or an old, musty smell that is pretty hard to get rid of and with my allergies, i have to be careful. if i could find a vintage piece that was well cared for, i would love it. help! :) (image from exedra)


sarah b. said…
The Netherlands isn't big on built in closets either. The apartment we're moving into later this summer has one though! A storage closet near the kitchen that is a concrete wasteland with nothing at all in it to help you store things. haha
Anonymous said…
Welcome to Germany! :-)

The closet-thing is something I always adore in American houses. No wasted space for wardrobes which often look very annoying. Especially when your apartment isn't very spacious living without a closet isn't so easy.
My closet is a very old Art Noveau-Thing, I've inherited from my parents.
Maybe you want to look at www.impressionen.de, http://www.octopus-versand.de/ or
http://www.car-moebel.de. Apart from good old Ikea, these are some very common online-shops.
Anonymous said…
Although I can't comment on where to find a decently priced stand-alone wardrobe, I must say that your idea to paper the inside made me smile. What a wonderful vision!
Anna @ D16 said…
Could you paint this one, and maybe switch out the hardware? It's solid wood, and it looks like it has very similar proportions to the one you posted the photo of.
Anonymous said…
I would love a built-in closet, but then again, if you change the style of your room, the closet doors may no longer go with the colors you prefer. (Unless they're plain white, of course) I bought my kleiderschrank from IKEA, it's solid wood, a nice dark color, AND it has a wallpaper-like design on the inside. Cost about 179 Euros.

Car Moebel is great too, but too expensive for me.
Anonymous said…
You can try the "Daenisches Bettenlager". http://www.daenischesbettenlager.de

In the check the "Schlafzimmer" section for the following "Kleiderschraenke" - "Stockholm" the 3 door is 750 Euros and the 3 door "New Oak" is 400 bucks. You can certainly paint those and according to their site, they are both solid wood. All you'd really need is to add an angled molding, and perhaps add new hardware. In my Opinion he "new oak" could look almost like the one in your picture.
Anonymous said…
This post is funny, and it teaches me again that there are always more aspects in life than one thinks. I personally find built in closets annoying, because I'd rather like to choose how to arrange the room myself. Also, having the built in thing means that the walls are thicker than needed, taking space from the room, which I find totally irritating.

Love your style :)
and http://www.rivieramaison.com/shop/default.asp?s=16E757B6814A4779BE205DF71C2D74A5&lang=nl

I think you may like their products :)

Anonymous said…
HEy! iIn the UK space is obviously a premium, where as America is a big place right, so they can have huge houses and huge walk in closets etc because the price per sq foot is tiny compared with the UK and I am assuming germany too. They seem to have closets bigger than most third bedrooms over here!

I suggest looking at some european designers - who must have something to suit you?

I always fancied a bank of ikea Aneboda wardrobes, with the panels ripped out, vintage fabric put in with a wire mesh in front, for an Armoire effect OH in fact check ebay for ARMOIRE there will be loads of lovely big storage there. My Granny used to line her wardrobes too, and if you ahve issue with mustiness, banish it with lavender hanging from the clothes rail in bunches. You can also buy scented drawer liners.... GOOD LUCK!
Anonymous said…
How about two of these side by side:
or customising (remove some shelves/add doors) something like this:

O + margin
snickerdoodle said…
I had the best antique armoire in the room I rented once in a character home during my university days. The landlord couldn't have cared less about the stuff in the house he was charging us waaay to much money to rent. I still regret not buying that off him...it had some mirrors on the front and a cool brown floral paper inside. Boo hoo! Love the roomy white one you picked too! www.snickerdoodles.typepad.com
kat said…
Hi Holly,
Have you thought about getting something made? Perhaps give a craftsperson the image of what you like, plus your own measurements/modifications and they can make it up for you? Usually using cheaper materials/wood makes it affordable (if you paint it it makes no difference). Perhaps your family/friends in Germany can help you with contacts of craftspeople.
Good Luck!
A Puppet Opera said…
Hi Holly,

I'm loving your blog; I'm a long-time lurker, first-time poster.

I'm an American living in London, and I have to say that the lack of closets and need for freestanding wardrobes is definitely hard to get used to. You will be amazed at how quickly a wardrobe fills up with your clothes and shoes in a way that an American-style closet never seems to. Each season I have to do some serious editing to my wardrobe just to fit it all in! We have a freestanding wardrobe in each bedroom, lots and lots of bookshelves elsewhere, coat racks, shoe bins, and have had to make a use of wire racks and overhead storage in the kitchen. And STILL it seems like we don't have room for everything! We keep our linens in a storage box under the bed, which is not the best place for them. I get all misty-eyed when I think about the closets at my parents' home in Illinois! I tell you I NEVER thought I'd be doing that!

Anyhoo, I've had some good luck with the Leksvik range from Ikea; if you do some sanding and priming beforehand, you can paint easily. It may work for you as a budget option until the Euro goes down against the dollar and you can afford your dreamy white armoire. Good luck! Sarah ;)
IkeaGoddess said…
Plus has similar ones, ye smaller for 339,-€ have a look here: http://www.plus.de/Kleiderschrank-Kiefer-Massiv/de_vpd-45374900-8BEKAYCL3coAAAEaC3w.ysB8-u78KAYCLECAAAAEaJNw.ysB8-ct.html

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