{packing + bathroom peek}

i started to pack a little for germany today. but i have a cold and a sore throat and 23 finalists' mood boards to post and a deadline to the boston globe due tomorrow. to top it off some of my readers are upset with me on decor8 because instead of selecting 30 finalists, amy and i narrowed it down to 23. some readers had a lot to say about it and being that my head is spinning from being drugged on cough syrup, i did everything in my power to not go hide beneath my covers and cry. when i am sick i am so sensitive. i don't think some people have a lot of sensitivity/tact when they leave comments, it's like, "hi i'm anonymous and i know everything about you and you know nothing about me, not even my real name, but guess what i am going to take a piss all over you right here on your own blog! yay! weeeee!". and they do. constructive comments are helpful, always. but toxic dumping is not very helpful and i wish some would take a step back before commenting and run their words through a filter vs. spewing all this hate onto me and those who read the comments. today when i was upset over the comment wars i stopped writing and put on my favorite music, turned off the computer and dragged my achy 101 fevered self to my little studio office space and started to sort through things to take to germany. my mind quickly forgot all about the anger and moved onto more positive things. so, i've cleared some space where i'm collecting the things that i need to take with me to leave in our apartment there this year. here is my starting point. i'll show you where i'm at this time in july. picture crates. he he. actually i can only take with me 3 suitcases that do no exceed 44 lbs each. my husband is bringing one suitcase so he has allowed me to use and pack the 2nd one he is allowed, along with my 2. the haus maus is a pack rat. we do not fly over until 7 august but i like to plan in advance so i don't realize once there that something major was left behind. i ordered the white devil shower curtain made by india rose from burke decor and the owner was amazing to deal with. she even gave me a discount that she said she'll extend to decor8 readers in case anyone is interested please let me know. the shower curtain i purchased is the exact one sold currently at anthropologie, but with a discount and free shipping, i was able to save about $20. here is a glimpse of my bathroom. they contractors went tile nuts and tiled nearly the entire wall, all 4 walls, so I have decided to work with the 3/4 of actual wall space that I have along the top and wallpaper it. I'm currently trying to decide between about 15 patterns. I can't make up my mind! But I love the idea of the white ruffled curtain in the room and some soft rugs on the floor to soften and girl things up. how can you screw up with a solid white shower curtain? impossible.
new shower curtain out of package, right.
i also want to change out the mirror for something rectangular or square with a frame around it, and i need lighting for over the mirror and a pendant to hang from the ceiling. i'm thinking of something black for the pendant, like a black petite chandelier. i know, it sounds strange but i like the idea of doing something to draw the eye up and away from the sea of tile so that the wallpaper and the chandelier can be a focal point. the ceilings are a good height, maybe 10', so i want to show off the ceilings a little, I love how much space I have vertically.


Jan said…
My heart sank for you as I read about the "comment wars" in your post. I didn't read them, but when I plugged into decor8 today and saw AAAALLLL the beautiful mood boards - my mouth literally dropped! I loved all of them - and definitely wanted each mood-inspired room to call my very own! It was incredibly moving to see the creativity & originality - and I was thrilled that you had extended such a fabulous opportunity to so many. I'm sorry people can't get over themselves sometimes..... and I hope you feel better tomorrow! What a bugger to deal with that on top of foggy sickness! :)
Anonymous said…
Hey Holly..yeah, I read those comments and I can TOTALLY understand your frustration. Nevertheless, I LOVE the shower curtain you chose, I can't wait to see your place all jazzed up! I hope you feel better soon..wishing you a relaxing weekend with warm cups of honey tea in a pretty tea cup and a cool breeze to chill the fever. take care, and thanks for all you do!
SimplyGrove said…
Hope your feeling better Holly!!! Sorry people are so insensitive. My husband and I have a code word for them. S.I (socially incapable). :)
Diane said…
I'm so sorry people are so rude!All I can tell you is that I love Decor8 and I couldn't live without it! You are Fantastic! I get so many ideas from it.People are so weird arn't they!!!You take care!!
Kristen said…
Hi Holly.

I just wanted to say you do a wonderful job on your blog. And if you choose to pick 23 finalists instead of 30, well, you can do just that. This is your blog and people can be hateful...so screw them! I guess just try and focus on all of us readers who adore what you do. Hope you feel better soon! ~Kristen
Unknown said…
People can be amazingly careless with their words on the internet, I'm glad that you were able to shift gears and care for yourself.
You write a lovely blog (well, two lovely blogs!) and I really appreciate the effort you put into your work. Inspirational, truly.

(also, I'm really looking forward to seeing your bathroom when it's done!)
sarah b. said…
Can't wait to see the bathroom once it's all together. It'll be great. My new bathrooms are white-tile-crazy as well... I've never seen so much tile used in the States, so maybe it's a Dutch/German thing. :)
kat said…
Hi Holly, Looks like it will be a beautiful bathroom when you're done with it. As for the toxic posters, IGNORE. Unfortunately you need to develop a thick skin when it comes to silly anon comments. You have enough loyal and sensible readers to discount the rest!
Feel better.
Ps. I can totally identify with the pack-rat syndrome..
Anja said…
Hi Holly,

I love to pack for the holidays. But I love to unpack. And still dream of this old big overseas luggages which look like a closet.

Sadly, complete tiled bathrooms are very common in Germany and you should be very glad about your plain white tiles WITHOUT any borderd tiles. I happen to have white tiles with a light brown border.
I don't know why german baths are so ugly.
Thanks for your comments on my blog makingofeden.blogspot and please find my reply right there or at your e-mails. I really appreciate it.

Greeting from Berlin,
Anonymous said…
It's really unbelievable the comments some people write. Hey, it's your blog and if you decide the finalist are 23 they are! They should be thankful for the opportunity you're giving them and the time you've spent on organizing everything.

Love the shower curtain, by the way :)
Juliette said…
cute shower curtain! We have this folding glass thingy, which is practical, but not bringing any happiness into the bathroom. Glad you get a chance to glam yours up!

word on the wallpaper - we have a couple of vent thingies in our wall and we have the same size window in the tub area -- and we STILL get little spots of black mildew that grow in the corners and here and there on the walls. We're tiled everywhere too - yet every 3 months or so my husband climbs a ladder with an anti-mildew solution and scrubs away. (we leave our window open pretty much 24-7, except at night in winter)

SO - make sure that wallpaper is ok to scrub chemicals on. We haven't looked for anti-mildew paint here yet, but I'm not expecting much after the project it was to get paint elsewhere in the house (and we have a few massive Home Depot type stores here too!)
Katie said…
Oh Holly! I'm sorry to hear about the toxic comments and you being under the weather. I just don't understand commenters that leave messages like that! I swear didn't their mothers ever teach them if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.

Glad your packing lifted your spirits. That shower curtain is fabulous! And I love the idea of a black chandelier in the bathroom!!!
Hi sweet Holly..
Oh, I am SO sorry to hear that about the comments over on Decor8, I missed all of that somehow. We adore you and I am sorry that some folks felt it was ok to dump all over you. Shame on them. I think your new bathroom has lovely bones, bright and airy and I know it will be absolutely gorgeous when you are done with it! The curtain is a beautiful start and I can't wait to see the after photos some day. I hope you are feeling better as well.
Anonymous said…
Don't let the comments get you down...You are such an inspiration, Holly!

Maybe they are just having a bad day...
Unknown said…
I hope you're feeling better! Sorry about the haters. Good for you for moving on and thinking positive.

I love the shower curtain! And the idea of a small black chandelier is pure genius. I can picture it in that space and it'd be perfect. When you're done with your German apartment, want to come help me with my house? Heehee.

Good luck and have fun!
Anonymous said…
Holly, don't worry about the negative comments... when i read them I was surprised that people had made such a big deal out of changing finalists from 30-23. It's your contest: do with it what you want! I don't understand the flap, personally. Pay the negative-nellies no heed; work on getting yourself healthy and packing up for your amazing move!

liza said…
Hi Holly - I love your blogs and loved your contest. It was so clearly a TON of work for you, which you did just for all of us, so thank you! I found so much to inspire me.
What is your plan for the fun window in the shower/bath? Is that a levelor-type blind on it now?
I hope you feel better soon.
Meg said…
Hi Holly, I left a comment on the mood board post over at decor8:

I voted! In my opinion, I really think they should have been split into pro and non-pro, especially if being judged on presentation, just seems a bit unfair to people unfamilar with client presentations. Loved the contest, thank you for organizing!

I really hope it came across purely as my opinion and not as a critique. I am so sorry if it did. I think you did a wonderful, amazing job on the whole thing.
Anonymous said…
I could not agree with you more about comments! Yesterday I wanted to go home and kick something after one icky comment about something meaningless but it bothered me all day anyway. Silly.

Mostly wanted to say I LOVE that showercurtain, it is divine! Would make every bath time a little retreat!
Anonymous said…
I hope you'll feel better soon Holly! And try to ignore the insensitive comments and focuss on the kind ones! I try to do that as well but on a bad day those negative comments can really hurt you. Those, and the 2000 spam comments I receive daily, and the hundreds of spam email sent by pr firms about products that I never write about such a airco systems etc. can drive me nuts.. Luckily the kind comments make up for the negative ones!
haus maus said…
Aw thanks everyone. It's funny how some days comments can really bother me and other days I could care less. I think it has to do with feeling appreciated. We all want to feel like our efforts are paying off, what we are doing is making a positive difference. I feel much better about it today though! :)

Oh Danielle I know exactly what you mean about the crazy spam comments. It's out of control.
Holly- I am sorry that people were so hurtful. I am new to blogging and I have only had a few people post comments on my blog, but when they do, it makes my day. I can't imagine how I would feel if someone posted negitive comments. I loved the contest, love your style and am excited for more sneak peeks into your new apartment!
IkeaGoddess said…
You sure have a great sense of style. Love the idea of splashing up your classical, sterile, and boring German bathroom with a ruffles shower curtain and chandelier. I think it's bloody brilliant. I would also add a gold mirror like this one from Impessionen: http://www.impressionen.de/shop/produkt/Spiegel-gold/2670380
Can't wait to see what your bathroom looks like when you're finished.
Now about those dumb commentators at Decor8, they are so not worth it. You are doing a great job, and don't you let anyone tell you otherwise.
Now hurry over to Germany, the weather is picture perfect at the moment :-)
Mariss said…
Poor, Holly! Take care of yourself, and ignore that negativity.

The shower curtain is lovely!
Anonymous said…
I hope it is not too late to chime in and say how much I enjoyed the mood board contest. I was on vacation while you were posting the entries on flickr, but I made sure to find a computer so I could keep up. They made me so happy! Thanks. :)
Bo said…
hi holly! i've been enjoying reading your posts on this blog as i'll be moving from LA to chicago to start from scratch after getting married. anyways, is it too late to get the deal you mentioned with burke decor? those shower curtains looks delish...

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