{new swedish blog}

congrats benita on the lovely new blog you've created. another swedish blogger, can you even handle all of the beauty? i love all these international blogs because they will really help me when it comes to decorating my new apartment in germany. apartments in europe are a lot different from rental property in the u.s. and you may not even understand it unless you've lived in both the u.s. and abroad. it's a lighting thing, layout, what's available and what's not, lots of stuff to figure out. when you are born and raised in america and then you hop over the pond to live as an adult in europe there is this feeling of being very detached from all that you know, a feeling of being 4 years old again and starting over in life having to learn everything because what you already know, the knowledge you've gained living all those years elsewhere, well little of it applies now. it's scary but for me, extremely exciting. benita has some of the best home photos over in flickr, you'll love her house. she's obviously a little house mouse herself. she likes to make stuff and photograph it. and her fireplace is great don't you think? i see rocks in there. maybe it's a gas fireplace? and the colors in her home, super fresh and inviting. {photography by benita}


I am so excited about this blog. I just moved from Los Angeles to Rome. I have a great apt. but it is TINY!

It came mostly furnished and good thing my landlord has nice taste. I do need to buy some storage items and decorate a little at some point. I look forward to reading about your new place.
kat said…
I love Benita's home - so beautifully organised! Glad she has started a blog. I'll enjoy following your progress here Holly.
TBM said…
Holly, what you said about moving from the US to Europe is so true. I went through that exact same thing when I moved to the UK with my family last year. Even though they speak English here, I still went through a bit of a culture shock.

I look forward to hearing more about your new place in Germany!
Unknown said…
Anonymous said…
I can soooo relate to what you have written about living abroad. Me- American living in Norway for nearly 17 years!!! Your blog is so lovely and inspiring! I hope you will be back soon to write more posts...
Anonymous said…
Sweet site, I hadn't noticed hollymaus.blogspot.com before during my searches!
Carry on the superb work!

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