20 Common Pregnancy Fears That May Not Happen

The moment my pregnancy test was positive, I raced out and bought a second one. I simply couldn't believe it. When THAT test confirmed I was indeed with child, I immediately purchased a digital copy of the American pregnancy bible, "What To Expect When You're Expecting", and read it from cover to cover. I wanted to know everything. I frequented baby websites and forums. I became saturated with one horror story after another. Within a week, I was super burnt out and annoyed and realized that this is all a bunch of crap. Why was I doing this to myself? I deleted the book, stopped looking at forums and most websites (unless they were legit medical websites with actual doctors and nurses authoring their articles), and made an appointment with my Ob/gyn. By the 6th week of pregnancy, I not only saw the baby on the ultrasound but experienced the first sign of pregnancy.

I barfed.

A lot.

In fact, my vomit episodes became so frequent that the doctor ordered I get an IV since I was dehydrated. I lost 20 pounds during the first trimester. Twenty. Pounds. Yeah that was scary. At a time when you want your baby to be nourished, your body won't allow you to keep a single glass of water down for more than 5 minutes. It was terrifying but I kept my faith - I stayed out of forums and off of websites and decided to get a midwife. During our first appointment, I hired her right away because we clicked. She is very no-nonsense. The first thing she told me was, "Stay off the internet, text me instead." That was a good sign. We've been texting ever since. She suggested to up my dosage of magnesium. While it didn't help much in the beginning, after week 18 I stopped vomiting 4-5 x a day.

In fact, I stopped vomiting on a daily basis.

As long as I eat at certain times during the day, even now, I can avoid vomiting and extreme nausea. The moment I feel nausea coming on, I eat something small. During the first 18 weeks when I tried this, it did not work. Nothing worked. My friends told me to try ginger (didn't work), ginger chews (didn't work), sea bands (didn't work), the list went on and on, filled with loving and well-intended suggestions. In the end, only a higher dosage of magnesium helped and TIME. Time helped. And while I just vomited a few times again last week, it's nothing like weeks 6-18 when I was so sick that I couldn't move and was bedridden most of the summer. That sucked. A lot.

Today begins week 27. 

I'm in the final week of my second trimester. Week 28 is next week, and that begins the third and final trimester. I can't believe how far I've come and how healthy my baby boy is. He is growing, my belly has popped out, I am gaining weight at a normal pace and life is good for baby and I. I still weigh less than I did when I got pregnant, but that's fine - the baby is healthy and other than my iron being low (I just started taking supplements to help this), I'm good.

You must be asking... At what part of this am I not supposed to fear pregnancy? This part. I want non-moms out there and those who have delayed getting pregnant because of the drama you've heard about it, or due to something you've read, or your own mother's terrible pregnancy, or how your BFF had the worst pregnancy ever that...


What I have learned is that pregnancy is a VERY intimate and personal experience. No two pregnancies are alike. Here is a list of COMMON PREGNANCY WOES (some aren't so woeful though) that I've read in books and online (before I decided to stop reading this crap!) and even heard from my doctor that haven't happened to me yet. And if they do happen, I will update this post later on. 

1) Your boobs will get ginormous. I already have a very full C cup (I know, I'm lucky!), borderline D, but my boobs are the same size today as they were before. They feel a little fuller some days, but nothing that gives me Victoria's Secret Runway cleavage (without a bra and/or duct tape). I read that you will have the more glorious round boobs in the world when you get pregnant. I had them before, so maybe that's why (grin) but they didn't get bigger. Which was my fear. I didn't want massive boobs that would require a massive bra to put them in. Nope. I'm wearing the same bra today as I did when I got pregnant. I'm sure once my milk comes in, this will change a little, but some of my friends saw major boobage within the first 5 months. I'm nearing month 7 and for me, all is normal in boobland.

2) YOU will get enormous. For me, this hasn't been the case. Yeah, my belly has ballooned but that's to be expected. And yes, I did have extreme nausea for the first 18 weeks, but I've been able to eat normally for the past 8 weeks and the weight isn't piling on. The only weight I've gained is the weight of the placenta and baby and other "stuff" that I'm suddenly hosting in my body but certainly not from too much Ben & Jerry's.

3) Your feet will go up a shoe size. Again, not for me. My shoes still fit the same as they did before.

4) You will become a moody bitch. Not in my case. If anything, I'm more mellow and sweet. I am very zen. I sort of developed a, "I don't give a sh&t" attitude, which I hope sticks long after the baby arrives. It's nice to not care about stuff that before, I would become very passionate over. It's nice to finally have a clear head to be able to pick my battles. I've been very nice to my husband, I'm not irritable, nothing. I've been in a great mood for months, even during my nausea.

5) Your nails will grow fast and beautiful. No, not for me. My nails grow normally. Nothing great here. (Oh well.)

6) Your hair will be amazing. I thought that was happening but it seems my gorgeous locks during the first trimester were more due to my switch in hair product over baby hormones. The minute I changed product, my hair wasn't so interesting. It's growing at a normal rate, it doesn't feel thicker or more mane-like, it's still the same hair.

7) You will have acne or a ton of zits. Nope, my skin is fine. Again, no change there.

8) You will have a crazy "nesting" instinct. Nope. I still love to rearrange my furniture and decorate but nothing out of the norm. I still hate to clean the bathroom.

9) Your back will kill you. Nope. My back is fine. I've had no back pain and this is coming from a girl who suffered from it for years.

10) You will have frequent headaches and/or migraines. I've had one headache, ONE, since I got pregnant. I used to have a headache a few times a week! Getting pregnant took AWAY my headaches. I think this is mostly due to not drinking coffee or alcohol - I think coffee and frequent glasses of sekt were causing those...

11) You will be super constipated. Nope. Plumbing is fine.

12) You will have very vivid dreams. Again, nothing out of the ordinary. I was hoping for those amazing sex dreams my friends told me about, but again, nada.

13) You will have very specific food cravings. Nope, I crave nothing. No pickles or ice cream or crackers. Nothing.

14) Smells, like the smell of coffee, will make you nauseous. Nothing bothers me that didn't bother me before I got pregnant.

15) You will be SUPER hungry all of the time. Nope. I eat three normal-sized meals a day and maybe a piece of fruit for a snack.

16) You will gain a ton of water weight. I haven't retained any water weight. It's been great!

17) Watch out for hemorrhoids! No - I'm all set, none of those either!

18) You will be exhausted during the first trimester. YES. Oh yes, this one was true for me. For the first 18 weeks I was VERY tired and napping constantly throughout the day. I was a total sloth. I remembering feeling REALLY ANNOYED that I had to take a shower each day. Now I'm back to normal.

19) You will have a TON of energy during the 2nd trimester. Again, nope. I have normal energy as I did pre-baby. I was sort of hoping to become an action figure superhero but, nope. I thought it was starting to spike for a minute a few weeks ago, but that was just due to eating too many ginger chews.

20) You may get varicose veins. Nope, veins are fine.

So my dear friends... If you are thinking of becoming pregnant but have heard all of the horror stories out there, please understand that you are unique and your pregnancy will be unique to, so just go with the flow and let nature do its thing. Even during the darkest hours of my vomit fits, I was still HAPPY. And let me tell you, feeling happy and being positive got me through those times.

I don't know what the next 13 weeks will bring for me and my baby boy. Maybe I'll blow up and gain 100 pounds and not be able to walk and I'll have hemorrhoids the size of two basketballs with a set of boobs to match. Perhaps this could all go the opposite direction and I'll be bitching at my husband every second and ordering Chinese take-out 3 times a day to satisfy my voracious cravings for Fried Rice. But so far, so good.

I'll keep ya posted.


(photography: thorsten becker)


Zauberstrumpf said…
Lovely! Thanks for that! No one ever believed me when I told them that being pregnant was just like "normal" life with the joy of expecting a baby.
All the best for you
evArt said…
lucky girl! before i got pregnant i thought it will be the best time of my life...
i gained a ton of water weight - i had to sell my shoes (about 100pairs) because my feet went up a shoe size - i craved after orange juice - badly!
i was so happy when i had my little boy in my arms and the pregnancy was over!
when i got pregnant again - everything was different - i had a wonderful time and everything was fine!
have a wonderful time holly!
xo eva
Jane said…
Oh Holly this is so funny. I'm delighted to hear you've escaped most of them. After having our 3 pixies in 3.5 years, I've been through a few of them with different combos each time. It's wonderful to watch you on this journey. I can't wait to see what lies ahead. Waving to you from Hobart, Australia. J x
annton said…
on my way to visit my one day old niece, for the first time. so glad you're feeling fine and happy where you are right now. what my sister's mid-wife, who seems to be a very reasonable person, told her was, that what comes that comes. as long as she will do what she feels like, things will be fine. nothing to add, right.
Unknown said…
Such a great post Holly! You are spot on - yes, some women have these symptoms, but not all. (Although, I will say that the "ginormous boob" one has definitely happened to me - ha!)

I've never read "What to Expect", and I'm thankful I didn't. I've heard it's a terrible book! Why it's become "the bible" of baby books is beyond me...

Enjoy the start of your third trimester! xox
Julie Paradise said…
Did you already have comments like "it must be a boy/girl, because of the vomitting/ shape of your belly/ colour of your cheeks"? I found it so funny everybody kept giving me such remarks and the were wrong most of the time, in both pregnancies.
Akkupunktur helped me with the nausea the second time, immediately and much to my surprise as I do not "believe" in that. The health insurances mostly pay it here in Germany.
Hopefully you stay as zen as you are, enjoy the time with/for yourself.
Another fear that does not have to come true is the birth pain: I do not say that it was a totally painfree experience for me both times (I doubt that that is possible unless you are sedated ;-) but I had a "Blasensprung" twice and the babies, first the girl and then a good year after that the boy, came within 3-6 hours, each without any medication. I was fine with the amount of labour, no horror stories here, nothing to fear, nothing impossible to take. Although there were friends who told me about their terrifying experiences, thank you folks. Not.
A few days after I was almost back to normal with my hips and my belly looking and feeling fine, so again, nothing to fear.
Do not make yourself crazy and waste time and energy on fears and worries. Take your time and enjoy yourself, the feelings, the moods, the changes, everything will be fine!
Unknown said…
In my group of friends they had 11 children in all...including one born at home, others at hospital, some with nauseas all the time, others eating normal, twins,girls, boys....and i can say, each one is different.
Katharina said…
Such a fun read! I found myself nodding in agreement all the time. Well, almost. I'm 24 weeks along and while I didn't vomit at all (for which I'm immensely grateful), I could have slept throughout the complete first trimester. But WHAM! enter second trimester I felt like a bubble busting and I'm extremely energetic and feel just great. The baby is a very active little man and I fear for the worst... :-D
I did have some noticable boob growth, much to my husband's delight. And to my own, actually. This is one of a winter pregnancy's upsides: You do get to dress in lovely knit dresses that show off the bump and boobs and make you feel very much a woman.

Like you I mostly stayed off the internet and I didn't read a single pregancy guide. I only ever thumbed through the German book "Das Mami Buch" (too much pink for my liking but a nice read). However, recently I read Pamela Druckerman's "French kids don't throw food", and while being German my own parents must have had some French streak in them... much of what she said reminded me of my own upbringing. I keep my fingers crossed I can at least get the little one to sleep through the night pretty soon. (My mom boasts we all slept through after 4 to 8 weeks...)

Enjoy the last part of the trip - we're not going to get more rest once the baby will be born. :-D

Andrea said…
So many of these happened to me, food cravings, boobs, water weight,but the most devastating of all has been the feet size....
I have literally just, sadly, put aside all my high heels bar one pair to be given away. I'm down to birkenstocks, high heel boots, work shoes and one pair of strappy heels. It only became obvious after baby.....I hope your feet don't do the same to you!!
jjzach said…
You better knock on some wood. Some of the unpleasant things that you listed didn't happen until the final 2 weeks for me.
Anonymous said…
Some of these don't happen until the last month or so....

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