Hildesheim Shopping Tips

Hi friends! I like to occasionally post about things I find here in Germany that catch my eye so today I want to tell you about a few that my local expat friends may want to know about, too.

First, Hildesheim. Do you know it? It's a small city located just south of Hannover, about 25 minutes by car. It definitely isn't a place I'd ever suggest for vacationing - but the old part of the city, though tiny, is beautiful and they have a great Christmas market there each year.


For some completely unknown reason, Hildesheim has recently been getting all of the good shops.

Back in 2009, I wrote and tweeted that I wished HEMA, a wonderful Dutch shop, would open in Hannover. I wrote to the company and everything. I wrote again in 2010 and 2011. A few years later, last year, they opened in....


Same happened with Dunkin' Donuts. I love their iced coffee and okay, I do like their donut "holes" and really miss Boston Cremes now and then. But mostly Dunkin' Donuts tastes like Boston and "home" to me and when you're an expat the stuff you never expect to miss haunts you in your sleep. So I wrote to Dunkin' Donuts and tweeted about it and well, you get the picture, and BOOM! They just opened a few days ago their first shop in this entire state and it's where?


A third shop, Danish brand TIGER, is another great shop. I've never tweeted or emailed them or anything about opening here but when I found out they were coming to this part of Germany to open a store I immediately imagined Hannover! Yay! Nope. They opened up shop in...


Are you seeing a pattern? Yeah, me too.

So what's up Hannover? Why are these nice stores that would thrive in Hannover going to Hildesheim? For any lovely Hildesheimers reading this blog post, I'm sorry... But you must also wonder right, I mean you must get my point? We have so many young people and universities here where shops like Hema and Tiger would be soooo much appreciated by these students.

Well the good thing is this: Hildesheim is close enough for me to get there by car or train so I can go to Dunkin' Donuts, Tiger or Hema whenever I please. The last time I was at Hema though was last December because honestly, "out of sight out of mind". I do all of my shopping either in Hannover, London or on Amazon/online these days. But if Hema and Tiger were in Hannover I would go constantly. It's a convenience thing, right?

So there you have it, my friends - three shops to visit if you are local, don't mind driving and want to find really great stuff... And okay, some donuts to munch on too. Enjoy!


(photography: toa heftiba)


Thank you for sharing these tips!!
And also the Dutch fashion company "The Sting" has one of its few German shops in.... HILDESHEIM.
Once a friend explained me that the reason for opening those international shops often first in more medium sized towns like Hildesheim or Oldenburg (there is also a HEMA, a TIGER and The Sting) has marketing/statistic reasons. The rents are not that high and you have as well people from countryside as from bigger towns like Bremen or Hannover in the trading area.
And the fun (or shopping danger - haha) for me is, that living currently a long-distance relationship between Oldenburg and Hildesheim I have very good shopping opportunities ;-)
All the best, Eva
Unknown said…
I discovered Hena in Amsterdam too...unfortunately a bit far for me.
Here at home, shops are also running away, and I find difficult to find "different" objets or cloths. So yesterday we moved to San Sebastian and expend day shopping with mum....sometimes those kind of trips are great.
jja said…
Interesting location choice for all those shops...LOL, but good for you!
Unknown said…
I love Hema and I am fortunate, there is one in my hometown. I tried Dunkin' Donuts in the US (in 1995 LOl) and I really liked the donuts, but there is no DD in the Netherlands and the closest in Germany in in Cologne. I didn't know Tiger, but there are some shops in the Netherlands, the closest is a one hour drive away from me. I do love Starbucks, BTW, and I was able to go to two in Switzerland when we were there earlier this month. The closest for me is in Aachen, but somehow I don't like that one, I rather go to Kaffeehaus Aachen, they have yummy Kuchen there.
BTW, maybe you should have tried reverse psychology and tweeted that they should open in Hildesheim....
Hsve a nice weekend!
sibylle said…
I love love love Tiger!
Dear Holly, I´ve studied three years in Hildesheim and I love this city so much! Even if the typical question was: "Hildesheim? Where is it?!" And my answer was: "It´s a small city near Hannover..." ;)
Thanks for your shopping tipps! All the best
M. Kasch said…
I've recently moved to Hannover and am loving the city. I, too, am from the States and its a nice coincidence that I found your blog(s.) I just have to say.... Thank you! For your recommendation that you once posted about Dear Lilly. I love to sew and create and that store is a gem. (It's hard to find crafting stores here,I've noticed. Ay other tips would be appreciated.)
Now... I have to go check out Hildesheim. ;-) it sounds lovely.
I am from Hildesheim.... ;-)
But not living there for nearly thirty years! Maybe I should visit my hometown again in the next time?
When I was a child and a teenager we went for shopping to Hamburg or Hannover — times are changing...
Thanks for sharing!
Kaffiknopf said…
I love the danish TIGER so much. We just came home from vacation there and I trolled trough TIGER in sweet sweet Aarhus again, like I was last year. I discovered a TIGER store in Berlin Schöneberg, I was so happy, i drive by when I`m on my way to the Swing and Sew. But I hadn´t the chance to get in, yet. But they have these cute little paper houses right now, I think I have to get more. Maybe at Pumpkin Festival in Schöneberg. Wish you all the best. :) Dunkin Donuts do we have nearly at every corner in Berlin. I love Boston Creme, too. I was only one time in NH and miss it, sometimes, so strong. I wanna go to Hannaford and by a big batch of corn muffins and this amazing sesame orange dressing I can´t find here anywhere ...
I wish you a lovely shop discovery in this fall. All the best!!
Anonymous said…
Congrats, I just read you're expecting! I've been a silent, ocassional reader for a while now and now I feel like commenting. I am not in Germany, I am expecting in Florida but I have access to a midwife though my company that is also covered 100% by my insurance. At first I wasn't sure if I will use this service but after my first phone conversation with her (she called me), I loved her and she turned out to be my Google too. Stay away from Google, I am too! :)
Good luck, M.

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