Summer Time + The Eating Is Easy

The weather has been beautiful so today I took a 6km walk and then went to the grocery store because I was so hungry after being active for so long... So I bought lots of heathy foods, came home, put on cozy clothes and made a big organic shrimp salad.

blogged today on hausmaus

blogged today on hausmaus

blogged today on hausmaus

It was simple - just mixed greens, organic shrimp, olive oil, sea salt, ground black pepper, fresh lemon and a big glass of sparkling water. Some fresh local strawberries became my dessert and now I'm ready to go back outside and enjoy the night air... I'm so happy summer is here. Meal prep is so much easier with loads of fresh produce everywhere and with gorgeous sunny days, you WANT to eat like a rock star, you WANT to feel great.

What did you do today?

(images: holly becker)


Juliette said…
We just came back from an afternoon of working outdoors while sitting in a cafe. Meals and drinks were provided, as was clean up, lol. Distractions came in the form of kids being cute at the ice cream counter and our favorite waiter making jokes, but not from our computers since we left them at home. It was a great way to be productive in the sunshine!
Unknown said…
It was sunny here too...and yes salads with this weather are so great to eat.
Love going to farmer market on saturdays, after having breakfast in a bar or so...wander, and buy what stomach wants...
Then a wine before going home to cook...lovely with a bit of sun.
Rebekah said…
I've been loving the warmer weather in Ireland as well! So much easier to head out the door without a jacket, and the sun, the beautiful sun!!

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