Prop Shopping

Hello little haus maus ladies! How are you today? I am doing great! I have loot to share... Ok so I took this random drive out to the countryside and ended up in a garden shop (naturally) and wow, I hit the props jackpot and it was totally unexpected. I'm currently sourcing for props for book #3, which we begin shooting soon in Hannover, so I was thrilled to stumble upon things that I had on my list to buy. I particularly love the glass hanging birds for for only €2,99 each and the super nice cloches made in Spain with recycled glass. Aren't they gorgeous? They are thick too, not the typical cloches that are thin and flimsy. When the book comes out next Spring, you'll have to remember this post and then flip through the book to see where and how these lovely things were used...

Snapshots of my loot:

prop shopping

Cloches made in Spain out of 100% recycled glass with a wooden base.

prop shopping

White wooden tray with handles - love the separate compartments. I have ideas for this!!!

prop shopping

Blown glass shaped like a birdie to hang with a small hole for popping in a fresh bloom. I picked up 3 because well, this little guy needed friends!!!

prop shopping

I couldn't believe how affordable they were!

prop shopping

Some zinc buckets with pretty wooden handles - I purchased 3 - one is already on the balcony!

Find any surprise goodies lately in a random place? 

 (images: holly becker)


Unknown said…
Love the first ones...from spain? wow...i haven´t seem them here...any tips about where are they from...
And other finds, incredible ideas....
Unknown said…
Love those! The cloches are definitely my favorite though, I love the look of them but I'm not sure how to incorporate them into my own apartment decor!
Nice loot!

I'm not sure if it's intentional, but when I view your posts in Feedly, only a bit of the texts show, and no pictures. So I have to click through to see the actual post. I believe there is a setting for this in Blogger, so if it's not on purpose perhaps you could change it?
Jessy Senti said…
I love everything! I can't wait to see what you do with it all! :)
Jessy Senti said…
I love everything! I can't wait to see what you do with it all! :)
birdeebee said…
Hi Holly,
those are beautiful. Would you share, where you found it all?

Thanks, Birgit
birdeebee said…
Hi Holly, those are beatiful. Would you share where you found it all?

Thanks, Birgit
haus maus said…
I wish I could, but I have no clue what the place was called. I just know it was in Hannover Altwarmbüchen across from a Raps field. I remember we drove straight by Burger King, under the highway, we passed all of the shops on the left, then we passed the subway station and just kept straight for maybe 5km, we passed a lake on the right, and kept going straight. Then their was a Raps field on the right and the big garden shop on the left.
birdeebee said…
Thanks Holly, I'll search google earth to find out more. Seems totally worth it.


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