Blog Boss e-course

Hello friends! I posted about this the upcoming Blog Boss e-course on decor8 today (along with a second post announcing a contest showing how you can win one of three seats that we're giving away),  but I have to post special bonus news here for my German readers.
Blogged today on haus maus

As you may (or may not know), one of the super duper Blog Boss teachers is my dear friend Stefanie Luxat, a German print journalist for over 10 years, debut author (with a #1 wedding book on!) and blogger over at Ohhh Mhhh, and for this class only she will do something EXTRA SPECIAL for German-speaking students while she is teaching. Want to know what?

Ok so in our student forum, she will have a Qs for Steffi (in English) and... (drum roll please) a Qs for Steffi (in German). This is the first time that we've offered this so we want to test it out when we have multilingual teachers for future classes - so Steffi is our test subject. :)

I can triple promise that English speaking students will not get abandoned or lost or anything else because the entire forum and class and all materials will be in English but in the forum, one single topic will be for German-speakers who may want to ask Steffi questions about her lessons in German.

To learn more about my e-courses OR to enroll in Blog Boss, please click here.


(photography: holly becker)


Laura said…
I am looking forward to your class! Even tough I don't speak German that is so great you are doing some things multilingual!
Frana said…
Ich bin des Englischen nicht gaaanz so bewandert, aber vllt schaffe ich es ja trotzdem, mit zu kommen.
Ich wünsche dir weiterhin viel Erfolg :-)
Ganz liebe Grüße,
Noor said…
I was looking around for the post about winning a free spot but I could not find it.

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