Kaffee kann ich

I found a beautiful new cafe in my part of the city, Hannover *List*, called "Kaffee kann ich" (like them on Facebook here) and it's the sweetest place for breakfast, cake, coffee, tea - I really loved being there today for the first time in such a cozy space. Candles on the table, lovely music, great decor, I felt like I was in Hamburg or Berlin, which is good because Hannover so often has either the chain restaurants and cafes (which I find boring) or cafes that really are so hip and modern that you really don't feel that relaxed vibe.

Kaffee kann ich

We have only a few cafes in Hannover that fit my personal style or vibe or both (of course, I am wayyyyy more particular than the average person given my profession, so it wouldn't be fair of me to say that most cafes here are not nice - they are - but not always in my style), and Kaffee kann ich is just so, so nice and "me". I felt a connection the moment I approached the cafe.

kaffee kann ich

I hope that if you are living in Hannover that you will visit them and give the owner, Steven, a lot of business because I want to see him become successful with his newly opened cafe. If he does well, he has big plans to open a second location, and this would be really quite lovely.

kaffee kann ich

kaffee kann ich

I want to see places like this not only succeed but grow and influence others to open more interesting cafes and shops in Hannover. We have some, but it's not a city like Amsterdam or London or even Copenhagen, we just do not have all of those lovely cafes like I wish we did. BUT what we have is still wonderful. We just need more. Complaining doesn't help though - only supporting these places with our blog posts, visits and through positivity can we make good things happen. :)

Kaffee kann ich

I think that, although I have a big espresso machine and stay in for coffee these days, that with Kaffee kann ich around the corner then perhaps I will put my Nespresso capsules aside and go enjoy the social experience and ambiance of Steven's cafe more regularly. Kaffee kann ich Voßstraße 41 30161 Hanover 0511/39493388 Bus Linie 128 Jakobistraße/Voßstraße Website Hannover - List


Unknown said…
very cute i agree entirely. i would love to try this place out if i ever am in hanover. i also just always love the feeling of discovering a new little place :)

xx rae
Do you think he could open his second cafe in Canberra? We do need cosy places like this one so badly...

Any chance of you coming out to Oz some time?
Susanne said…
oh cool that you already know steven! before i take of to italy i spoke some nice words with him - my photos are following :-) susanne
Lykkelig said…
Love, love, love, loooooooove it! Need to come over to Hannover!
Kikabu said…
Holly, thank you so much for this post. Next time in Hannover I'll visit this beautiful place. ;-) Viola
Amelie said…
Thanks for this post. It will be my pleasure to go there and take a break ! I am new in Hannover, so always great to discover!!!
Audrey said…
I wish I could live nearby! This cafe looks adorable. Definitely will visit next time I'm in Hanover!
Anonymous said…
Ha, you are sooo right! Hannover is not Amsterdam...;-) But I agree that there ARE those places, you just have to find them...which is a tricky thing because I do not live in the very city of Hannover but like twenty minutes outside, so just strolling through the city (and not between Hauptbahnhof and Kröpcke) most likely doesn´t happen...
So I am always happy to read about your newest finds of cute places!

xo Trine

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