I am alive!

I can't believe how much I've neglected you, dear fans of haus maus. I'm deeply sorry for going MIA (missing in action) but for those of you who follow me on decor8, you know that I've been busy and also more recently, on a month-long summer pause (a first for me in my life and a genuine treat. I love living in Germany!).

A German custom that I love is when one hosts a party, each guest brings the host a small present. My friends spoiled me yesterday with these things and two flowers arrangements!!!

How is everyone doing? The last time that I wrote on haus maus was in the middle of May. Wow! That is some serious blog neglect (hiding under my desk). BUT the beauty of blogging is that we can pick up again and press forward so that is what I intend to do - write regularly again here and share with you my life in Germany as an American expat living in Hannover.


Happy little things

Glowing on an unexpected cold and rainy day...

What have I been doing? There is so much to cover. I'll make a list - this is what I've been up to since May...
  • Finished shooting, writing and editing my second book, Decorate Workshop.
  • Taught at a beautiful Food & Styling Workshop in Weimar, Germany.
  • Went to my first German Circus, Roncalli, and loved it.
  • Taught a 4 week Blogging Way 2.0 e-course online in June/July. Loved it and my nearly 700 students.
  • Traveled to London for final planning for my book.
  • Planning for my third book and currently discussing with my agent and co-author.
  • Planning the launch party for Decorate Workshop in the UK to take place end of October. You're invited! More news to follow.
  • Planning for other workshops and parties for my book and to teach about styling and other creative topics in the US/Europe for later this year, early 2013.
  • Worked on the redesign and launch of the new decor8 and decor8 e-course website. Great job, Mark!
  • Visited beautiful Luneburg, Germany and fell in love with this charming spot only 30 minutes from Hannover. I'll be back!
  • Went to flea markets and fabric markets in Hannover and in the countryside, enjoyed them so much.
  • Rented a BMW 5 series for a long weekend to go see family and to speed on the autobahn, it's Germany afterall.
  • Decided to buy a car that will arrive late September/early October. After 3 years of not having a car, this was a big decision for us but now we can be more spontaneous and also go to Belgium, Denmark and the Netherlands on a more spontaneous basis.
  • Went to German school, took an intensive class for 100 hours. Did really well. Returning this Fall for the next level.
  • Accepted an offer to become a columnist for the new Stampington/Where Women Create magazine called Where Women Create: Business. I will write articles for that US magazine that will be sold all over the country about blogging and social media. So honored and happy about this! Wrote my first article and will shoot photos for it in the next week. I'll let you know when it's out!
  • Started inline skating again after many years and having fun!
  • Joined a gym a few weeks ago and started spinning, also fun!
  • Did some social media/blogging consulting work for RICE in Denmark, had them in my home work studio, what a wonderful time!
  • Celebrated our wedding anniversary in July with a home party for our family followed by a lovely dinner out.
  • Hosted a party for my friends and fellow American expats, Laurie Cameron and Emily Smith, Emily just relocated back to the states and Laurie relocated back last year but was here this year to visit. It was a lovely evening and we ate lots of cake and drank plenty of sekt! 
  • Went to Maschseefest (held each summer for 3 weeks in Hannover, amazing outdoor music event) several times to dance the night away. Also went dancing at some other fun places with friends and have enjoyed every minute. I love to dance!
  • Went to the top of the Neues Rathaus in Hannover for the first time in the "curved" elevator and loved the views for up there. Next time I have to remember to bring along my camera!
Love skirt weather soooo much!

I know I've done even more than that since May, but for now, I think that is quite enough listing as it tires me out to think of all that I've been working on. I think I'm a bit of a over-achiever, don't you think? Which is why I decide to take the month of August off and do a lot of fun things that have very little to do with work. Sure, I've been thinking about work here and there and answering really important emails, but aside from that I've been taking it easy. What about you? What has your summer been like?




I have checked in to see if you had posted a few times and knew that you were probably too busy. Hope you are enjoying your time off. Sounds like you have been extremely busy! What type of car did you buy? You will be zooming around the place now, no stopping you! :) Summer has gone by in a flash for me, our weather has been very wet too here in Ireland.

All things nice...
Holly, so happy you are busy and doing well. Lüneburg is my favorite town in Germany. When we lived in Hamburg, I was there at least once a month. The Fachwerkhäuser are some of the finest examples anywhere, and there is a real beauty to the city.

Buying a car will give you so much freedom. Enjoy it! There is really nothing more fun than having your own wheels in Deutschland.

Have Thorsten take you up to the Lüneburger Heide for a hike and Sunday lunch during the fall one day. It's wonderful!

It's been so great watching your beautiful success. I know that all wonderful things come with so many other challenges. You have always handled yourself with grace, and I think as a result, you'll keep winding down your beautiful, individual path with open eyes and a happy heart.

I wish your book wings as it takes off and flies!

I also took 4 weeks off, closing the B&B. I needed to finish editing my first novel, True Vines which, according to my publisher will release in the States the first week in November (about an American Expat woman in Italy, who, through circumstance, tries to go back to her home town). I'm arranging both a blog tour and book signing events from NY to Washington in middle November. Some of my friends want to help me get a couple of events together out on the coast ( I lived out there) so we'll see.

I've started mentoring creatives - an outgrowth of the work I've done by opening my B&B in Italy and my work in my pottery studio here (I'm selling internationally now, which is crazy but very interesting) - and have really enjoyed helping women through life change to find their creative paths.

I, too am an overachiever, and I too, have just taken the first 4 week pause in my life (yeah, I worked with my editor and answered emails, but nothing else). Don't you think it's just easier to do that in Europe? I think taking that kind of concentrated time off would be much harder in the states. It's like in Europe, people go into sort of a more relaxed mode in summer. Which is nice.

Wishing you all good things today and always.
Melissa said…
please, this time, try and come to Canada and Toronto for your book tour/workshops?
Eireann said…
Belgium! It is lovely here. If you come to Ghent, I would happily show you where the nice coffee lives. ;)

I read what you wrote on Decor8, and I have felt much the same recently. I think in part it is moving to a new place and keeping going-keeping going, doing so much there's not a lot of time to grieve the small losses happening as I go along. And also the stress, some real, some artificial, of having so many projects going at once (and the pressure to always do more), and the way that taking on work to support other people can be both thrilling AND draining.

Take care.
mauishopgirl said…
I love the look of this blog. Beautiful pictures and a nice clean layout.

I just bought Where Women Create this weekend at Barnes & Noble and am looking forward to thumbing through it.

Your time seemed very well spent! I'm looking forward to seeing images and reading about your future road trips.

I spent the first three years of my life in Germany, would love to go back and visit one day. In the meantime I'll live vicariously through you.
Melissa said…

Quite a list! Full of fun and hard work.

I'm impressed that you started inline skating. I have a pair hanging in my garage. I haven't had them on in about 10-12 years or more. I've been contemplating taking them for a spin now that my daughter's back in school but I was a bit worried I might hurt myself. Then that made me feel old! I might have to give it a go.

I just read your post on decor8 and I'm so impressed with your honesty and ability to share. I wish you the best as you spend time reflecting.

You might be interested in visiting a Modern Quilt Guild in your area. There are groups in London, Berlin an Bielefeld. I don't really know anyone in them but I find such inspiration from the fabric, colors, patterns and personalities at my group in Kansas City.
Anonymous said…
hi holly,
Its great that you are back writing on here..i know you have been busy ..i did the btw course with you recently so i know just how busy you've been.
I saw your post on decor8 and can definitely relate to this feeling..not right now but in the past.I came over here for more clues and i found what i was looking for. What did i find? Your mention of maybe wanting a family. As someone who was never maternal at all and would have been happy to never have one..i kind of thought id think about it around 35 (I'm now 39). I didn't feel the longing as you mentioned but i did feel that restlessness with life despite living quite a good one. We used to travel a lot..to often interesting but poorer places like you mentioned ..i longed to live elsewhere but i see it wouldn't have been the final answer. I found just the other day a diary entry from this time expressing this frustration at a longing for something that i couldn't quite name. Visiting other countries added to my frustration bc i thought that i should see how lucky i was in my life compared to the struggles of others...well i did but somehow still felt unsatisfied and berated myself for this. In the end i told myself that i was in a very luxurious position to sit back and wonder about the meaning of my life and what was missing when i was so lucky with all i had in so many areas of my life...i kind of giggled too when i re read that. Anyway i did end up trying for a baby and to my surprise i really did find it added the missing piece that i was looking for..i mean it gave me a new sense of purpose and feeling i could never have imagined. I am also at an age where i could enjoy investing my time in him..and not feel i was missing out on anything. I didn't lose or give up anything as i thought i would (I'm a bit selfish you see) but only gained a world of new experiences and love. I never imagined i would want to stay home and not work full-time but when the time came thats what my heart wanted so i did it. So i guess i am just saying that maybe you really are ready for this..youve achieved so much and set up an environment where you could spend time with your child and still sustain the books, blogs etc with help. I also see how you have evolved to become a kind of mentor figure , putting positivity and creativity out into the world and maybe that it just where you want to be for your new stages. Anyway sorry for how long this was but I really felt the urge to share this with you. love nicole nicol in Australia
Anonymous said…
hi holly,
Its great that you are back writing on here..i know you have been busy ..i did the btw course with you recently so i know just how busy you've been.
I saw your post on decor8 and can definitely relate to this feeling..not right now but in the past.I came over here for more clues and i found what i was looking for. What did i find? Your mention of maybe wanting a family. As someone who was never maternal at all and would have been happy to never have one..i kind of thought id think about it around 35 (I'm now 39). I didn't feel the longing as you mentioned but i did feel that restlessness with life despite living quite a good one. We used to travel a lot..to often interesting but poorer places like you mentioned ..i longed to live elsewhere but i see it wouldn't have been the final answer. I found just the other day a diary entry from this time expressing this frustration at a longing for something that i couldn't quite name. Visiting other countries added to my frustration bc i thought that i should see how lucky i was in my life compared to the struggles of others...well i did but somehow still felt unsatisfied and berated myself for this. In the end i told myself that i was in a very luxurious position to sit back and wonder about the meaning of my life and what was missing when i was so lucky with all i had in so many areas of my life...i kind of giggled too when i re read that. Anyway i did end up trying for a baby and to my surprise i really did find it added the missing piece that i was looking for..i mean it gave me a new sense of purpose and feeling i could never have imagined. I am also at an age where i could enjoy investing my time in him..and not feel i was missing out on anything. I didn't lose or give up anything as i thought i would (I'm a bit selfish you see) but only gained a world of new experiences and love. I never imagined i would want to stay home and not work full-time but when the time came thats what my heart wanted so i did it. So i guess i am just saying that maybe you really are ready for this..youve achieved so much and set up an environment where you could spend time with your child and still sustain the books, blogs etc with help. I also see how you have evolved to become a kind of mentor figure , putting positivity and creativity out into the world and maybe that it just where you want to be for your new stages. Anyway sorry for how long this was but I really felt the urge to share this with you. love nicole nicol in Australia
Abigail said…
Yay! You're back! I haven't commented in a long time (and I've changed blogs - I used to be gloaming designs)but I'm glad to see all your bits of news! Congrats on your second book - that's wonderful. Looking forward to hearing more of your adventures.

As for summer - it went too fast here in Paris largely because it wasn't summer weather for a lot of it. I want a do-over! :) (This is all very unlike me; I'm a cold weather girl)
rooth said…
Wow! You've been so crazy busy but sounds like it was incredibly productive and moving you forward - so congrats to that!

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