Blogger's meetup & book launch in Berlin: 12 Nov!

Save the date everyone! On Saturday, November 12, 2011 from 14:00-18:00 at the Soho House in Berlin me and my friends will throw a lovely party for bloggers, fans of blogging, or simply those blog-curious who love networking online and are interested in meeting like-minded people. This event will also honor the release of my best selling interiors book, Decorate, in German under the title, Lust auf Wohnen.

You're Invited!

I'm very excited to invite all of you because Brigitte magazine is the official sponsor and they are doing so much to show support of me, decor8, blogger's and of course, my new book. I am very honored by this! They have some lovely things in store for guests and I can't wait to share all of that with you when you arrive. Fun, fun!

I'm also excited about the Berlin blogger's party and book launch because I doubt after this I'll be doing any signings for awhile since I need to begin work on my next book that will take months to produce. So, this is it for Germany for the time being.

If you want a chance to meet me and all of my lovely friends, mingle, and learn then join us. In addition to Brigitte, my other great sponsors will be at the event to share information on blogging, how to get your work into magazines, how to become an author and what publishers look for (and what scares them away!), promoting your business online and more!

Who can you learn from?

Holly Becker - Me! I'll be sharing my story as to how I got into blogging in the first place, then I'll talk about my book and the inspiration behind it and then I'll give tips on how budding authors can communicate their vision to their publisher in a professional manner and how to be taken seriously when you do! I'll also discuss some ideas for promoting yourself - whether it's a book, blog, your shop, etc.!

Stefanie Luxat, Brigitte managing editor and uber blogger from Ohhh Mhhh, will share her personal experience as a blogger, then she'll discuss how Brigitte is embracing the world of blogging and what they are currently doing to promote bloggers and then of course, she'll be talking about how those looking to get their work into magazines can approach editors with lots of great tips and tricks.

Caroline Ditting will speak on behalf of my German publisher, Callwey Verlag, about book publishing and why they decided to add me to their list of authors and translate it for the German market (I'm particularly interested in learning this myself!). They'll also talk about how to get your book idea in front of a publisher and what works along with what does not!

Matthew Stinchcomb, the European Director of who is from Brooklyn but now lives in Berlin. He'll talk about building your brand online and how to sell your products through online sites like Etsy and how to become part of an online community - he is so passionate on these topics and the perfect person to educate you being from America's most successful online independent shopping website.

This event will be in German and English so prepare to speak and think in two languages as we're going to be quite an mixed group on November 12th!

If you are attending and want to tell your blog readers, please drag and drop any of these images below to your desktop and show it on your blog if you'd like linking it to this post ( so people know what it means when they click on it! :) Here are several sizes...

What will you gain from attending this event? A lot of great ideas from industry leaders at no charge, a goody bag filled with great things from Etsy and my other sponsors and friends, refreshments from Cupcake Berlin and the Soho House and a handmade gift from me if you happen to purchase a book for me to sign at the event. :)

See you then - and please RSVP by November 7th to: - this will guarantee your seat, refreshments and a goody bag in case we sell out.

(image: created by ink + wit)


Unknown said…
Thatsounds like a great event, which I'd doubtless love to be part of. Having a family with 4 year old twins I unfortunately can't make it to Berlin.
I'd be so happy if the Brigitte magazine could consider to launch another event in Düsseldorf.
Have lots of fun!
Melanie said…
Haha, Frau Schmitt: I would love an event in Düsseldorf as well ;-)
But Holly, I am seriously considering coming to Berlin for this one...It sounds so tempting!
xoxo, Melanie
Emily said…
So bummed! For the Amsterdam event, I was on a plane from Spain, and for this event I'll be on a plain to Boston. Poor timing for me!
frauheuberg said…
yeah, Holly...would be of course a lovley event and unfortunatly i couldn´t come there, too.It sounds so exciting and interesting and i´m looking forward to all the impressions which you will show us on your blogs...;)...wish you a lot of success and so much more. I´m sure that you will meet a lot of inspiring people and have great time in a wonderful atmosphere.Oh, and you will give some extra goodies to the readers at your book signing?, i´m jealous of this little goodies...;)...just kidding...have a great weekend and much fun and special moments in Berlin...all the best and a big hug...cheers...i...
Anonymous said…
bloggers' meetup not blogger's meetup
and bloggers party not blogger's party
...bad grammar really bugs me.
haus maus said…
@Anon - Great to have a haus maus editor on staff, thank you! ;)

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