iPad 2 You Are Evil

Oh iPad 2 you are evil. I didn't care much at all about you at first. You were in black and so to me, you looked like a giant iPhone and I didn't want a giant iPhone that I couldn't even make calls on. On top of looks, I wasn't digging how heavy you felt in my hand. So I skipped you and felt no need at all to fall into this whole "iPad craze". But then... you went and did this...


I can imagine seeing my blog on one. Can you imagine? Oh wait, look at the above image... you can see it right there! Well what do you know?

I saw one in person tonight downtown and it was love at first site. Some kid wouldn't take his hands off of it long enough for me to hold it though. I think it became one with him as he beamed down at it like it was a long lost lover returned. I didn't want to kill his lusty moment by asking if I could please hold the white iPad 2 already.

And so I'm home, thinking about this white iPad 2, and wondering why I all of a sudden feel this need to own it just because it's so pretty and amazing and white. And of course, I had to watch THIS video a few weeks ago. Seeing that didn't help.

Do you want one too?


Kristi said…
yes, yes, yes I want one! I have the original iPad which I foolishly bought in Oct. not knowing a new *white* one with a camera and all the cool features I REALLY wanted included! *pouts* I'm trying to sell mine right now so I can go get this pretty one ;)
@ Creative Kristi
Candied Fabrics said…
Hah! It was easy for me to resist an iPad because although I could use it as a business expense, there are so many other things that I should use first. I am a very lucky gal and WON a 1st gen iPad 2 weeks ago, and I truly love it! You will love it when you get yours, it is truly an amazing tool.

I predict that I will work my tail off all year to make sure my little business has enough money to buy an iPad 2 at the end of the year, and then I will happily give the one I have now to the hubby, who is ADDICTED to Angry Bird! :-)

You are right, decor8 looks lovely in white!
Anonymous said…
I want one more too since they're available in white! But I need a laptop first - am thinking one from mac as the only apples in my home are edible ones and I think it's time I changed that! Any recs? X
Callie Grayson said…
YES! I want one in a really bad way!!
really bad!!
the white one is very pretty.
haus maus said…
Kristi at least you have one though, and don't worry, you'll sell it and upgrade I'm sure.

Candied Fabrics - Whoa, congrats. That is an amazing prize! And I also love Angry Birds. My husband and I play it in bed at night cuddled under the covers.
Candied Fabrics said…
Holly! Please forgive me for thinking something very funny when I read about your habit of playing angry birds in bed ;-)
nerd JERK said…
I've been lusting over that white iPad2 since I figured out how wonderful it would work with Square at shows... :D

And I'd love the chance to be able to play Angry Birds in bed... so that I can use it for product development, of course! ;)
Anonymous said…
It's pretty!
But no - I don't want one. I don't think it would make me happier, more productive or more successful. In fact, it would probably be a distraction from all the things that are important to me and that I am longing to do with my life.
Alicia said…
Reading your blog on the white iPad right now!
phoenix said…
YES !!! Most definitely. I finally broke down and got the iPhone4 last year and this year, I'm going to get the iPad2. Evil indeed!!!
Georgianna said…
Oh, Holly, I DO understand! We ordered ours the day they were released and got them a few days ago. LOVE!!!!!!!! Everything is beautiful on them and they have so many cool apps. You will LOVE it and besides, it's a WORK related accessory – vital to productivity! :) And Decor8 does looks soooo gorgeous in white! xo
Lise Johnston said…
I bought an iPad2 in white when they came out and my husband bought one in black. As much as I love white I find myself secretly wishing for the black one. Here's my reason: when you watch video on the black one, the black bezel around the edges makes the screen feel bigger and not noticeable. The white screen makes text pages on white backgrounds like PDFs bigger, but is annoying when you are watching video as it really frames the video instead of being unnoticeable.

Either way you'll be happy with it. The amount of stuff you can do is growing every day. We have our recipes on there and the battery really lasts forever.
Chickrocks said…
I want one too. Hopefully it'll be my birthday present to myself. :)
Punto Reves said…
Oh yes I do. They've made it irresistible as far I'm concerned. And yes, you're blog would look lovely in one!!!!!
I picked one up yesterday and I am so happy with it. I did get a black one though as I found viewing images on the white one to be a tad disconcerting.

I love it!

Sandy K
I picked mine up yesterday and am so happy with it.

I got a black one as I found viewing images on the white one to be a little disconcerting.

I love it.

Sandy K
*Sold!* Love the white. Truly, madly, deeply. Hmm. Going to have to do some plotting to get my hands on one. :)
Unknown said…
Funny, I've been thinking about these as well lately!!!
Seem like they could be a lot of fun!!!
Chris :o)
Juliette said…
On my last trans-Atlantic flight I sat next to a professor from Cornell who had just purchased an iPad. He was SO excited about it and was totally into showing off all that it could do. I was/am amazed by the iPad. I definitely see how it's more of an accessory than a foundational computer product, but I'm pretty impressed with how useful it can be.

We've been contemplating a second computer purchase, but aren't ready to commit to the whole thing. iPad is a viable solution to our situation, especially because we've also been seriously considering getting some kind of e-reader. If we end up getting an iPad I'll definitely be voting for a white one! ;-)
Anonymous said…
of course, i want one too. When i first saw it, that was my impresson too. Pure white and so thin. What a dreamy ipad *Still dreaming*
Tracey said…
I am in love with my NookColor and feel no need to cheat on it with other electronic devices. ;)
Giulia Doyle said…
I totally feel you. I want it as well and I did not want the first one. I read so many blogs and I think reading them on the couch on a beautiful white iPad would be great. I did not stand in line though yesterday, that was just a bit too much for me. So I'll wait another week or so and then I'll cash in all my gift cards to get me one of those.
Your blog looks great on this thing, doesn't it?
linden said…
I do want one! It doesn't look like I'll be getting one though for a long while....your site looks great on it! You should definitely get one.
I do, I do want one. and all I want it for is to read blogs. that's all! nothing else. a laptop would seem excessive, but this? no. this wouldn't be excessive. it would be perfect. PERFECT
Bunny Skies said…
Oh gosh yes! I want one so badly I thought about finding 500 items in my house to sell for $1 each to come up with the $500 it will cost! Silly I know, but I am desperate!
kirsten said…
Holly, you're the evil one! I didn't want one until I read this post.;) The white one looks so pretty.
I'll have to invest in a washing first though...
Mabel Handmade said…
My white iPad 2 is on order (not sure what is taking so long). I absolutely cannot wait to get it into my hot little hands. I intentionally waited for the 2nd generation, because I knew Apple would improve on the first iPad. Plus I was hoping the 2nd gen would be offered in their signature white.
kirsten said…
I obviously meant Washing Machine in the comment above, instead of Washing...
krissy said…
I cant watch the video on my regular ole black iPad. Ironic?
Anonymous said…
Too funny! I just posted to my twitter account with a photo of my red cover, and all my plugs - with no white iPad 2 yet!!! Supposed to be next week - I'm with you, didn't become an early adopter, but he issued a white one and I am there!!! Just wish it was HERE! I'm betting that decor8 will look GREAT on it! Kristin
Erica Cooper said…
Oh, did you have to tell me about this Holly? Now I want an ipad2 even more than I did before! Ha!
I can't imagine if they can do all this already, where will the future of online magazines, apps and ingenuity go in the future?
Thanks for the information!
Anonymous said…
I may be the only one here that's going to advise against buying one of these unless you have a lot of disposable income. While an ipad is light and easier than a laptop to carry around, the internet connection is so slow I just want to break mine every time I use it. I can have my laptop and ipad next to each other and the laptop will access every site at 5 times the speed. It turns out this is one of the top complaints in the ipad forums (read before buying). Also, while the touch screen key pad is a cool concept, I like to type fast which you can't do with the touch screen. So yes, it is pretty, and smaller, and lighter... but give me a mac book air any day. Did I mention that my ipad belongs to work and I don't own it? I am soooo glad for it!
littlekarstar said…
It is pretty but one thing mega annoying is the inability to access flash websites! Hope they've fixed this in the iPad2? So beware. You can't read lovely online mags, access funky websites...because apple refuse to allow flash. I'd so get one if they let up on this issue! No joy alas.
Mikkili.com said…
I think I just gonna buy the Ipad2.
Saioa said…
Ohh, I feel the same way when I saw Martha Stewart magazine on the iPad 2, I want one :)
maisy and alice said…
Well! I didn't, but I do now! Thanks Holly :)
Helen said…
I love my ipas and use it everyday without fail. I knew a new one would come out and be better which it is. But I am still in love with my Ipad it is the best thing out.
Martina said…
Yes, since I saw the new one at my friends office. It is white too and I also felt immediately in love with it. It's fantastic and all the great colours - so it's awfull but I really have to get one for me too....;-)
T said…
my husband got himself one online the very day it was released. i really love white too so i'm coveting it. it's much lighter than the old one and actually looks much better in my hands than his. :)

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