Anti-Frustration Kit

This afternoon I felt frustrated. I guess it's a number of things that just built up over the course of the past few days and I felt like throwing my hands up!

Anti-Frustration Kit

I was vacuuming and instead of gently removing the cord from the plug, I sort of whipped it out from afar, quite spirited, and proceeded to then say "shit" because the plug flew out of the wall along with most of the outlet and the screws flew out of the wall (oops!)... And I did this little immature kick thing -- I kicked the vacuum -- not hard just sort of like a kid would do. Then I stood there and noticed that my husband saw the whole thing and I felt soooo embarrassed and dumb so I put the vacuum away and with my tail between my legs I mumbled "sorry" and went and closed myself in the living room, put on some candles and music (remember, it is my therapy!), and then I started to work and zoned out while I did some invoicing.

My husband fixed the outlet and all is well... And my mood passed... But my husband went out to the ATM and came home with an "Anti-Frustration Kit". How cute is he? He bought me a kinder egg (Chocolate egg with a toy inside), a flower bouquet that looks like straw, wood, and such (very natural and nice for the wintergarten he says)... And my favorite yogurt for breakfast in the morning and a Starbucks coffee. What a cute, sweet, amazing husband to do this to his wife when she acted like a little kid... I'm so thankful to have him and his sweet anti-frustration kit. Things like this keep our marriage very strong and definitely makes the frustration disappear, for sure!

Does your husband or partner ever do sweet things when you're in a funky mood? What does he/she do?

(images: holly becker for haus maus)


Kelly said…
He makes me laugh. Bless him. :-)
My husband brings me a starbuck and asks if I want to go out on a date. :) Cheers me up every time- even if the date is a watching a dvd and eating some ice cream.
MarianneM said…
How funny! My husband buys me Kinder eggs when I'm down/sick too! :) It always works.
julie said…
Ferrero Rochers and a big hug :)
Juliette said…
Ha, if I'm low he brings me these little organic chocolate bars from the drug store or an 'american' style cookie from a coffee shop in town. =P
Anonymous said…
I love your table! I will be around Hannover over Christmas, and would love to know which flea market you found the table.
haus maus said…
anon - I got it at the old town flea market on the Leine river.
Anonymous said…
... back rubbing for a start and bear hugs... And he uses the vacuum cleaner more than me :)
Unknown said…
I love this post, and your sweet husbands caring response to you! What sold me on my husband early-on was an evening he planned for me when I was going through a tough time. He brought over a bottle of wine, dinner (from TJ's that he heated and assembled) and a DVD of a favorite show. He set it all up for me to drink wine, eat dinner, and watch my show while he cleaned my apartment for me! I am a total introvert, and he knew I'd get more out of it if I was alone, but he still wanted to do something for me. THEN, before he left, he drew me a bath! SOLD!
Deanna said…
This is the cutest post - I'm glad somebody like you has the occasional little girl moment too. :)
I know flowers sounds a bit cliched...but when it's not your birthday and he pops out in the morning, with 3 year old boy in tow, and comes back with flowers handpicked by the pair of them then it always makes me smile. If it's summer then I get one or two brought up to me from the garden with a nice cup of tea. My husband is very understanding of my kid like moments too and I don't know how I'd live without either of them : )
Anonymous said…
hello holly, just found your blog via my sister and am happy to say that now living back here in germany in a time of blogging it's cool to have you as an entry point. i lived in hannover for almost 4 years and left at the end of '99. i feel much more fondness for that town since leaving-wish i had seen more of it's beauty then. you are possibly inspiring me to again want to blog - but i am not really sure what my niche would be. i blogged back about 5 years ago and had almost nothing to say then. (lovelifelivelove at blogger). anyway that's not important- just wanted to say happy to have found you - love your both blogs! enjoy the early winter! danielle
oh, albatross said…
that's such a great story...
and a kinder egg is possibly the simplest bit of joy in the world.

happy for you to have such a wonderful person in your life.
I know you already know this, but your husband is the best!
Andrea said…
Don't you love it when they do things like that. It's love and compassion rolled in together. Matt has on the odd occasion created suprises for me after a long shitty day at work. It usually involves a hot bath with essential oils and candles, with a glass of wine on the side and a plate of cheese, sundried tomatoes and biccies, the house full of incence and candles, and the table set with dinner just about ready to go. Bless him!
Unknown said…
Oh Holly, this post made me laugh and cry at the same time!

Yay for sweet husbands, we are truly lucky! :)
Flavia said…
Cute!!!! Mine dances till I laugh so badly that my belly starts aching and I must beg him to stop...:))
Xenia said…
Kinder egg and your favorite coffee. That's very sweet! :)
Such a wonderful post. Your husband sounds so thoughtful. I love his anti-frustration kit.

I'm living vicariously here. :-)
Holly, you made me laugh too! I could picture myself kicking the vacuum :))

When I am acting silly like that and my husband is around, most of the time he starts smiling and then laughs at me. It usually works and I end up laughing too :))

Most important is that frustration disappears... and love grows!
Brigitte said…
What a great guy! My husband is thoughtful, too, though not in quite the same way. He gives me space when I'm crabby. Or! He does the dishes or cleans up the kitchen. He's more of a do-er than a gifter.
Sanja said…
:D there must be something with Kinder eggs and men. My boyfriend got me an entire crate for my birthday :D
Your posts always come in the right time :)
Jutta said…
What a perfect timing for this post. I'm so frustrated with my printer this moment, it won't co-operate. I was just ready to rip all my expensive printing paper... Glad to hear I'm not the only one having these moments.

But my husband sent me hugs over the chat and said he'd come home for lunch and fix it for me. He's so sweet.

Thank you Holly, I feel much better now :)
kalanicut said…
So darling. Darling that you lost your cool and got caught. LOL. So darling that your husband knew just what to do to put a smile on your face. Love it.

Thanks everyone for sharing what your lovely man does. I think The Man does a combination of several things mentioned, sometimes flowers, sometimes acting like a goofball, sometimes a good date or just a simple hug & kiss on the forehead.

I think guys get a pretty bad wrap by women a lot of the time. They definitely deserve more understanding and appreciation. They're quite fab when we allow them to be - and we're kind and lovely in return.

Thanks for sharing Holly! Gives us a moment to laugh at ourselves & appreciate the people who love us.
Ahh that's sweet, my boyfriend knows I love wildflowers and when he is out working on the land and sees nice ones, he takes photographs on his mobile and sends them to me, and says I'd pick this for you :) I generally get them when I'm in work :)

All things nice...
Tara Hogan said…
I love the ATM idea. Hope your feeling better. I have gifts to cheer you up but still have no address for you : (
Okay, that's a super sweet guy!!! :) I LOVE the kit idea, that's awesome! Clever hubby :) Mine is also very nice and sweet to me when I'm all funked up. He'll make me special hot cocoa (ha, not special like *special*, but just really really good with dark chocolate!)... rub my back... One thing I love that he does to cheer me up is "kitty band". We have 2 very loving, personable cats, so he'll have them "sing" (when he sings sometimes they meow along), and he'll wave their paws around so that they're 'playing the guitar' or 'drumming', etc. :) silly but always makes me laugh, and the cats don't seem to mind displaying their musical talents!!
Amanda said…
What a lovely, kind gesture of your husband's - so thoughtful :)
Fiona said…
That is really sweet! I have to admit that I don't think there is anything that would embarrass me in front of my husband--I don't know if that is good or bad!
Laura said…
Kinder chocolate always solves both of our bad moods!
Laura in Ludwigsburg

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