Fabric Market Time

Tomorrow is the big Hannover fabric market at Steintor and I'll be going with my friend to enjoy the day. I look forward to this so much because I need some time to not think about work or anything else -- just a day to be with my friend and have fun with (hopefully) the blue skies that we have today because the weather is just perfect right now.

Hannover Fabric Market

from the fabric market

The photo above is from last year. The other one is of some of my loot laid out on my dresser at home last year as well.

To see all of my fabric market pictures, click here.

Have a nice weekend!!!!


Danke, danke, danke Holly, ich habe es fast vergessen! Ich muss hin! Gruß, Éva
That looks extremely fun. It would be hard not to come home with a huge bag full.

Have a good weekend. Really enjoy BYW class, by the way!
haus maus said…
Eva - Maybe I will see you there!
I stopped by your tent at the Herbst fest, did you get my card?
I would enjoy a day like that! I have so many fabrics at home, but i would love to have some more:)
i don't work with fabric very often at all but these very sweet fabric pictures make want to go to a fair like this one - stat! hope your weekend is wonderful :)
steven mcvay said…
holy crap, i think i would faint at such a place... i positively flirt with fabric so this place would be like a dirty dream come true... have fun... but then again how could you not...x
Christine E-E said…
ohhh - I love fabric BUT don't seem to find the time to sew in this period of my life (so many interests)!! Do they sell swatches & then you order larger pieces (depending on your decorating project)? or is the fabric cut in "quilters" sizes?
Hope your weather was lovely! we woke to a foggy morning along the beach.
katy said…
I went to that market in Trier, Germany. It is indeed wonderful! The fabric was great but I was really amazed with the notions - ribbon, buttons, zippers, patches, etc. The market usually comes to Trier in the spring time. Can't wait! Hope you found some wonderful things. Looking forward to show and tell.
i need to find one of these in my neighborhood! how fun and inspiring!
I would so love to be at that fabric market. Pam x
Anonymous said…
Hi. I'm Karin from Brazil and I woul love if you could give me some information about fabric shops and markets in Germany.
PS: love the blog!
DecorMamma said…
Hey, these fabrics look soooooo great!!!Especially on your white dresser;-)) Kiss from Croatia!
Claudia said…
Oh my, this is quite a dream, isn't it? :) Oh happy colours & white furniture!
This looks INCREDIBLE! It's probably a good thing that I missed it--I could have gone into cardiac arrest from the excitement.
puisor said…
OMG! those fabrics look gorgeous!
Kathryn said…
byw student here and am loving the class!
Sigh, sigh, sigh. I would love it if we had something like this in the states. Such beautiful fabrics too! I'm a big collector of fabrics. I'll have to make sure my next trip to europe coincides with one of these! Good luck with the move!
Good luck with settling in! I can't wait to see the finished pictures!
Anonymous said…
Color and polka-dot paradise!

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