Come Back To Camden

I always loved this song by Morrissey, Come Back To Camden, and as I stood at the window in Camden (London) the other day looking out at this great rainbow that was getting shorter and fading... I couldn't help but to reflect on his words...

Come back to Camden

"Drinking tea with the taste of the Thames, sullenly on a chair on the pavement; here you'll find my thoughts and I, and here is the very last plea from my heart. My heart. For evermore. Where taxi drivers never stop talking, under slate grey Victorian sky, Here you'll find despair and I, and here I am every last inch of me is yours...YOURS...For evermore. Come back to Camden."

I remember when I lived in Boston, and was single, I would listen to this song over and over again on the way home after going out with my friends. Usually Paris. She was and still is a dear friend of mine though our world has certainly changed a lot since we met in our early 20's -- she is married with a son and I am married living in another country! But this song always connects me to her in a way that erases all of the time between those cocktails and conversations shared back then to now as we are married and thirtysomething. Music has this gift doesn't it?

And as I stood before this disappearing rainbow, listening to Come Back To Camden on my iPod, I thought of how life is like a rainbow. There is a storm, there is beauty and pleasure, and then it fades and time passes and then a storm returns and hopefully a rainbow lies at the end.

"Drinking tea with the taste of the Thames, sullenly on a chair on the pavement; here you'll find my thoughts and I..."

(image: holly becker for haus maus) 


CrisCamarena said…
what beaufiful words! they have transported me to Candem, to Morrissey and to good memories of my time living in London and conversations with friends full of dreams and hopes.
Beautifully written, Holly. Music has the same effect on me; takes me back to good places, bad places, amazing places in life. I always find music hits my emotions when I least expect it - in a shop or when my iPod is on random, and in that moment it transports me to another world.

A little sesson of reminiscing can be very cathartic, can't it?!

Hope your weekend has been fun! Will xo
kelly said…
Such a lovely, lovely post. Thank you for sharing.
Anna @ D16 said…
Lovely, Holly. Thank you. xox
I dont know the song you are talking about Holly, but I must you tube it. I love rainbow, they are so magical and pretty too. And of course there is a pot of gold at the end of each and every one :)

All things nice...
torrie said…
Music is so indescribably powerful in the exact way that you described. Beautifully put.
Libby said…
You're pictures are so gorgeous! What kind of camera are you using?

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