Gotta Have Faith

You know, I feel like this whole search for a place to live is no longer about me finding a place to rent but about me learning a lesson of patience. You know how, at first, things that don't seem to flow smoothly just are that way because, right? But then after months of not going smoothly, you start to wonder if perhaps there is more involved. Like perhaps you are meant to take something away from the experience that is to groom you for greater things down the road. I try to look at everything in life this way, when I'm overwhelmed or feeling very annoyed because I'm not making progress in a certain areas, that well it must be a learning experience -- I am being groomed somehow for a greater purpose. Maybe that is why I can look for a place to live for 8 months now and not feel that terrible... I mean, I am learning something, right? But what? That is what you only know after the test. For now I'm guessing it's a test of patience and to help me to be even more patient than (gulp!) I thought I was. If I do find an apartment in the 9th month, I may even take this as a sign: that I will soon become pregnant and will need to be very patient for another 9 months. ha ha!

The place we've been waiting on since last November, the one that was going to call us on June 7th to let us know if we have it or not, is once again MIA. Missing In Action. I can't find a single agent here who takes their job seriously. They take their fee seriously though! Always the case, right? So we don't know what will become of that -- will we eventually get a call, will we not get a call? Fortunately, there is a new place on the horizon that will be empty next week and we can see it when I'm back from London a week from Friday. I'm very, very excited. It will be great to see it - and I'm definitely taking photos this time because if we take it I want to have something to reference as I plan on what furniture and such I will need to put in it! Oh I can't wait to move... I am simply over the moon excited to imagine setting up a new, long term, home for Thorsten and I. I am tired of limbo living and having my wardrobe and personal possessions in the basement. It's time to break freeeeee!

This weekend I venture off to London again to meet with the publisher to review spreads and such and also to work with Debi Treloar on more shoots - she takes dreamy photos and I style them which can be fun sometimes and physically demanding others because styling rooms isn't a glamorous job -- you are under furniture removing visible cords, cleaning surfaces, folding and refolding blankets and throws a million times to make them look photo perfect, fluffing pillows but not too perfectly (it's an art to make a pillow lie gracefully for a photo!), smoothing beds -- it's all I did in Denmark as the Danish have lumpy beds like the Germans so I was smoothly bed tops constantly! And of course, there are fun sides to styling a home -- flower arranging, reorganizing storage and shelving, playing with people's stuff (well in a respectful manner but still, it's a bit of a play time for me), moving furniture and objects around (in one home I moved everything out of the living room and moved in completely different furniture changing it altogether), I could go on and on. You get to shoots around 8-9 a.m. and stay on your feet until you finish, breaking for a quick bite (in Denmark nearly everyone cooked a huge spread for us, which was not necessary but very, very sweet) and then you either take a taxi to the next shoot or if the morning shoot is a full day, you continue on to other rooms. One home we shot had 7 rooms on the first floor (about 2,500 square feet) and 6 rooms on the second floor (about 2,500 square feet again), which kept us busy all day. It was a gorgeous home so it took a great deal of time. By day's end, I was so excited to be there and so energized, I wanted to keep going and going but then, around dinner, I completely mellowed out and gave in to Japanese food and a cocktail. Once the adrenaline rush is over, it's OVER! After 5 days of shoots all over Denmark and also over to Sweden, I think 7 total, or maybe 8 homes, I felt a lot different than after a week of blogging and writing! I would love to style part-time and write part-time to mix things up, so perhaps I will do that someday as I did like being on my feet more. Sometimes I feel like all of this sitting will catch up to me, and I often miss my more physical jobs of the past. I'm thinking in my new space to get a high table to work from so I can blog while standing for several hours, or get a balance ball to sit on and work from 20 minutes a day as I had one in New Hampshire and this was so, so helpful to my back and posture!

So I've rambled a lot today! But this will be about it until June 18th as I need to get my notes together, finish all of my writing assignments, and get packed! But on the 18th I'll be home and I'll be looking at the new apartment in the afternoon so I'll be sure to tell you all about it when I get home. See you in 9 days!


Oh Holly as always you sound so busy, I really hope the apartment is nice and suits you and is everything you want. I have some good news too on the house front, myself and my boyfriend are building our own home, we got our planning permission this week, we've been waiting since January for permission and it was months before that getting the plans drawn up. I am busy looking up interiors all the time, even though the site hasn't even been dug out yet, once I see the blocks go up I'll be very excited! I'll be stopping by decor8 even more now :) Good luck with the assignments

All things nice...
Mari said…
Hi Holly, I only want to let you know that I am also convinced that when things don't happen, it's for further reasons, but as you say, this can only be seen when time goes by and you look back. I am really really sure about this. Who knows? maybe you will find the place of your dreams but it's not empty yet. Waiting is difficult (I know that, believe me, I do), but remember that you're waiting for something awesome! Good luck!!
Alison Gibbs said…
Holly you have been so busy.
Good Luck with finding a new home. So frustrating when the agents aren't really into their jobs
Frau Mayer said…
Wait a sec, what does that mean you didnt hear from the makler? Call him, drill a hole in his stomach, say you want the flat. You gotta be active if your really want a place - this is what I learned (well, you know the story!)
Julia said…
Oh Holly, I've been searching for a new place too, and it's so hard! I live across the Atlantic and the Equator line and every time I read you, I can relate to almost everything you say.

Our stuff in storage is not a big deal (we're used to bring things to-and-fro) but we're expecting a baby for early September, and we still live in this tiny apartment so I can't plan a nursery, or get baby gear (bed, bath, you know), and the little we do have has to be in storage somewhere else. I took (awful) pictures of all the wonderful cute tiny things and perusing them soothes my mind.

Sorry if I sound like I need a catharsis... it's that sometimes we go see a new house and it's disappointing, or we like it but they don't call us back, or there's something fishy with the owner's status, and I think I'll go mad.

By the way, I'm looking forward to having your book. Sounds like you're doing a fantastic job (as usual) and having it around will be great. Thanks for keeping us posted on your whereabouts!
Frau Mayer said…
In this case I'd talk directly with the owner. She's the person who knows everything about the NBK etc. In our case the agent didn't really move a single body part - and got his Provision. Great job, I'd like to work like this, too - and get thousands for nothing.
I guess you have to become even more direct with this woman. Maybe she's waiting for some Schmiergeld. It's rather possible if the place is somewhere everyone wants to be (and List fits the description perfectly).
Frau Mayer said…
How big is the space btw? 265 is nothing unusual if it's bigger than 100 sqm.
haus maus said…
Frau Mayer - We should chat offline. I don't want this convo to be public please!
Anonymous said…
My situation is somewhat similar to yours and I wish I could be as peaceful about it as you are. It would be so nice if I could see this experience as a lesson but I just get impatient and cranky...

Good luck with the house hunt!
Frau Mayer said…
Right, Holly, feel free to delete the comments.
haus maus said…
Frau Mayer - I don't delete comments from readers so no, I won't delete yours because I value your feedback immensely. But I just have to be careful... well YOU know!!!
Traveling Mama said…
Holly, my goodness! I completely agree that everything happens for a reason. I am always hoping that whatever lesson I am suppose to learn, I will learn it the first time! But it never seems to work that way!

I'm feeling that squeeze already about housing. Good grief, CPH, is SO expensive! I don't want to squeeze five of us into 100 sq meters! I hope so much that you get to unpack soon. Perhaps the 9th month!

I am completely fascinated by your job as a stylist. I would love to assist a stylist! I've wondered if I could volunteer myself to be "errand girl" for a photo shoot just so I can watch, learn, and be a part of the process. I just think that would be so much fun and so interesting to watch the process of creativity!

Well, anyways! I hope you have a great weekend!
It's fun reading about what's going on in your life, Holly. Sorry about the long, long wait for a home. It will come in time and you will love it! It's sure tough waiting, though. I'm with you on the "purpose in eveything". It's such a great way to think and helps me get through alot of difficulties.

Glad you're happy, healthy, and having fun! Come style me house soon, ok? lol. xo
Lilian said…
I went through that hole "apartment searching process" myself last year (in Frankfurt). It took me more than one year to find the right place! But i wanted that apartment to be special and was looking for a longtime solution, so i had to learn to be patient!
In the end, it was soooo worth it!
I found a wonderful place and every day i walk through the door i'm glad i took my time!
But it's also true, that you can't wait till the makler contacts you, you have to be the one to take initiative (at least, that's my experience!).....
Good luck! I'm sure you'll find a great place to live!
Good luck with the search, I feel the same way. We started looking about the same time you did I think, in January, and here we are end of July and still haven't had an offer accepted. We've found perfectly suitable or even lovely apartments but they have never worked out - sometimes we didn't make the offer fast enough, or we were passed over in favor of cash buyers, or the sitting tenant decided to buy, or the agency goofed, etc. Like you I cling to the hope that this means the apartment we do eventually buy will be even more fabulous than anything we hoped for. Fingers crossed for us both.

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