Back + Forth!

I've been a bit back + forth lately, so much is going on right now that my head is spinning! But I think that once these shoots are finished (end of July, early August) I can get back to my normal routine and that will feel very good. People tell me that it must be such a dream to work on a book, and you know what, so far it really hasn't been! It has been difficult in many ways that I never imagined and had not considered before signing my contract. The publisher has been great and I love the photographer with whom I will work with, but the shoots themselves have been very difficult to schedule because so many are traveling in the summer months, lots of people are in other books or doing their own books, and still others are just not interested because they don't think that their homes are book-worthy and they are shy about showing their space. All reasons are valid and I understand them completely -- I was asked by a few magazines to show my home, like Domino, back a few years ago and my house was not "magazine worthy" and I turned them down so I understand completely. But it's very difficult still! I am currently searching for spaces in New York (which has been THE most challenging spot on earth, surprisingly, to book shoots) and in LA (the second hardest). Which makes me laugh a bit because I thought booking my fellow Americans would be a breeze since so many there read decor8 and know me and those I've already approached have worked with me before whether it be a write-up I did on my site or for a magazine article. Booking shoots in Europe, in the other hand, has been a lot easier (with the exception of Paris and France in general - no one will write back to me and I'm told it is because I do not write to them in French!). Finding locations in Scandinavia, Belgium, England and so on has been a delight though -- and it's also nice because I've worked with lots of the homeowners with whom I'll be visiting to style their space for the shoot so it gives me great joy to finally meet those that I am so fond of.

Aside from scouting, booking and traveling -- I've been meeting some very talented and nice people! In London I enjoyed meeting my co-author and the publisher along with her team - and I met the photographer for coffee who will be doing special photography for the book and will be my partner-in-crime as I travel to these homes I've booked over the summer. I feel things have to "click" with those whom you are going to work so closely with and she and I clicked right away and so I felt comfortable knowing she will be with me on this journey. It is always very scary to work with someone new, but also very exciting, but meeting her definitely helped to put aside all fears that I had and now I believe that we'll have a very nice adventure together. We will meet in Copenhagen on May 31 and get started on a 5 day shooting schedule that will bring us to Sweden as well... and then I'll be back home again for a couple of weeks before going back to London for more shoots.

In addition to the book, I still have my lovely happy space - decor8 - to think about and tend to. I love my blog, my readers are the light in my life and I always miss them when I am away from my blog too long. For this reason I can never imagine not writing regularly on decor8, and I think it's one of the main reasons why I've not considered hiring writers and turning it more into an online magazine. I want to, in many ways, but I still need to connect daily with my friends and readers through decor8 because they feed and water me. It's a relationship I'm in, I don't feel the same when I'm away from them. I'm thinking of some new features to add to decor8 and also some additional ways to develop it - the content and such - so that it remains fresh and inspirational. So as I travel, I am taking notes as to what I will do on decor8 once I am seated calmly again at my desk with only my blog to focus on - which will be in late August.

On the homefront, we are finally going to look at a space that we may move to in September. We have been waiting for it since last October! Can you believe it? It is being gut renovated -- all of this time -- and nearly completed so we will see it next week. We are not 100% sure about it - so that is why we have been looking for a place while also waiting for this one -- but since nothing else has worked out perhaps then this space will be the one. It's very large so there will be room for all that we need - our home offices - a nursery for the future baby, etc. I already know the couple who lives on the floor that would be directly above us -- they are Danish and very, very warm and kind and into design like me (yay!) so there is something in common and so it would be nice to live in a building where we know a good spirit exists and the others are looking out for us and vice versa. I just found out that this Danish family lives in the same house, it was exciting news to learn, so it made me even more interested in this property as liking our neighbors is a concern (and trusting them) as we frequently travel. I will fill you in on the property and details next week, hopefully before I leave for Copenhagen on the 31st, so if you are curious stay tuned! :) :)

And how are you? What is new?



Little Pinwheel said…
oh wow! your life is amazing and busy right now. I was only just thinking today what it would feel like to be somebody, to really become somebody and you know, you are that person to me. You write so beautifully, you are an absolute inspiration and mostly you are a lovely person.

I cannot wait to see the potential new home!

Juliette said…
I can only imaging the amount of work a design book must have attached to it. I've helped with a biography and a cookbook before and they required massive amounts of time that just saturated your life. All the traveling involved for your book sounds like a lot of fun, but also pretty draining. In the end I'm sure it will be worth all the craziness! =) Cream rises to the top, right? =)

I received another teaching offer at the Uni here, so that's been exciting and time consuming. It's so nice to work with motivated people! However, I've been scrubbing our balcony, getting rid of the spring flowers and ready for summer blooms. Enjoy the long weekend!
Katherine said…
Sending good thoughts about your flat, hope you finally get the space you love.

Hope you are enjoying your travels, we are off the Highlands next week and Brussels at the end of July, hoping you have got some good shopping recommendations. I've been several times but always like to discover new places.
haus maus said…
Little Pinwheel/Hayley: Gosh honey, your comment made me cry! Thank you for saying those words because it was soothing for the soul since this time has been hard for me as I'm working very hard on something that is so dear to my heart yet also I am battling with other things simultaneously that make me sometimes wonder if I can truly do it ALL. But your words make me realize that I am not alone and that others are looking to me, counting on me really, and I have to keep growing and to also be here as a good example to others. I think this is really a sign of the best friendships people can cultivate - when those friends help you to realize that you are not put on this planet to serve only yourself but also others, don't you think? And that those friendships also make you realize that serving others doesn't always mean catering to their personal needs but can be much greater -- serving a spiritual/emotional role to be an example, a role model, even. Your comment really reminded me of this so Hayley thank you for putting your words here on my blog today.

With love,
julie said…
Taking big steps in our lives is very scary indeed, but I have full faith that this will work out for you Holly. I am sure you will find some lovely homes to shoot in the US. If not, you could always come to Australia :) I know, we are too far away :( I can understand some people thinking their home isn't book worthy, and being our private sanctuary so it is a big thing to open it up to others. It takes confidence and generosity to do so.

I am looking at taking a rather big step myself this year and it is scaring the pants off me! Sometimes I will sit there daydreaming about what I will do, all the ideas will flow and I think 'this will be great, this will so work, I can do this!'. Then I will wake up in the middle of the night and think, how am I going to do it, will it work...??? I have worked in the safety of my husband's family business for too long and ignored my own dreams and where my talent and study lies. Time to take big leaps! It is a little like jumping out of a plane (not that I have done so myself), you've got to get to the point of jumping which is very scary, then once you do jump, you don't look back, you enjoy the journey and the wonderful places it takes you.

All the best of luck to you Holly.
Little Pinwheel said…
oh Holly! you are beautiful and you should never doubt can do it ALL! you taught me that you can have a voice and people do listen. I found mine a couple of weeks ago and wow do people listen....thank you!

The best thing is you will not stop being an inspiration. I am sure there will be a new little me that comes a long and looks up to you too. I completely believe we are here to help others, not just live for us. You also really learn this when you have children.

It is nice to know there are so many people walking with you and holding your hand!

love xx
Brigitte said…
Holly - One of the reasons I find you so very inspirational is that you're honest about the challenges you face. You make it look effortless, and it would be easy to have an image that everything comes so easily to you. But it's simply impossible to keep up the workload you do without behind-the-scenes madness. Somehow these moments make me feel that I can work to achieve my dreams, too.

And, I really hope you get your dream home. Soon!
Billy said…
Hi Holly! Just wanted to say that I relate so much to what you write here, not only about your professional life (I´m a freelancer too), but also about moving (just moved to a new location, and still not my country) and adapting to a new life in a new place.

I´m sure you´ll manage to do everything with elegance and grace, because we are so much more powerful than sometimes we think we are.

Lots of positive energy to you!
Anna @ D16 said…
This post is such a huge and real reminder of why I often find myself wishing I could have several clones to do all of the things I don't have time to do (which is a lot of things). I've had some things happen to me in the past year that have really sidelined my ability to stay on top of anything in way that I feel satisfied with, so I am constantly feeling like a failure. A disappointment.

I really admire the fact that you speak about this stuff so openly hear - there is a real difference between your voice on Decor8 and your voice here in terms of vulnerability, and I like that.

As always, I'm in awe. xox
Unknown said…
Good luck Holly.

I can understand how people might think that that their homes are not 'book worthy' but they must remember that there's a whole lot of styling that goes into a shoot before a room is finally featured on a page of a magazine or book. I have styled a few rooms for photoshoots and they look completely different when you finally get to see them in print. Getting the right shot of a chair/sofa in the corner of a room can take hours. Getting the cushions to sit just right, adjusting the lighting, introducing your own props etc and then it all gets tweaked in photoshop. It's all a con! You never see all the battered door jambs, unpainted areas and weird ornaments that are actually in the room.
Frau Mayer said…
It's good that you're back. I guess there are lots of people who're biting their nails off, being envious and all. London, Copenhagen, Paris, NYC, a book, a shoot - imagine all that! You're really brave, sharing it all in such an open way.
I guess you'll grow a lot in all kinds of ways when the book is finished. Do you want to know what so many of your readers are looking forward to? Your new home and the way you'll transform it. To be very honest, I enjoyed the beginning of HausMaus more than any other blog I'd ever read - that process of the flat evolving, growing, becoming more and more liveable, beautiful is priceless. And I'm looking forward to your next flat a whole lot!
Good luck from Frau Mayer (and the cat)
You are so busy, and we all understand that. I hope everything goes well, and you do get the space you are hoping for. We are all out here keeping our fingers crossed for you Holly.

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