Radio FFN: Today!

Many of you asked what time and when I'll be on Radio FFN. I just received a call that it will be in about an hour at 10:30 a.m. today! Yeah! I'm excited. In the interview I also reveal two things that I've not told anyone yet outside of a few close friends and my husband and mom, so if those things are kept in the interview I think you'll be excited to hear the news. :)

P.S. You can listen on web radio here:

It's in English. :)


karine Ardault said…
Dear Holly,
is the interview in German?
Carla Confetti said…
that was kind of sad, very very short :(
i would have liked to hear your voice instead of the translations....
Claudia said…
Was it really that short? I expected it to be at least 5 minutes long... :(
Monica said…
Darn, got online 10 minutes too late! Just a little curious... What is the big news?!?
Anonymous said…
Did i miss it? I just heard about 30 Seconds? :-/
Squig said…
It was dubbed over (as anything good in German... when do they realize that it could be beneficial to NOT do that), but appears to be part of the news, so possibly they'll repeat it every 30 or 60 minutes.
jebcat said…
Here's the link to the podcast (10:30 and 11:30)- dubbed over in German, though:

Unfortunately they did not reveal your mysteries, though - please share them here!
haus maus said…
It is part of the news so it keeps replaying throughout the day I've been told. So 30 seconds at many times is better than 5 minutes all at once I think because it reaches more people. Yes, it was dubbed over like everything else here - ha ha. I'm still happy about it though!!!

I'll talk about my big news soon. Since it wasn't mentioned in my interview, I will let everyone know on decor8 in April when I can go into more detail as I don't even have all the details yet.
Squig said…
If you are lucky they can send you an mp3 with the original interview (provided they won't use it for anything else that won't do any harm to them) so you could share it here.
It won't harm to send them an email and ask, would it?
Traveling Mama said…
Bummer! The link wouldn't work. I'm gathering that I was too late. And that is SO cruel to give hints! Whah!! LOL! I am the WORST about waiting for surprises... ask my husband. He has to hide things and create separate accounts so he can buy me gifts so I won't spoil the fun! LOL! I'm looking forward to hearing what your news is- even if we have to wait! Hugs from America!
Patty said…
Oh I'm so excited!! Thanks for the heads up ;)
Sondra said…
Hi Holly,
I missed it!!! but am very excited to hear your news on decor8. So glad that you had the interview, even though it was short as others said.
Best wishes,

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