On Dreams

It's funny, every day I wake up and tell my husband how happy I am that we've relocated to Germany. I feel at peace, and very content. I started visiting Hannover in 1999. I've been coming over each year since, and when I got married in 2001, we began to visit each year for 2 months at a time (usually in the Fall) staying at a hotel in the List for the entire period. It really made me fall in love with the life and culture and I found myself missing it when I returned to Boston.

Spring Dreams

After a few years of staying in a hotel, we decided to rent the current flat that we are living in which belonged to my husband's grandmother. It was gut renovated for us, and so when we started renting it in April 2008 we felt like this was going to be it -- we would slowly embark on our relocation. We've been planning to relocate to Hannover since we married, almost ended up in Santa Monica, but ultimately we knew that our hearts belonged here where my husband has roots and where I have history for the past 11 years and given that I'm young, that's a good chunk of my adult life. It has taken us many years of planning before we could do it. But the reward is that we are here not and the dream has come true. To be living in this city for the past 30.5 weeks makes me feel like the I can do anything now.

Relocating, especially by your own will, is empowering and exciting. Yes, there are challenges but nothing that I wouldn't deal with back home.  Today I was thinking about spring and how, out of all 11 years of traveling back and forth between here and the states, I've never seen spring in Germany! I am definitely going to enjoy this "first" and plan to take a ton of day trips this month now that the class I was teaching for the past 7 weeks wrapped up today. And my German is coming a long well -- I should be beginning formal classes soon as I'm still awaiting the new schedule for spring.

I'm really proud of my husband and I for taking the leap of faith, having the determination and courage, and going for our dreams. It feels good to be on the other side of the mountain now and the only thing I can think about is how excited I am to enjoy my new life here. And how encouraged I am to now go for the next dream on my list now that I've successfully made this one come true. That's the thing about setting and reaching goals -- the more you reach, the greater your confidence, drive, determination and happiness.

What is your current dream, the one you are working towards? What dream have you recently made come true for yourself? I'd love to know...

(image: holly becker for haus maus)


frauheuberg said…
...Wow, what amazing flowers, Holly.I´m still be here...;)...so fine to read your lines. My dream that was become true...its my little family.Its so exciting and wonderful to be a mum.Really my little wonder in this world...
and the dream i work on is our little label.I hope this year we can go some steps forward with all motivation and support i got the last weeks...;)...have a wonderful first spring in germany...
Josephine said…
Fantastic post, Holly! Totally inspiring!

My current dream is to be a self-supporting photographer and set designer and live overseas. Latest dream realized: finally creating a healthy fitness schedule for myself.
Taylor said…
Hi Holly~

Where do I begin? all of your recent posts about dreams and goals have really resonated with me. i even printed out that one you had about sitting down with your husband and making a list of your goals with him. I showed it to my husband and it got us talking about our own goals and desires. Our BIG goals are to finish school. This will take him 4 years from now and half of that for me. We are hoping that my husband gets accepted into a graduate program that will relocate us for the 3 yrs he is there. We are itching to experience a new city. (both of us have lived in the same area in the same city our entire lives.)

We can't move on to the next chapter, children, until school is finished. We will be married for 10 yrs by the time we finish and will be 30 yrs old. "Real life" (working) slowed us down with school in the beginning- and it wasn't until recently that we both realized that we would regret it if we didn't finish it before children. So we are plugging along and even though I will b having my first when everyone I know is working on their seconds and thirds, I wouldn't trade this process of working toward my dreams with my husband for anything. I have this feeling we will feel as fulfilled and as at peace (as you do in Germany) when we are finished.

sorry to go on forever!

i also recently posted on this subject here:


Sugar said…
Funny enough, I think I am really trying to figure this out. I am 30 and I have no idea.
Anonymous said…
All this time I have wanted to have the freedom to explore my creative side, a side I didn't discover until I was past 30 :). I started writing my blog and to have made like-minded friends around the world has been my most recent dream come true. The dream I am working on now- how to be a full-time blogger. Good luck with all your dreams!
tartan sparrow said…
Holly, a dream has crept up on me and I'm seeing it in my head now. Of course my big dream is to make a living (and a good one!) from creating, and I'm (oh, finally) on my way there. I know it.
But I feel I need time away, regularly, and that place might be a major city in this down under country of mine that I've never been interested in. Why do we get these ideas/urges and how do we know when to honour them? x
Brigitte said…
My dreams are changing lately. I've never wanted to start a family, but I've been feeling the pull for four years now. I'm trying to reconcile that with my envisioned way of life. It's promising, exciting, terrifying...all at once.
monique said…
I have several dreams in the making. Currently my dream is to build a sucessful blog (like yourself), open up my little online stationary shop and have a baby girl. The one dream I just had come true, was securing my first design client.
Good Girl!

Both of will do just about anything not to have a real, married to our work, kind of job. I did that once, and it was good for the job, not so good for the marriage.

We are ready and open to resume all the worldly possibilities of commerce, and enjoy the international dollar exchange.

Lately, I have been obsessed with the generally Santa Barbara life, and have been spending more and more time up there.

I am a major "manifest" maker.
satakieli said…
i feel like I have so many dreams! I'd love to live in Mainland Europe permanently, rather than just being stationed here with the Military. I also want to live in a rural area, in a tumble-down farmhouse (that I would fix up myself) where I can grow my own vegetables and have a hen coop.

The latter is more likely for us, I'm not sure my husband would want to live permanently outside the U.S. but I am quite sure he'd be on board with a little rural farmhouse in the U.S. once we're finished with the military. I'm saving my pennies!

Germany is one place I'd never considered moving to, but now we're here, even if it's only temporary, I adore it and don't want to leave!
Anonymous said…
At the moment: to go back to germany in the summer to see my family and hopefully getting a place to study near my parents.
For the longterm: a family and a home of my own.

I hope you will enjoy your first spring in Germany as I do mine on Long Island
Kristy said…
My goal? To own a coffee shop. An independent, Fair Trade, potentially non-profit coffee shop. I'm nowhere close to even looking for a location, but I am starting research to find out exactly what it will take. Maybe in 5 years...it's fun to think about! And you constantly provide decor inspiration for me via decor8, so thanks!
Lane said…
I love this little post :) I am currently working on getting my master's degree in social work. I was told by my fourth grade teacher that I would be one. It is nice to be making it a reality!
I really want to move to LA and go to fashion school. I've wanted to since I was in high school. My husband and I are currently looking into, but I'm just so afraid it won't pan out!

Did you deal with family members not wanting you to leave?
Emma said…
My dream (at the moment) is for my little business Little Miss Emma to take off in leaps and bounds. Baby steps it seems at the moment though, but perseverance is my middle name these days! If it first you don't succeed, try, try, try again. My bigger pipe dream is marry my high school sweetheart, to be a mum to three or four kids on our family farm and raise the 5th generation in my family home. Everyday I see this becoming more and more of a reality and it gives me a warm feeling. I'm so happy that you have found that warm feeling in Germany with your husband.
Katherine said…
What an inspiring post. Long-term, my husband and I have a dream to move further north in Scotland and live in a cosy eco-house.

Shorter-term, we would love to spend some time living in Brussels, which my work makes a real possibility.
Berlinquilter said…
Hi Holly, I started reading your blog recently, and I want to say I love it. I did it the other way around as frauheuberg. I started my own design business one and a half year ago after ten years of unsatisfying jobs. Now that the shop is really going well, I want to improve my private life which means meeting the right man, having a little family...So, it is always exciting what life brings to us, isn´t it...?
Amie McCracken said…
I do the same thing with my husband. Randomly every once in a while I just say, 'Guess what, we live in Germany!'
Moving here, actually moving anywhere other than my home town, was my last goal. Now I'm working on running my etsy shop from Europe. It's proving harder than I thought. But I won't give up.
Anonymous said…
Well... I just bought my own flat in Barcelona, and I am really excited about this great challenge... I am buying it by myself, and I am only 29!! I cannot wait to decorate it and to make it mine!! And it will happen with the spring comming... Lovely!!
Frau Mayer said…
My dreams right now look very simple
1. Freedom
2. Great flat

As I have the rest I just need a little time... And luck! Well, this is what I wish you - and everyone who's not scared to talk about their dreams!
flowing moments said…
hello Holly ... living abroad is so exciting, I am glad you are enjoying it and I am happy you are in Europe ! Intentions and acting on our dreams are very powerful ! my dream is to give my creativity through photography a larger place in my life. Last week, I negociated with my employer to work 90% which results in gaining 2 or 3 fridays per month free for me to dedicate on photography projects as well as my week-ends !
I'm going to move to Nepal and do volunteer work in a couple years! That is what I am working towards. I'm very excited!
Unknown said…
I'm glad you're enjoying Germany!

For me, a dream I've made come true: Living in Europe! I've been in Holland since August 2008, and am staying until sometime late this year.

My next big dreams to accomplish: Move back to the States (meaning my husband, who is Dutch, will move there for the very first time)
Publish a novel. I'm writing it right now.

They're both pretty big things that require quite a bit of care, but I'm confident that I can make them happen and it'll feel great when I do!
Rita Vindedzis said…
As usual Holly, this is an inspiring post!!

My current dream: To find our dream home. We are in the market.

Most recent dream realized. I had my paintings shown and my name mentioned on a national television program, Cityline. Usually if a painting of mine is shown it's just a prop, part of a set, but today I was mentioned by Kimberley Seldon and she described my work beautifully.
Natalie said…
My dream right now is to get into grad school and come out two years later a fantastic marriage and family therapist. I really feel like that will get my life going in the direction I've always imagined it. A career I'm passionate about and a family life that I can truly enjoy and relish in!
rebekah said…
My current dream is to make my daily life beautiful, instead of just reading about beautiful lives.
Liisa said…
Hi Holly!

I am really so glad for you, that the move to Germany turned out so well for you and your husband. It was a brave step of you and it is great to see that your bravery is rewarded now by so many positive things and experiences. I hope you will have a wonderful first Spring in Germany so that it will last with you as a wonderful memory in the future.

Regarding the dreams: I have had a lot of dreams. Some came true - like living and working in Africa for a while - others never came true - like having my own family with - lets say - five little boys ;o) -. There are dreams deep in my heart which I rather guess than grasp or just not really dared to dream. Life has taught me, that on one side dreams are good to keep us moving and alive but dreams also can lure us into wrong directions and lead us to waste a lot of our time and energy, etc. For me this is the difficult part of dreams, to decide which dreams are the ones to follow and which dreams to put aside and just let be dreams. Does this make any sense to you? It's a bit difficult for me to explain in English.

Anyway, I enjoy reading your blog and I love how often you make us think and rethink and become inspired. thanks for this!

Gilby said…
My immediate (and not terribly exciting) dream is to get out of debt. Without that weight, I'll be more free to pursue other dreams...like a career in voice acting.
Miss Bojambo said…
As the other commenters have said, yes, you are amazing and inspiring! My bf and I were living in Seattle and have recently started to live between Seattle (spring and summer) and San Francisco (fall and winter) for work reasons. The experience of having two homes is unique. San Francisco is more a temporary arrangement (a couple of years), but afterwards we have been dreaming of moving to Italy and challenging our creative selves. writing and painting. We were thinking of moving there for a year, to test the waters, but things do seem complicated. We have a home in Seattle and two wonderful cats that we couldn't bare to part with. Then there is all of the sentimental material stuff that weighs you down. Sigh. c'est la vie! I am really impressed that you made your unique lifestyle work for you and that it is making you happy, and that you have a new spring to experience! Maybe one of these days I will do the same - follow my heart abroad with my bf and cat children :)
Oh Holly I am so glad you are achieving your dreams, I love reading about them :) My dream is in the process of becoming a reality at the current time. I am planning on building a home with my beautiful boyfriend whom I love so much. It will be filled with love and happiness and I hope to spend the rest of my life in it. I'm sounding really old now although I am only 28, but when I know what I want, I work on it until I get it. If you can dream it you can do it! Thanks for sharing this wonderful post!

All things nice...
Anonymous said…
Holly, Spring in Germany is wonderful. I hope you get to smell the lilacs blooming! On another topic, where are you from in SC?
Lucia said…
beautiful dreams everybody! Holly I´m glad you acomplished yours as well.
Mine is to have a creative career and bring some extra money from that for my little family. I´m on that road and so far I feel much better with my work than before. When I turned 30 I changed my mind completely and I started to look inside to find a new career. Now that I found it I´m happy!! I´m a photographer now :)
Love your inspirational ideas Holly!
Tamar said…
Great post Holly! our dream came true when we moved from tel Aviv Israel to Vermont 5 years ago at the age of 45 with 3 kids. We both left behind great careers and our family and friends but we wanted to live closer to nature in a peaceful environment and a progressive and liberal state, we absolutely love it here! we still travel back to Israel once or twice a year and love it . We were faced with many challenges when we moved especially finding work but from those challenges great things happened, I started designing again and now own my own business which brings me joy everyday. My husband is a free lance cinematographer so he travels for work anyway and does his peace making volunteer work. I highly recommend to follow your dreams no matter how old you are, we never looked back!
You can read about my journey in my blog
Deb said…
Hi Holly!
I'm not entirely sure what my dreams are. It's not something I've really thought too much about, wrapped up as I've been for the past 13 years in raising my family.

Now I'm getting some time to myself it is something that I think about now and then. But I'm still at a bit of a loss!

I'd love to do something creative, with photography and maybe more writing. I think I'd like to set up a non-profit organisation to help schools create and manage their gardens to encourage children to get grubby.

Hmmm. Maybe I *do* know! LOL! xx
Brittany J. said…
One of my dreams is about to come true very soon. I will be marrying a man who I'm in love with and embarking upon a HUGE adventure. In addition to getting married (a dream come true in itself), I will be moving with him to Germany and living the army-wife life. I've learned so far that this lifestyle is quite a challenge, but with him, I feel so much stronger. The move in itself is a major challenge for me as I've never left the states or been away from my family, but it's a push that I need to challenge myself and open myself up to new things. I've heard nothing but wonderful things about Germany, so I am looking forward to beginning this new dream with my soon-to-be hubs!
PS. I will def be checking in on your Germany adventures, too!
Kay* said…
ugh - where to start...my dream is to build my own riad type guesthouse in egypt...in luxor...on the west bank...i'd also run tours - small intimate, not your typical tours...i'd personally welcome guests (from all over the world) & get to know them on a personal level....i have it all planned out - in my mind...
Alissa said…
I'm working towards obliterating my grad school after having paid off my credit card this year--huge relief!
I look forward to coming into my own as an artist, living as debt free as possible, learning Deutsch for my German better half, and moving to Berlin in the coming years. Exciting stuff and hopefully worth all of the stress of my current day to day experience!
Anonymous said…
Its so strange, I just stumbled upon your blog and the first thing I read is about you finally taking the leap and moving to Germany. All I'm currently working towards in life is to move to Berlin (or anywhere in Germany) since my boyfriend lives there and its kind of imperative that I move from India closer to him. Hope this comes true soon.
Have a wonderful spring in Germany. It is beautiful.
Jan said…
Your thoughts are always so nicely summarized - makes me pause and relax a little bit. Thank you! My dream is coming true as I write this. For the 11 years I've been in business for myself, I have known what my personal requirements for "success" were - but getting these things to all come together at one time, in one product or idea was elusive...until now. After 2 years of crying into my coffee b/c I couldn't meet wholesale demand for my organic fabrics, I have finally taken the plunge and am now self-producing my first collection specifically for wholesale. It took a lot of research & analyses (9 mos) and heartfelt conversations with my husband b/c it's a huge investment. But the deed is done, and I will be debuting the first 6 fabrics in April! Weeeeee. I feel so resolved, finally. Such a relief. An opportunity that was at one time a dream presented itself shortly after I began enjoying my inner peace, but it was no longer aligned w/ my goals... I had to say no...but it was a good no, if that makes sense! I recently wrote about some of my thoughts on this on my blog: success & opportunity, pt. 1 and pt. 2. Happy Spring, Holly!
Thea said…
It is wonderful that you are enjoying your new home. It is exciting to move out of your comfort zone for a new adventure.

My dream was to return home to Australia after living in Canada for 7 years with my Polish-Canadian husband. I did that 4 years ago and I have been working on my dream of making my screen-printed fabric/products business a profitable one. I am proud that I have started this from nothing and am beginning to see the rewards of perseverance.

My next dream is for us to move into our own home and build a bigger studio. No more house or studio rentals or commuting to work would make me happy.
Mai said…
I had an unpleasant encounter with my manager today.I dread going into the office tomorrow because I would have to listen to her criticize and belittle people.Reading your post, I realized that I should search for something that I love doing, that it would be a dream to wake up everyday and loving my work. It has been so long since I had that feeling.
I think I just have to remember the dream and that I will find something better very soon.
Thanks Holly!
Masha said…
:) One of my favourite sayings is that a goal is a dream with a deadline...

My dreams have been the same since I can remember. But now, after a few years of stepping off my path, I begun to work towards realizing them.

I dream of making my creative business successful.
I dream of having children, at least 3, living on a beautiful modern farm (contemporary minimalistic design of glass & wood), but with a veggie and herb garden...and probably some chickens. :)
alice said…
I am hoping to build a house!
Laura said…
The dream I am working towards is having a creative job in the field of textiles, this is why I moved to Barcelona (I'm studying textile design at the moment) My dear boyfriend followed me, although he didn't like the idea in the beginning. But now he is very happy in Barcelona, even happier than myself :-)
Katrin said…
I have/had a dream to live abroad, like you. I wrote about that on my blog today :)
Milla said…
Hi Holly -
my first comment on your wonderful blog(s) :)

Funny that my dream of traveling became true now, and sent me out of Germany through California and San Francisco. What makes me smile the most is that my high school sweetheart proposed to me in that time...

I couldn`t imagine all this months before, was just stressed from working, studying and long-distance relationship. But now I feel so motivated to take my next steps and finish my master degree as a graphic designer.
I want to work and I want to live with my husband and I want to have children and some ducks and a donkey and some sheep and - I want it ALL : ) Milla
Desiree said…
The dream I'm working toward right now is becoming a doula! I've started my training & I'm soaking it all in.
Little Pinwheel said…
oh lovely!

my current dream is to have my business support myself and my two beautiful children. I am working really hard to have it happen and I cannot wait to be rewarded!! I have hope!
Anna Shelenski said…
Hey Holly, my husband and I are starting a fresh, organic juice business (nutrition is a big part of our lives) and its all starting to come together, slowly. We are starting in a local farmers market. We hope it will grow so that we can open a cafe of some sort. But we also want to relocate as well, which is a hard decision with two little ones and a new business. How did you decide to relocate with consideration to your business?
Amy Hadley said…
Our adventure is to pack up and move from Austin, TX, to Prague. Because why the heck not? Which is why I was so excited to find your site... I'm sure I'll need all the help I can get figuring out how to settle in to a new home in a new culture. Thx for the inspiration. Esp this post!
Anonymous said…
I'm trying to put my dreams to the back of my mind. Being a "real" photographer may happen for me one day...just not for now.

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