I Heart You

Aw you are the best readers ever. I totally mean it. Your support means the world to me, especially since so much is out of my control here and in the control of my German-speaking husband who can do all of the calling and ask all of the questions -- I'm simply sending him links and showing him ads and going to see flats basically saying nothing... I must appear to the real estate agents as a perfect little haus maus wife, so quiet without questions. This has been a real challenge for finding a home, and I'm so happy that I can come here and talk about all of this with friends like you who get it.
My aunt on her balcony (1968)
I feel so supported by you all, so thank you for helping me through this apartment search because I am really working hard to keep my spirits high and my pockets full! Although I'm learning that if I want little stress, I can simply pay more and get a dream apartment without a lot of competition from other potential renters. But I've chosen to look for something more affordable, with good character, that I can make into our home and that is quite a challenge as here it means going on lots of go-sees and queuing in line behind 30 couples to get into the apartment to view it... but I will do this and patiently wait for the right nest. Tomorrow I will go to another open house. Fingers crossed for me, okay!? Happy February 1st! (photo: my aunt in 1968 on her balcony in Argentina, one of the many parts of the world where she lived with my uncle. The poodle is her beloved dog, Alfie. My aunt made all of the apartments in her lifetime her home through art and family. A huge inspiration to me.)


Unknown said…
Hi Holly,

I am your Decor8 follower... from than I found you here... i read your post from today... Oh, I felt your anguish! I understand the feeling because I've been there. I hope you can find American friends and soon you would be speaking Germany fluently, and blogging/writing in Germany!

Note: I am doing it..., but in English (which is not my first language!

Check it out, and tell me, how I am doing... www.rgartdesign.blogspot.com

Unknown said…
Hi Holly,

I am your Decor8 follower... from than I found you here... i read your post from today... Oh, I felt your anguish! I understand the feeling because I've been there. I hope you can find American friends and soon you would be speaking Germany fluently, and blogging/writing in Germany!

Note: I am doing it...,but in English (which is not my first language!

Check it out, and tell me, how I am doing... www.rgartdesign.blogspot.com

Maite said…
No need to thanks us, Holly , we all been through changes and challenges in life and it so good to hear tips from people that can encourage you :)
From your part with your blogs (decor8 and haus maus)you also you give me and my friends advice and how to approach life through decorating. is a pleasure to read your material and your experiences

thanks and keep doing a wondeful job

take care
(also you are always welcome if you want to come and visit Spain)
Mimi said…
Oh Holly,
Believe me when I say that I know how it is to feel that so much is out of your control here. I've been in Germany for close to a year(moved from NYC)and although my German is pretty decent, my husband still has to be in charge of everything. When I try to ask questions about anything..the telephone service,bank cards,high heating costs etc some people give me this "pushy foreigner" look !! Just hang in there, you will find your "perfect place".
I'm an IP attorney (with a not so secret passion for design) at a law firm in Hannover and would love to have coffee someday if you are up to it. Good luck with tomorrow.
aw, truley hope you find somewhere great soon, there is nothing more unsettling then house moving, i really feel for you. xx
frauheuberg said…
holly...fingers crossed...until such time as you have found your dream place...think to you ...but now jump to "another important site"...;)...
Helena said…
I'm already with my fingers crossed for you and I totally agree with you in trying not to spend too much money in a house renting, though you can do it.
The best of luck!
Desiree said…
Awe, what a sweet post! My fingers are definitely crossed for you.

haus maus said…
Hi Mimi - You live in Hannover? May I ask where? I would love to meet you for coffee sometime! Oh and an IP attorney, that is good to know as we may need on someday here. My current IP attorney is in the states...
Laura said…
When we first moved here, well actually at least the first year, I felt quite helpless helping with most household or routine tasks because of my limited german skills. Now they are better and I feel more confident although I still send german hubby to do more difficult phone calls and emails, etc. Just think of the wonderful new collection of vocabulary words you are learning through this home search! :-) Laura in Ludwigsburg

Such a lovely post. I remember you telling us before about how much you love challenges- and it is so true, you are right to stick to what you want and for the money you want to spend, you thrive on challenges and there is nothing like the feelings when you achieve a major goal in your life, which I know you will do with whatver apartment you get- you will decorate it beautifully :)

All things nice...
Little Pinwheel said…

Holly, you are amazing and I have no doubt you will find the perfect home. It is interesting when you read about another persons life you realise just how "normal" they are. You are an inspiration to many, including me, and with so many people behind you and giving you a hug back you will find your place and then we will be able to enjoy watching you make your house your home.

thinking of you for tomorrow! x
Pattie Crum said…
I feel your pain. When you are used to the US the European ways can be frustrating. And not speaking the language is such a drag, you are luckey though, when we moved to the Netherlands I didn't know anybody who could speak Dutch, except at the company where my husband worked, he would have to take things in or have the HR lady look at our mail when she came to take us house hunting.
It helps to know what you want in your home and how much you want to spend, but at some point you have to say, is this number I have in my head realistic for what I want and if it isn't either rethink your wants or your price point. I knew people who spent more than twice what we did, location plays a big part of this, but as they say you only live once, so don't take something you don't want to save a few euros. Good Luck with your search.
Vana said…
Holly, that view brings back so many memories. I grew up in a house overlooking the sea...with huge balcony doors. I would give anything to have that view again.
maja said…
i just wanted to tell you i love your little blog. thanks for sharing so much of yourself with us. there is so much fakeness out there, thanks for being so real :)
Kristina said…
good luck Holly! your perfect place is out there just waiting for you to swoop it up ;)
Josephine said…
what an awesome photo! i seriously thought it was from a magazine like House and Garden. and i adore Argentina. finding a home in a new country must be in your blood, then.
Anonymous said…

Hang in there - I am sure it must be tempting to feel the grass is greener etc. but here I am in sunny LA in the same situation. Been looking for the right house for over a year. Enjoy Germany you are bound to find something wonderful- you deserve it!
I feel for you when I read these posts, because they bring back so many memories for me. The apartment search in Germany is fraught with so many technicalities in so many ways that maneuvering your way thru it is a real "learning curve". I agree with your assessment of finding something under the 1K line. There should be some good things available, the competition however does become fierce. One extra thing to watch: if the building was built directly after war times (in the 20s or in the 40s) just check and make sure that there is enough insulation between the floors. We almost got into a bad situation - a beautiful 1930s apt. directly on the Alster. Luckily the agent gave us the key to go back in the evening before we signed. We could hear every sound from above - and they had 2 little kids! Just another thing to watch for - Hellhörigkeit.

Keep the faith, Holly, it's a game of nerves for everyone who tries to find something special for reasonable money in big cities in Germany.
Anonymous said…
I feel your pain. When we were looking for our new house it was my Italian husband who did all the talking and it was super frustrating. And now dealing with the builders. It's hard for us take charge American girls! Hang in there you will find the right place and improve your house hunting German vocab!
Spotted Sparrow said…
Hang in there! I so know where you are coming from, feeling like a meek little wife who lets the husband do all the talking. Isn't it strange?
We had people that were excited to rent to us because I was American. Maybe you should through some English in there and use it to your advantage. ;-)

viele Grüße aus Aachen!
likeschocolate said…
I can totally feel you pain as being married to a German myself and having lived overseas. I think it is wise though not to spend a fortune on an apartment where you might or might not stay. I pray you will find just the right apartment. Hang in there!
Unknown said…
thanks for the picture of your aunt's pad!
to me, that is the perfect apartment to aspire to - that view, the 60s rugs, your aunt's style, the chairs, the balcony, the lovely dog.....
Peggy said…
Hi Holly! I adore the photo of your aunt!!!! you should enlarge that. Please forgive if any typos - I am having problems with my eyes again.

I totally feel you. I also would like a larger apartment, but here in the U.S. But I refuse to pay an exhorbitant amount of rent. So stick to your guns, you'll find what you are looking for. The story of going to see the building where your husband grew up is still romantic.

And don't forget that he said that he will own that building one day, so perhaps it's not meant for him to rent there. :) In the meantime, the place you have is adorable! And it's cozy and romantic to be in small quarters together isn't it?
Mimi said…
Blogger decor8 said...
Hi Mimi - You live in Hannover? May I ask where? I would love to meet you for coffee sometime! Oh and an IP attorney, that is good to know as we may need on someday here. My current IP attorney is in the states...

Hi Holly,
I don't actually live in Hannover, I live in Bremen and commute about 3-4 days a week(depending on my case load). Its only 50 mins away and I like to sit in the "Bord Restuarant" catching up on my blogs and magazines!! My office is only a few minutes away from the main station so it works out pretty well. So, any luck with the open house yesterday?
Donna Vitan said…
Oh good to hear you haven't given up on finding that dream apart! Remember, you're just crossing off the bad ones and don't be disheartened. I can't wait to see how you do with the right one.

What a lovely picture, I can't stop looking at it. Take care, /Stina.

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