Apartment Search Update!

Today we went to view another property. I should have taken photos but I was shy, the lady and her husband who own it were showing the flat and I just felt awkward pulling out my camera. I'm sorry, I guess I'm not cut out for sharing a house hunt online am I?! I know, I've been such a huge disappointment to you but it's just not my thing to be aggressive with people -- here the whole "American" approach doesn't work the same, what is normal in the states with certain mannerisms isn't that typical here and well, I don't like to push things until I really speak the language and such. Okay but let's get back on track because I'm rambling. So the place we saw had a lot of great points. It's 940 warm, 5 rooms (3 bedrooms), 2 balconies, 1st floor (2nd floor according to Americans), a basement room for storage, 129 m² (1,388 ft²), in the desired neighborhood (List) but not really the perfect street according to Thorsten, and available March 1 (as in one week LOL) so that's a little soon! But the bathroom was new, the kitchen was new, the wallpaper and flooring was new in all of the rooms, and the balconies both had lovely views and very private. The house was nice -- very old-fashioned inside... and the kitchen was big enough for table which is a priority for us. It also had a beautiful floor plan and the windows were massive with transom windows above them all for extra light -- the apartment was flooded with sunlight. The backyard was very, very pretty. It's also a 5 minute walk from Lister Platz, the bahn station here. Oh and a major perk -- NO agent fees. It's typical here to pay 2-3 months rent to the agent in addition to 2-3 months rent for a deposit which can drain your bank account. So what are the "issues"? Well Thorsten wasn't sure about the neighborhood. He wants to be closer to the forest. This place is about an 8 minute walk. And I wasn't keen on the laminate floors, they are new but a bit too dark for my taste but hey I could lighten them up with large rugs so that's not too hard I guess. But I'm REALLY set on original or new hardwood floors. And the corner stove or whatever it was -- the landlord didn't know if it worked or not but honestly I found it a little unattractive although the others looking at the flat seemed to love it. Maybe I'm missing something? I asked the landlord if we could pay to install all new hardwood floors since we plan to live in a flat for years and possibly have a baby there and etc. and she said no because they had just installed these. I wish the photos above were better, they are from the website where I found the apartment and they do the apartment no justice at all. You have to believe me I guess. Here's where the apartment is (Marked A) in relation to the forest (the massive green space)... I don't think it's THAT far... Maybe 8 minutes by foot. We plan to buy bikes in the Spring anyway... So the floors, the neighborhood, the freaky stove and that's it -- the only concerns we have. Okay the bathroom wasn't great but what rental bathroom ever is? I think I would take it and just throw down some beautiful carpets because honestly the rest of it was so nice and the ceilings were high -- like I like -- and the balconies (two! eek!), and the back one overlooking the yard... soooo large and pretty -- I could put a lovely patio set there. But I don't know... I feel like I'm just getting tired of house hunting. My husband tells me that we can do better. I hope he's right, I can't find anything here. We put our names down... we'll see... But Thorsten wasn't crazy for it. Sometimes I wonder if our tastes on this will ever match up because he really wants the perfect flat even more than I do and I thought I was picky!!! I'm American, according to me this is top of the line because rental property in most major cities in the states in the best neighborhoods are pretty terrible unless you pay thousands per month you know? I mean, to get 1,400 square feet in Boston -- well that's unheard of for under $3,000 a month - image 3 bedrooms in the Back Bay for any less than that? Ha! Oh well... let's see if the lady calls us back. She was very nice and stylish, I liked her personality. But then again, she may not have liked us because I asked a million questions. Thorsten told her we can't move until April 15 and she's really looking for someone to take it March 1, yup 8 days from now. But hey that's what we get in a market where there is NO housing and a ton of people looking for a flat! What do you guys think???? (images: immobilienscout24 online)


Outsideofacat said…
i agree with you, the floor is quite dark - it will lighten up of course, over the years, with exposure, but you won't want to wait that long... and that fireplace / thing - i could imagine that some people - older folks - might like that look, but it really does look rather antiquated (not in a nice way). the location sounds good though. not that i would know, i'm not familiar with that area.
Penny said…
Oh my goodness, if you could see the awful apartments in Melbourne you would take that apartment like that- *snap*

Maybe because so many of the buildings in Australia are a lot newer, there is not so much of the beautiful features you're looking for, like floorboards.

I think it's a beautiful apartment, and 8 minutes walk from a forest? Amazing!!! And the kooky little corner stove is a bit out-there, but I can see how it's cute! You just have to decide 'I like that kooky little stove' and *poof* you will like it!
haus maus said…
thank you both for your comments. The wood isn't really wood either -- I should have mentioned -- I think it is plastic or something so the color will stay the same.

And the corner stove was a total eyesore.
Oh I just looked at that stove, its weird looking, is that brick and wood? And the floor is floor covering, it can be warmer but really isn't nice in living rooms :-) I'm fussy now. But then again Holly with your interior design expertise I bet you can change anything into something really nice and stylish, so it may have potential.

All things nice...
Allison said…
If you are not in any hurry, I would not take it unless you both really love it. I know how exhausting it can be searching for that "perfect place", but when you do eventually find it you will be glad you waited, especially if you plan to live there for some time. Before we bought our house, we found a lot of "no's" and even a few that I thought I could work with, but after starting our search and then taking a long break in between, we finally found it! It just felt right... right house, right location, right time, and right price.
haus maus said…
It was this super UGLY brick with a black top and quite massive though in the photo it appears small. I was thinking if I lived in this place I'd always be annoyed with it and the space it takes up where I could put furniture that I would use...

I thought that I could put lots of beautiful white candles on the top in some great silver holders and some clear and colored glass bottles with fresh flowers on the top, like an alter or something, and the around the bottom to hide it I could build some type of door or mini folding screen, like a short version of a folding screen...
It sounds lovely! I like your idea about using rugs to lighten the space. And perhaps you could paint the corner stove in the corner a nice shade of white to brighten the area, like John and Sherry did to their fireplace {younghouselove.com}.

It's been so much fun seeing all of the flats you've found...I feel like I'm right there on the hunt with you :)
haus maus said…
OR I could buy shutters (the folding kind for windows) and paint them white and fold them in front of the stove installing them into the wall on either side... Then if the stove actually worked I would open them to burn a fire in the winter...

I guess I just wish the landlord would let me install light solid wood flooring -- I really dislike laminate, it's so cold and darker laminate is such a pain to keep clean. I noticed as I walked through you could see every single partial of dust.
haus maus said…
Lovely little nest - I doubt the landlord would allow that -- that thing was "vintage" and she seemed intent on keeping it that way so I'd definitely have to work around it. She didn't even know if it worked which made it harder to "like" you know? Like what's the point of keeping some big ugly thing that may or may not work, just because it's "old". Old isn't always worth keeping!!!
Juliette said…
I think it's great for the price and location. Bummer on the floors, but they're new, so you can't complain too much. I don't think they're that bad, but yeah, not seeing them in person.

The bathroom is tricky - do you really want a wrap-around shower curtain clinging to your legs, or would you pay to have a 'wanne' thing put in, those folding or perm. shower wall things?

I think the oven/fireplace thing is kinda cool. You could totally do something with that, I wouldn't worry about it so much.

Also, I think it's pretty unlikely she'll get loads of people taking it for the March 1 date. That's nuts. You can offer an April 1 date and see if she bites. Depends on how much you want it, sounds like a divided issue... Our experience, and those of our friends, is that if the landlord wants you, he'll work with you.

hmm...interesting though!
Anonymous said…
Don't try to be too reasonable. Just ask your heart for a decision. Then you won't regret it.
The stove seems to be really ugly for you? To me it seems to be a bit like arts and craft-style. Or maybe it can be arranged that way?
But I don't understand the owner of the appartment when she is against changing cheap laminate floor against true wood. Strange.
Janel said…
I like this apt. a lot! I agree with the flooring-it's dark. I lived with floors this color, once all the furniture is in, and the rugs are down, you hardly notice the floors. They do show more dust, but "swiffer" is great for that. The wood burning stove thing is ugly, but not horrible. I like th idea of a screen in front of it. or maybe paint the whole thing to match the wall color, so it blends in better.

All in all, I think it's great! Can't you rent the place now, and take your time to move in? make the changes you need, etc? Just a thought-good luck though!
Vanessa said…
The floors are OK, but not great, I agree. I actually like dark wood-we have dark wood in our home with light walls. But, laminate never has the same beauty. I agree the fireplace is weird (sorry to be frank). As some of the others have said, I would wait, especially since you are planning to stay for a while.
Jane said…
My view is that you will probably never get exactly exactly what you want. You need to work out what you want the most, and I think you have mentioned balconies and high ceilings and some spare rooms to work in, so it seems to me that if you have that you have what you want.

Floors can be covered up. So for that matter can that stove, you could easily put a screen or something in front of it. These things are all fixable. Whereas ceiling height and balconies are not.

And I laughed and laughed about the forest. 8 minutes walk and its 'not close enough'. That's funny.

Go for it. Get it done, move in and then you can get settled and get on with life. Searching for apartments can be depressing and it is not a good use of time

That's what I think anyway!

likeschocolate said…
I think you will never find the absolutely perfect place unless you build it yourselves. Especially, if the neighborhood is fantastic! I would take it if she calls you guys.
Desiree said…
Ooh, well as far as that bathroom pic goes, it has a ton of potential -- and is somewhat similar to your old bathroom isn't it??
Best wishes for whatever works out!!
Unknown said…
just started reading your blog as so many have. i think it's cool that you don't want to be too pushy with the camera.
Ele said…
I like the sound of this place, Holly. The darker floors don't bother me too much, and they likely won't look as dark once all your furniture, art and accessories are in place. Right now they're probably all you're seeing. Could be different in person, though.

I agree on the stove, though- that thing looks like a total eyesore! Some landlords are like that about anything old- exposed brick comes to mind as a parallel. Some of it is just awful and would look 100X better painted, but people just seem to have this block about that. "But it's exposed! People like that!"

I think the shutter/screen ideas are great, and I can also see a skirt (the kind you see under farmhouse sinks in England sometimes) working well. Maybe some panels of fabric that you could change out with the seasons/trends?
Carrie said…
It took me and the boyfriend also a long time to find an apartment. We're both designers so we were very picky :) I have to admit that on some occasions I wanted to throw in the towel and go for second best. Fortunately I didn't and now we found the apartment of our dreams. And I'm sure the same will happen for you too..
It looks good! Okay, laminate floors are not something desirable but hey, this flat is really cheap! I really think you could transform this into a very nice home! Good luck with your flat hunting... keep calm and carry on :-)
Katrin said…
Well my experience is that there is no *perfect* apartment, especially if you rent... there was always some sort of compromise to make and I just worked around whatever flaw the apartment had.
I wonder what´s underneath this laminate flooring... Maybe if you ask again the owner will allow you to do someting about it.
Oh and by the way, it´s very common in Germany to make photographs while you check out an apartment.. so you shouldn´t be shy at all! :)
Kim B. said…
I just think this isn't the right place for you. As you said, you're not in a desperate rush (although I know the lack of home offices is a real challenge for you and your husband). But just reading your post, and then especially your comments here, I just think there are too many things that bug you for you to be happy here.

Take heart in Allison's experience. Home is so important to you, you'll find the right thing . . .eventually. I know that's not much solace right now!

Hang in there.
uninative said…
I think you should follow your heart. You can beautify the place with all your great design skills but if your heart didn't give you a thumb up from the start then maybe this is not the right apartment. Apartment hunting is stressful but I'm sure you will find THE ONE soon. Good luck!
Jane said…
I live in a flat with laminate. And I remember when I moved in, I thought: nevermind, you like everything else about the flat. Now, not one day passes that I think: can I please get rid of that laminate floor??? Don't go for the flat Holly! Laminate is soulless.
Natalie said…
I'm so with you on the laminate flooring thing. It just makes any space look so cheap - and that's crazy in a beautifully proportioned apartment like this. I'm currently living in a flat with a blue carpet: it was the first thing I noticed when I looked around and to this day (four and a half years later) it still bothers me. OK, I live with it and do my best to distract from it but if I'd have known I was going to live here for many years - as you expect to - I'd never have gone for it. I'm moving in the summer to a place where we can sand the floorboards and I cannot wait. In my opinion, an ugly stove can become a weird but interesting feature but bad flooring drags everything down.
Irene said…
The first thing is, Follow your heart. Did your heart tell you to go for it? Did it have a golden aura all over it? If not, your current home looks comfortable and from what i gather, costs much less. So , patience.
Second. I had taken out the hardwood floors off our shop and replaced it with lighter, high end laminate which contractors said would look almost real. Surpride:it doesn't. And it is so much harder to keep clean.
Third, which really should come first. I like Haus Maus even more than i liked decor8 which I thought would not be possible.

Chin up. And wait till the first rays of Spring.
Hello!Oh I've been in this situation so many times!From your post and the pics I think I'd go for it.Remember,you are a world famous design guru and stylist!You've got individuality in abundance.You will make any new apartment (regardless of a few wishlist failings) beautifully individual, homely, stylish and covetable and then you will post pics of your fab new home here and will be deluged by our envious comments!An 8 min walk to the forest is a dream for so many and I really like the somewhat industrial feel of the bathroom.I,too,live with the landlord's laminate flooring and when I allow myself to think of it I curse their lack of respect for quality but really,I hardly ever think about it - life's too busy.And from recent posts it sounds like you're not necessarily thinking of this home as the forever-ever home.And if that does become the case,no doubt after some distance from her laminate sin,the landlady probably wouldn't mind you paying for solid floors down the line!Househunting,is so exciting in the beginning,so full of possibilities and quickly plummets into a soul-destroying must-do.Its so easy to feel like you're at the end of your tether and ready to settle for anything.But if nearly all your important basics on the wishlist are catered for then it's worth remembering that it's often impossible to get your detailed wishlist to a tee and that really,you're not settling you're getting the best deal you can!I envy all your housing options and possibilities!Good luck! Jane
alison said…
Your apartment search mirrors our house search here in England (11 months so far) and we have exactly the same issues as you describe: location, garden, light, I like, he doesn't and vice versa. I think I have move fatigue. However if you are in no rush to move then there will be one that feels right as soon as you walk in. I ask myself Will the - whatever-laminate floors? really become just too irritating after a while and if the answer is yes then it's not right.
Good luck
K. said…
hmmm...I would hold out for better floors.
Frau Mayer said…
Hm, your husband really seems to have a very clear picture of what he wants. I guess a little Welfenschloss in the middle of Eilenriede would suit him just fine :)
To the flat: the floors are horrible, that is true. It's a pity the landlady does not realize that. However, when I think what having hardwood floors installed in a flat this big might cost you, it all gets kind of scary.
I guess I'd keep looking. This is what I'm doing all the time :( Nothing even half that nice in my preferred area, no stoves, no forests.
Anonymous said…
I agree about the "Kaminofen". It is really not attractive. But you could disguise it or hide it.

I also agree about the floor. But as I have very strong thoughts about "Laminat-Boden" I am not the person to ask about this... ;-)

The 8 minute walk to the woods I don´t find too upsetting, as I consider anything under 10 minutes walk to be next door.

If the building and the floorplan are good, and you can imagine living with floor & oven... then try to get the place. Maybe the landlady chooses other peolple anyhow, and then you know: It wasnt meant to be, because something better is waiting!
Rose Olson said…
I can't tell you how familiar you sound when discussing what your husband is looking for never completely matching up with what you want. We looked for over a year. I was so depressed that we'd never find the right home.
He refused anything with radiators, I wanted old with architectural details...those two things don't exist! Finally, on a whim we looked at newer (1960's) so it had air conditioning/ forced air heat for him, yet it had window seats in every bedroom, fireplace in the master, etc. for me, and was priced over what we wanted but we made a lower offer and in the end it worked out. There is something out there meant for you, don't give up!
Lilli boo said…
So many good responses to your post. Firstly, I remember my last house hunting effort in Melbourne which took us 8 months...and still compromises...However 5 years later we are still here and can live with the compromises ...I do agree with ensuring you love the place you live but there has to be some things unless you own the place that have to be overlooked...I always remember when moving questioning the place we had chosen until I had settled in and made it my own..It's just that part of going through change. However I did go with my gut instinct on so many places we looked at and you'll really know the 'one' when you see it!
Geli said…
On occasion you'll find the perfect house/flat, but
more often you need to make it perfect yourself.
In Germany it's not uncommon to rip out floors, kitchens and bathrooms and remodel them to your liking. It would be in the landlords best interest as well if his cheap laminate would be upgraded to wood, carpet or tile - besides, laminate is very loud and if you have tenants below you, they'd appreciate a different floor. Dto. for the fireplace, whereas it could be incorporated with your furniture and no challenge to a designer.
Having a nice sized balcony, sun filtering through the windows and nice neighbors would me much more important to me than a few flaws. Of course, if the entire neighborhood is less desirable then
keep looking....good luck!
Jessica K. said…
I live in Germany and want to move to the states soon and I wanted to ask you how much it was to get your furniture shipped over!? How long did it take for it to get there, how expensive was it? I have dual citizenship so visa isnt a problem. Maybe you could email me with some info about that! koejes@web.de
Have a great day!!
jja said…
Holly you don't have to pay agents fee every time in germany. I moved 4-5 times in germany and never paid this. It takes longer to find something yes, but as you pointed it is lot of money to give for what?
And it is very odd to think the Vermieterin can find somebody to move in that soon. I usually quitt the old apartment when I find the new one and have then 3 months notice period. And last time they waited for me for more then 2 months without a rent. I mean it is also not easy to find some good tenants ;-)

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