Ready for a laugh?

This email just arrived, minutes after my last post. It's almost hard to believe but I verified the contact information and this is indeed legit. Read on: Hi Holly, My name is (removed for privacy reasons) and I'm a casting assistant at House Hunters International. Someone suggested I check out your blog, Haus Maus, since we're looking to cast in Germany so imagine my surprise when I visit your blog and House Hunters International is mentioned in your most recent post!!! Unfortunately, I noted that you are currently renting otherwise I think you'd be perfect for our show! If you ever decide to buy, please contact us. In the meantime, if you know anyone who has bought property in the past year or so, we'd love it if you could pass along our information. (On a more personal note, I love decor8. I'll definitely be a return visitor). Thanks so much for watching! ----- Can you believe it? So friends, if I ever buy a home or apartment in Germany, I know who I'm contacting! And this leads me to ask... is anyone else buying property in Europe anytime soon because well, I have a contact for YOU!


Anonymous said…
It the power of the 'interwebs' ;) That is cool that they contacted you. I LOVE that show my DVR is packed w/every European show. Idea, maybe suggest to the producer to start a show on living overseas and the rental market. I know bunches of people who want to live abroad but don't know how. Since they already have the crews and the show it would only take tweeking the concept a tad. Also in this economy buying ANYWHERE is out of the question. I just started reading your blog but I think it is super cute. Keep up the great blogin' -Xica, Silicon Valley-
Skye said…
Excellent! How freaky is that? :) I love coincidences. Thanks for posting again. I enjoy reading about your adventures in Germany and seeing the fantastic photos.
Linz said…
I'm not laughing! I'm! That's fantastic! If you're ever featured...we'll be glued to our TV sets... :)
Phoebe said…
That is SUCH a coincidence. Ridiculously awesome. Did you suggest anyone?
Brigitte said…
haha! If there was ever a doubt, now you know you've really made it!
How fun would that be? I love watching House Hunters, esp. the International version!
Anonymous said…
That's so funny!
chrissy said…
this is so exciting!! i LOVE house hunters. ps i also love your blog. thank you for sharing!
Unknown said…
oh, I so wish you were buying right now. how great would a holly episode of house hunters international be?!
Teresa said…
Wow Holly!
That is quite simply amazing!
I adore House Hunters International!
What an honor!
Who needs to be number one in that other contest of sorts!
Decor8 ROCKS!!!
You're going places GIRL!
I know that email was such a treat!
Bet you smiled the entire way through it!!!!
Good for you!
Veda said…
Nice! happy new year holly!
Emma said…
Haha! Oh it's just like an Alanis Morrisette song isn't it Holly...
Drew said…
That is awesome! Love House Hunters International! Maybe you should decide to buy! ;-)
Vanessa said…
Lucky you! Too bad they don't have Apartment Hunters Int'l!
Melissa A said…
Wow, that's a God thing!
i didn`t know house hunters... till now! they show families searching for a new home, right? isn`t it a pleasure for you, they want to have you on their show?

yours soisses from nuremberg
Anonymous said…
Ha! They're doing a Dutch version, too, and contacted me, as well. I love watching the show, but I'm not sure I would want to actually be on tv!
Lori said…
That's awesome! I'd love to see you on that show. It's one of my favorite shows and I have my DVR set to tape all the new episodes. I especially love the European ones. :-) I've enjoyed reading about your adventure in Germany. So thank you for sharing it with us!
Carolyn said…
I got the same e-mail in October! We're in Austria. And, I JUST POSTED about it 2 days ago. Too funny.
jodi said…
how funny! can't wait to see you on house hunters one day in the future.
Jessica Nichols said…
That is awesome! I love HHI, it is my favorite HGTV show.

Best of luck with the hunting!
that girl said…
Wow...I love house hunters international and I love your blog!! Please contact hgtv if you decide to buy, as I think many readers (myself included) would love to see the transformation after you move in!
Mandi Johnson said…
Wow! So cool! And a little Twightlight Zonish.... ha
Megan said…
Ha ha, how funny, i love that stuff, just put it out there and see what happens.
Desiree said…
Oh that is SO cool!
Anonymous said…
Oh my gosh! I could'nt live without Decor 8! For some reason when you moved I thought it closed down.Or some how I thought you closed it. I read the last post that she loves Decor 8 and I went there! I have a lot to catch up with!Thank you! I love your Blogs!

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