Next On The Agenda...

Okay so tomorrow we will view two apartments, as I said, and I will try to blog the results Sunday evening for you. With the agent's permission, I'll also grab some photos so that they can be a bit more interesting to you. ;) We will be looking at a building from 1900 and another from around the early 1900's that has a ceramic corner stove.

little houses

Both have wood floors (yay!) and balconies, but one is on the 1st floor and the other on the 3rd so we shall see as I think I already prefer to be higher up since I work from home and there is less distraction. Both are 4 rooms, I guess the U.S. equivalent of 4 rooms would be 3 bedrooms as Germans don't count the kitchen in the room count. So with kitchen it's 5 rooms but here they'd only say 4 rooms. Both are around the same size, 135 square meters, but one has a guest bathroom and a speisekammer (pantry room) which is a big plus. Both are within our budget in the low-mid range so that's good. I'm not too excited to view either as I saw the floor plans and neither look like ones I'll like (I am picky since I know that once we move I'll be living in this flat for at least 3 years but possibly many more)... but we shall see friends, we shall see. At least it won't be another open house! Yay! See you tomorrow. And thank you so much for coming with me on this little house hunt with me. :)


Anonymous said…
Hi Holly,
I have just recently been introduced to your blog by my daughter and I am really enjoying reading about your journey.
I lived in East Berlin in the 70's and very much enjoyed the spirit of Europe. I loved the architecture too and I like design, so your blog is a perfect fit.
I can't wait to see the 2 apts you'll be looking at.
How horrible to have to go through that open house experience and to see the baby being so neglected. OMG.
A new reader in Nova Scotia, Canada
It's hard especially they are so different than the US but I think German homes and flats have such character. I think any place you pick will be great you have great style you will make it your own. Happy hunting!
Sara said…
It sounds so exciting! Although I know from memory, it's hard to get excited when you're in the midst of a move, because you just want to get it sorted! I'm loving househunting vicriously through you!
Beautiful photo, too! x
rejenerate said…
Oh my goodness, can I ask about that gorgeous photo??

Are they little houses with candles inside?

I MUST have one!! :)
haus maus said…
these are tea light houses but are from a home show that i attended and so i have no idea how to get others. so sorry!
rejenerate said…
Well then I shall just swoon at the photo of yours!

Thanks :)
Corny said…
What do you expect? This is Germany and things are totally different. Living in a Apartment is not nice, never was. Why not get a house? The building owner is the boss and you just pay, pay, pay!
Anderes Land, andere Sitten!

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