Apartment Wish List

A bit unrealistic, I know, but here's my wish list. I'm willing to compromise of course! But it was fun to think about it and put it on digital paper. So now you know what I'm looking for, more or less, and so do I. UPDATE: My wish list needs an update! I want the apartment to be on the 1st or 2nd floor. I get confused because 1st and 2nd floor here is 2nd and 3rd floor in US terms. ;) I want to also mention that I'd love a guest half bathroom and a speisekammer which is like a little pantry room off of the kitchen for storing things like foods, a broom/mop, etc.

Perhaps it's a lot... but I'm very, very hopeful. We shall see. Watch, I'll end up living in a tent.



Your wish list is a great idea. You know what you want and that's the main thing. Lists are always good and the best thing is ticking off all the things you have achieved or partially achieved so hopefully you will find a lovely apartment that fills or near fills all your wishes :)

All things nice...
Unknown said…
this blog is so much fun! i wish you the best of luck... if you saw sex and the city the movie you might remember that Carrie and Big looked at over 30 apartment before they found the right one and it was worth the wait! its out there!
liza said…
I believe that putting things down in writing is very powerful, and can make it all come true!
T. said…
Sounds divine! Keep it in your mind and you'll find each other! Good luck!
Georgianna said…
Excellent! Your wish list is a perfect thing to do, Holly! That puts your intention out into the universe and I'm sure is going to make a big difference in your search. Good things will come. I'm excited for you! xo
Amanda said…
Looks like a great list - I don't think it's too wishful at all. Your apartment has to be the right fit for you. Thanks for letting us all be part of your hunt for your new apartment :)
Desiree said…
I so hope you can find what you're looking for!
May we all stick to a list of what we "Do want"...and delete the list of what we "don't want".

Well done.
I don't think it's too much to ask for....good luck!
Frau Mayer said…
That's the spirit! If you don't tell the universe what you need, how is it going to send it to you? :)
Emmy said…
I think that a specific list is the best way to go. When we were looking to buy in Amsterdam my list was ultra specific. I made a set of "deal breakers" (eg. I will not buy if it does not have...) and indicated where I would be willing to compromise. We only viewed properties I thought would fit the list. In the end we saw two and bought the second one. Every day I wake up in my home and scrunch my toes with excitement at living somewhere so lovely.

By the way, most of your criteria were my criteria! One of the areas I compromised on was square metres. I thought I wanted the same as you but in the end we got 125 sq m, but the layout was so good that it didn't matter. HTH and good luck in the hunt.
Monica said…
Other people find apartments like the one you are looking for, so why not you? A big plus is not to be in a rush. I wish you lots of luck and patience.
Karen said…
Hi Holly,

I like your wish list. I also had one, and now I am in a great apartment.

I knew I would have to compromise on some things and made a pact with myself that I would only give up two of my wishes. In the end we found a wonderful apartment, although the bathroom has no window (something I hate, and I had "bathroom window" on my list). And we don´t have nice old windowframes, that I had wished for, as the old ones were replaced before we bought our place. But I scored 6 out of 8, so I am very content.

One thing on your list seems unrealistic to me: The size you are looking for! Apartments with more than 140 squaremeters are rare, and usually a place that size has 6+ rooms and is very expensive. I think you will probably have to settle for 115-140qm! The average german "4- Zimmer-Altbau" has about 110qm.

But I am SURE that you will find your dream place!
liz said…
This is a good idea. I'm looking for apartment similar to your wish list. But this is my distant future. I wish you luck in finding your dream apartment :)Your blog is very interesting and fun
Allison said…
Knowing what you want is key! Here's my wishlist for Amsterdam:
-1 closed bedroom, 55-75 sq.meters
-proper oven (apparently lots of places just have a microwave with grill function)
-washing machine (no laundromat trips for me!)
-in the de Pijp or Jordaan districts
-balcony or shared courtyard (not sure how likely this one is to happen)
-nice bathtub (and shower)
-NOT basement or ground floor
-bright and high-ceilinged
-wood floors
-unfurnished (most places for expats are furnished)
-within budget of course!
Nicky said…
Dear Holly,
love your wishlist! I keep my fingers crossed for your search, but please don't be put off, if it takes some time to find the right apartment. We searched 3 months (nonstop, I had not started to work back then) and looked at more than 70 offers until we found our place. And still we had to make minor compromises.
Another point I would add to the wish list: nice neighbors. My friends just had to leave a fantastic apartment (Vienna), because the next neighbor was constantly making trouble. Not always easy to find out beforehand, yet you can try.
Anonymous said…
Just curious - which rent do you expect to pay? Would be around 1.800 EUR here in Hamburg, depending on the quarter.

All the best - your wish list resembles mine, except that I would go with 3-4 rooms, or even 3 2/2 (half rooms are such a treat - smaller than "normal" rooms, but simply the kind of extra space that comes in handy.

Good luck!
Anonymous said…
Have to tried immobilienscout24.de? How about this one: http://www.immobilienscout24.de/53971549?objectTabListControl=tab.expose&donotLog=t&style=is24&is24EC=IS24&navigationbarurl=/Suche/S-T/Wohnung-Miete/Niedersachsen/Hannover/List/4%2C00-5%2C00/130%2C00-185%2C00/-/-/-/-/-/-/true
haus maus said…
Anon - it really depends, we most likely wouldn't want to go over 1,200- plus NM since our income is entirely in US Dollars so I have to convert over to what it would cost in USD whenever I'm apt. hunting. The dollar is doing so poorly!

Oh and to the other Anon (or maybe you are the same one, can you comment with a name next time so I can address you properly?), I saw that one but it's too far from my neighborhood. It says "List" but I think that's not really the case. I mapped it out and it's on the other side of the forest from me.
Linz said…
your wish list is so cute! i agree with everything on your list, but i'd add "loft". i love lofts. :)
Good luck! How do realtors react when you tell them your "wish list"? I am also searching to buy an apartment in Paris and when I tell realtors my "wish list" (high floor, elevator, pre-1900 building, lower range of budget for Paris) most just shake their head. =( I noticed you didn't mention elevator - do most buildings there have an elevator or you just don't care?
haus maus said…
House Hunting In Paris - I just don't care. :)
Hey, I think it is a great idea to put it out there! Send your wishes out to the universe, and I think they are all excellent wishes! I sure hope you find just that my dear! I am keeping my fingers crossed for you, somehow....I think you will find it! :)
Laura said…
Good luck! We searched for almost two years for the apartment we bought in a 4-family house, near Stuttgart. We were also very picky, and hey, it's good to be so!! We did have to make a few compromises because we have not won the lotto yet, but overall are extremly happy. We actually just moved about 2 blocks from where we were renting because we love the neighborhood so much (top priority). Now we have a bit more space and a garden. Your list looks great, but you may have to downsize a bit perhaps but I don't know exact pricing in northern germany. Be patient!
moline/yvonne said…
All the best Holly And Thorsten!
Oooh I hope you get everything you want because that apartment would be {amazing}!

By the way, would you PLEASE tell me what kind of camera you have? I love the pictures you take!
Traveling Mama said…
I've been having so much fun catching up with you and your house hunt. I love your house hunters idea and I feel as though I am right there with you seeing each home. I could never live somewhere with only skylights either. My husband and I decided after our last house that the light was the thing we loved the most. I love the idea of charm too, but the ancient heating is such a bummer. In CPH many of the houses have fireplaces that can heat the whole house and I think we will be looking for something like that. Anyways! Hope you are well and staying warm! Hugs!
Wish lists are such a great idea to keep you focused, i turned mine into a thought cloud(i have forgotten the name of the website that does it though)and i had it in my handbag at all times, it was really pretty to look at and a nice way of reminding myself.
jja said…
On my wish list were: lots of light, new or renovated apartment, big balcony, every single room with BIG window even bath. And white doors and window frames.Quiet but central. I made compromised with the size.
There are not many apartment with 180 m2 or bigger in german cities and if so they cost usually more then 1700 Euro plus phone, electrcity...

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