It's here! 2010! I thought I'd pop in and wish you a lovely first day of the year. We started off the day around 10:00 after sleeping in, we didn't go to bed until 4:00 a.m. so the sleep-in was necessary! After rising, I prepared mimosas and omelets with salmon, fresh dill and cream cheese. Then my husband and I took a walk around our neighborhood and in the forest next to my home, only a few blocks away. Would you like to see our walk?

Hello Everyone!

I brought my camera and took some snapshots. We stayed out for four hours, just walking and talking. There were many people out, some on skis, others pulling their children on sleds, and many dogs and rosy cheeked babies in strollers. We stopped by the cafe in the forest to grab a white hot chocolate and Thorsten spun me around in the park on the merry-go-round which made us both laugh because I got very dizzy and silly. I hope that you enjoy taking a first day stroll with us - we had a fresh snowfall yesterday and this morning, so it was beautiful outside! Come along...

winter's walk

the husband :)

in the fenster...

my neighborhood

gentle beauty

peeking in a window...

forest next door

first day walk

first day walk

first day walk

first day walk

first day walk

first day walk

The above neighborhoods shown are glimpses of both Hannover List and Hannover Ostadt. Both areas are largely pre-war architecture though not all districts in Hannover sport such lovely architecture due to the air raids of the second world war. Post war architecture looks very urban, buildings are more box like and are painted in shades of blue, cream, tan, terra cotta, yellow... and are not the most aesthetically pleasing on the outside as these old buildings are, of course. They are gorgeous, aren't they? What did you do on your first day of the year? (images: holly becker for haus maus)


Drew said…
Gorgeous! I wish I lived surrounded by beautifull architecture!

Happy New Year!
Victoria Klein said…
Happy New Year! What a gorgeous experience you had on the first day of 2010. I wish I could say mine was that enchanting, but it hasn't been (at least not so far; almost 2pm here on the East Coast). Hubby has to work today, so I'm at home starting Project 365 & going through old magazines. :)
→lisa said…
Hey Holly! Your photos are lovely - Hannover looks so beautiful in the snow. I love the pink building especially. You never see color choices like that in the US.

Your post reminded me of the time I visited Plymouth, in SE England. It's a port town that was bombed during WWII, so much of the city center was rebuilt in the 50s - very boxy, lots of concrete slabs, modern in a very dull and nondescript way.

It's almost 2:00PM right on the East Coast. I'm planning on taking my dog for a walk in the wooded park near my apartment. You've inspired me to take along my camera!

Happy New Year!
Unknown said…
Happy New Year, Holly!
Karine Ardault said…
I have been making plans that will keep me busy during this entire year and I have been dreaming big today :)
Isa said…
Snow is magical, isn't it!!! This post makes me miss Germany so much... Sigh.
likeschocolate said…
What a lovely way to begin the first day of the year! So did you watch Dinner for One?
Anonymous said…
Love all the Little Details you noticed and took a picture of!
Anonymous said…
Love all the little Details you noticed and took a picture of
Anonymous said…
before the new year my husband and I worked very hard to finally finish our bedroom/office area. So today I had the pleusure of arranging all my stuff innew cupboards and on a new desk. Not finished yet but it was the most fitting thing I've ever done on newyearsday....
Georgianna said…
How beautiful everything looks, Holly – thank you for sharing your walk around your lovely city. I've always adored the older buildings in European cities – so charming and full of character. Our New Year's Day is off to a gentle start. I'm preparing eggs benedict, mimosas and red potatoes roasted in olive oil. It's warmish here – in the 50s, so no snow for us, but the day still has a freshness and grace about it. A Very Happy New Year to you and Thorsten!
Irene said…
Happy 2010. wishing you health, love, joy and inspiration for this year and always. Thank you for looking for and sharing beauty.
The Clever Pup said…
Really lovely Holly. Prosit!
Dumbwit Tellher said…
What a terrific kick-off to your new year. Your photos are gorgeous and you've inspired me to get off the sofa and take a walk with the husband and our pup. Wishing you a spectacular 2010. All my best, deb
Doyzie said…
Such lovely photos! Thank you for sharing them, and your special First Day of 2010, with us.
CC said…
Hello. Happy New Year. 5th picture from the bottom - I'm in love. Great use of color. And that pink building, oh my. Simply Divine. Love your blog.
Kalessin said…
Happy new year, Holly!

I welcomed the new year with my boyfriend and a group of friends on the roof of the astronomical institute - which was wonderful, as we could see all the fireworks, as far as the fog allowed ;) Then we went back inside, talked till three in the morning and went to bed at 4am.
I got up at 3pm, had breakfast, tidied up a bit, cleaned the raclette from yesterday (my goodness was that thing greasy!), played scrabble with my boyfried, had tea with him and then we made pizza and watched a movie just now.
More or less the perfect first day of the year :)
Laura said…
Wow, that is amazing that you simply get to live in those images, they look like a dream. Thank you for your dedication to our visual enhancement, and the neverending inspiration!
liza said…
Holly, these are beautiful. I particularly like the nature (bark, snow, berries) shots, though all are so good. You look happy. Happy New Year!
Hej there, what I lovely walk! I took a power walk myself, starting the new year off by trying to get rid of some of the new years eve's excesses... so I did not bring the camera. The snow is gone here in the south of Sweden so the pictures wouldn't be much to look at anyway. Please send some snow and sunshine our way :) Love your blog, take care! /Stina.
°°stefanie said…
i love the pictures... a stroll through powder is just amazing. Hannover looks so pretty, maybe someday I'll visit.. :)

All the best for 2010 from Zurich,
Sharon Brown said…
Much more beautiful than any view I had today, with the exception of my 3 year old daughter's cute face of course.

What kind of camera do you use?
Olya said…
You look beautiful, Holly, and what a beautiful place you live in! I hope that next year will be your best ever!
Amanda said…
You look so well rugged up! It's hard to imagine everything so beautiful and snow covered (here in Australia it's 35C today) but it must be so magical to have all that beauty outside your front door. Love your blog and following your little adventures in your new country. Looking forward to more of Haus Maus in 2010. Happy New Year!
Unknown said…
What a beautiful way to start the new year! I absolutely LOVE seeing all of your pictures from Germany. We also slept in some this morning and I worked on editing photos. We ate the traditional black-eyed peas and cabbage at my mom's, then went to a local pond to feed the ducks before catching a matinee. Overall, a wonderful day! Happy New Year!
Its interesting. I think I've learned something about you today. You bring beauty and magic with you wherever you go. You have this inept ability to see the glass not only half full but with flowers and sparkles. I used to think that you had the perfect life with no mistakes and no ugliness, but I've realized today that you just have a gift for making lavender lemonade out of lemons.
Thank you!
Lin said…
Ooh what a lovely walk! Happy New Year!
Paula Jo said…
Happy New Year! I just happened to find your blog. I'm so glad I did. I will for sure come back on a regular basis. The pictures are so beautiful. Thanks for sharing them. My husband is from Germany, and we will be married for 3 yrs. on Jan. 25th. Germany is sooo beautiful. The first time I was there was at Christmas 2004. This was the first time I left the U.S. It was fantastic and it was like a dream come true. I loved the snow and all the beautiful buildings. Gosh, this makes me want to come back to Germany sooner than what we had planned. Keep up the good work, and I'm glad I found you. I'm back for sure.
Anna said…
On the first day of the new year, my husband and I had a delicious breakfast in bed (salmon, fresh Brötchen, scrambled eggs, orange juice, grapefruit, Schinken, honey and jam and marmalade). After that we stayed in bed and watched TV nearly the whole day. They showed so nice things on arte and 3sat and so on. I also took a walk through my neighbourhood (which is quite in the middle of Hamburg) and watched birds :) It was a lovely day. Yours sounds very nice too. And your photos make me want to visit Hannover :)
Pixie said…
So pretty! It's been 3 years since my last trip to Europe and I am sooo wanting to go for another visit. I've never been to Germany but it's on the list for "one day".
Anonymous said…
Hi Holly, found your decor8 link advertised in todays YOU magazine in the Irish Daily Mail newspaper. As an interior design student I wanted to get some inspiration and went online. Little did I know that I would be finding your haus maus blog too and be a bid homesick :( I am from an area 1.5h south of Hannover. My brother used to live in Hannover and my sister just outside. They both have told me about the constant snowfall in the previous few days - can see now how much it had actually snowed. Wow! I'm living, working and studying in Ireland but miss Germany quite a bit sometimes - especially when seeing so lovely pictures ;) My mum sent me a "Dinner for one" DVD so I could watch it for New Year's too. Strange how an 18min english black and white theatre scetch from ages ago can be so attractive to millions of people each year... Well, am very happy to have "found" your blog so unexpectantly. Hope you're well. Happy New Year! Nadine
Taylor said…
what gorgeous photos! happy new year and congrats on the homies nomination!
Anonymous said…
Thank you for posting these wonderful pictures of beautiful Hannover!!! I lived there three years ago, and desperately miss the Eilenriede!!! It's so nice to see your pictures!
Anne Garcia said…
Hi, Holly! Thanks for the lovely photos. On New Year's Day, I planned what my goals would be for 2010. It took a lot of thinking and taking a walk to determine them. However, I find that setting annual goals (instead of new year's resolutions) helps me to achieve my life goals. In the evening, my husband and I went to a friend's home to have a dinner of cassoulet - just the right way to end a cozy day and to start the new year!
jen jafarzadeh said…
happy new year! love your snowy photos. we spent new years day traveling down to D.C. for a friend's wedding. it was my first time there in many years and we had a great time. I'm actually traveling back to NYC (on a train) right now. my first Amtrak train — so much easier than flying, I'm convinced.
haus maus said…
your comments make me so happy. :) i really love hearing from each of you and also of your plans. :)
Irene said…
Oh how can your heart stand so much beauty? We stayed up late visiting neighbours and watching movies. We had a simple meal of delicious ham and cheese. Yes, as I have just turned 40, I realise that God intended life to be very simple indeed!...Happy 2010!
N.B. Just voted for you!
Amanda said…
These photos are so beautiful; what a great start to my day! I'm so happy I found haus maus! Happy New Year!
Nicky said…
Happy new year, Holly! Loved your photos, such gorgeous winter pics! We spent the first day in Rome with friends and did nothing but cook and eat... still recovering ;)
erin said…
beautiful shots. such a lovely way to begin a new year.
nichole said…
This photo collage just made my day. More! More.

Really pretty shots.
Anonymous said…
Happy New Year, Holly! I love those buildings, some of them remind me of gingerbread houses. :) I hope I get to do some traveling this year, I would love to see Germany, it looks so beautiful.


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