Beautiful Sunday...

Today is Sunday, we're officially 5 hours ahead of east coast time (vs. 7 as I had thought earlier) since we turned our clocks forward (I think a few weeks before America, right?) last night... Anyway, it's Sunday and the day is coming to an end now as I will soon partake in something I love to do when my husband is off with his brother -- chick flick night. Last time I watched The Reader (which I loved despite that he was only 15, gasp!). Tonight, I'm not so sure but my friends, it will be chick-ish for sure. Funny now that I think of it, I watch a lot more films now since I don't care for television here because it's either German and I don't really like watching American shows like Law & Order dubbed over with the mouths not matching the lips and the English stations we get are British and well, the selection is really not of interest to me. Instead of watching television, I usually pop in a movie. Which I will do in a moment but first let me share my afternoon with you.

my afternoon...

A day in the forest, walking, talking, taking photos and exploring all the different varieties of mushrooms (some people were picking them). Here are a few shots to share with you the gorgeous 62 degree sunny weather, which in my opinion, is the perfect Autumn day.


They're so in love...

so serene

Mushroom hunt....

Anyone know what kind of mushroom this is? It looks poison, look at this thing, huh? It creeped me out... I was scared it would put a spell on me. ;) But in all seriousness, I can see why the Brothers Grimm were so inspired by forests in my region, they're so diverse and full of stories...

police on horseback

Police on horseback, only these two were lady cops who looked like they were 16. ;) The forest here is completely safe, so you barely see police presence except for days when there are many people in the forest, like on the weekends... I think it's more for the safety of the people vs. crime.

more cuties

one of the entrances to our forest

This is an entrance to our city forest which is the largest natural city forest in the whole of Europe. To say it's gorgeous is an understatement. It's the best forest in a city that I've ever been to, and I like it even more than the forests in New Hampshire - it's just amazing. And no biting bugs, ever! I love the variety of species of fungus that I find here, I saw many others but I wasn't in the photography mood, I felt more introspective and quiet and humbled while walking through the forest... I saw a huge falcon and some doves, and a squirrel too. I think I stayed in the forest for at least 3 hours, it was very peaceful. I love the slow Sundays here, it's the best and I'm so sad that America is still running at 100% on Sundays while we're over here relaxing with our families and staying out of the stores. Gosh, having this day off is magical to me. Really. We wrapped up the day at a lovely Italian cafe sipping on the best hot cocoa with amaretto... A lovely afternoon well spent!


Anonymous said…
Oh Holly thanks for sharing your beautiful walk I enjoyed it!

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Danielle said…
It looks like the perfect sunday. the forest looks amazing, how great would it be if every city had a forest in the middle, so great for the environment.

happy movie night holly xx
Krista said…
What I find most interesting here is the bright green moss on the stones and tree's. Thats one thing that catches my eye whenever I go walking in the forests.
Tati Viana said…
Wow, Holly... This forrest is such a dream! I would love to have an afternoon like yours. I'm from Brazil (northeast) and there're not too many kinds of mushroom. To be honest, I don't remember if I already had seen one... but something in my mind says I did.

Your post inspires me to have more relaxing weekends. :D

likeschocolate said…
I love days like these. Gorgeous photos!
Desiree said…
What a beautiful Sunday -- and amaretto cocoa? Delish!
Duckling said…
Yes, yesterday was a very nice day in Hanover. I went to the Maschsee (like thousands of other people ;-)). The colors of authumn are so beautiful. I don't know if you've been there before. I can also recomment the "park of senses" (Park der Sinne) in Laatzen. Very nice place. But in summer much more impressive, because of the herbage growing there.
deviled megz said…
now i'm really confused..... didn't we "fall back" and now we're just 5 hours different from the east coast??? i'm living in köln with fam on the east coast, and have had in my head that we have a 5 hour time diff instead of a 6 hour one... time changes... so confusing!!
Juliette said…
our weather down here was also amazing yesterday and we went for a walk and watched people flying kites wishing we'd brought ours!

i know - German tv is just so uninspiring. We didn't have TV in the US either, but I have even less desire for it here. I do like catching up on the BBC when at my MILs though!
Vanilla Press said…
That forest looks amazing! Enjoy your chick-flik night! Haven't had one of those in ages.
Anonymous said…
We live in downtown Boston and our Sundays are just as quiet and lovely as yours. A lot of your posts remind me of our experience living in the city. Too bad you didn't get to enjoy this type of lifestyle while you were in the US. But just in case you decide to return someday you should know that many of us live like you do now.
These mushroom shots are gorgeous, not to mention the fall leaves! Thanks for taking us all along.
haus maus said…
Anon - I lived in downtown Boston myself before I got married, whereabouts are you? I agree, Boston is more quiet on Sunday than say, Saturday (ha ha) but everything is still bustling and open, including stores, and the duck tours are out and about, and life is still quite hectic there. I actually have lots of experience with city life, I worked and lived in the city for 8 years.
Elbe1 said…
Hi, Holli,

the "unknown" mushroom is a so-called Schopftintling, botnically Coprinus Comatus.

It is even edible when young, though I never tried it. The old ones look too disgutsting.
stefanie said…
I never thought I would say this BUT your blog makes me miss Germany.

(I am German married to an American. I have always loved living in the USA and never wanted to go back to Germany.)
Anonymous said…
Hi Holly,

I lived in Hannover for 6 months when I worked at Expo 2000 and I keep rediscovering the city through your posts. Thanks so much! You make me wish I'd spent less time shopping and more discovering. Though, the shopping was very, very good...
Anonymous said…
The mushroom could be a "Tintling" but I remember the shape kind of different, it looks creepy though.
By the way, the Brother Grimm did not wrote the fairytales. They traveled around, collected them and wrote them down.
haus maus said…
Sondra said…
Thanks for sharing all of these wonderful images. I absolutely love the mushrooms...the shapes, colors, composition. Wonderful!

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