Holly Aus Hannover!

Well as you already know, I'm here in Hannover on a sort-of staycation, though I honestly have so many guest posts to edit and post on decor8 that I'm hardly blog free. Oh well. One can dream of being offline 100%! Maybe I'll take a proper vacation in the Autumn... So remember my disaster that I showed the other day, my messy living room? Well, I've cleaned it a little bit though I still need to edit some things down and move a few tables around but for now, here's my clean living room where I blog and read magazine and watch foreign films and enjoy lots and lots of music.

Full view

This is a very typical "post war" German apartment... Nothing special at all. It's just 68 square meters and no charming details or personality really... but it made it all the more so of a challenge to take something boring and standard and create a Holly space. I know what I like, and so this room is somewhat of a reflection of me. Well "budget" me. When we move into a larger apartment with more rooms and of course, an older building with lots of charm and a balcony (I want one so badly for planting and sitting on!), I know all of my things will look much nicer! I also want the mirror over my sofa to be replaced by the artwork I'm shipping over but that will happen in the new apartment. The mirror really works in this place because it gives the appearance of a second window which was my goal because I have some nice tall "privacy pines" as I call them outside of my window. In the winter these pines look so romantic covered with a dusting of snow. For now, little birds live in there and sing pretty songs.

Taking photos :)

There I am with Princess Leia buns on each side of my head taking photos. he he.

Catching up on mag reading

Porcelain acorns from a friend

These porcelain acorns are hanging from a shelf over my dining room table, they were given to us as part of a housewarming present from our friends in Boston.

Cleaned up my messy room

resting slippers

We don't have much room for proper chairs, so I use cushions when I have more than a few visitors. Cushions are informal and fun and great for fondue parties! :) I really NEED flowers in this room, don't I? I have to go to the farmers' market to pick some up on Wednesday morning. So! I'm still trying to get some energy, I am SO super tired lately but I'm not one to sit for long which I think is part of the problem! I need to take some naps or drink tons of red bull or something because my energy level has been wayyyy loooowwww for the past few weeks. In fact, it dipped a lot when we moved out on the 1st and went to Boston. I felt like I was dragging myself everywhere in Boston that we went. Now that we're here I feel the same way. I wonder if it's like some kind of physical crash after experiencing moving and the death of my grandmother and that bad fall I took where I couldn't walk for most of May and June... I pushed through all that like a trooper and though I'd made it through with flying colors but now I'm freaking EXHAUSTED. I'm still doing all I need to do and I'm VERY happy I'm here (I still can't believe it!?!) but man, I'm yawning as I type this. Very un-Holly!!! I think I'll hit reformhaus (natural foods store near my flat) and ask for some energy boost vitamins or something. Anyone else experience this after a big move???? (photos: holly becker)


Hilda said…
I feel that what you are experiencing is very normal. I have had a similar experience, not from moving but from school. After finishing an intensive 10 month program where I was always on the go, I could barely get out of be once I was finished. I would sleep for 11 hours (unheard of!) and found it hard to do basic things like cooking or going to the movies.

Give yourself some serious napping time, stay away from redbull (it will make you feel worse in the end), drink lots of water and green tea, takes some vitamin B, and if you have access to a sauna or hot tub (maybe at a community centre or day spa) it will leave you feeling relaxed but refreshed.

Hope this helps :)
Stratos Bacalis said…
I hope your move to Hannover proves to be great! I am sure you will feel better in a few days, just give it time and rest, rest, rest!
kidshome-trier said…

I come to our blog and it is very interested to read your comments.
I find our beginning it germany Hannover will be very fine.
Have a nice time, i will visit you in the blog again :-)
best wishes miriam
becky said…
Moving is EXHAUSTING. Death, divorce, and moving are three of the most stressful things that can happen to you. Just take it easy, put some emergen-c in your water and get out in the sun as much as possible for some Vitamin D!
Simone said…
Hi Holly, I'm leaving for Hamburg tomorrow. Will be there for a month if you want to get together.
frauheuberg said…
hallo holly,

ich glaube jeder von uns ist manchmal vollkommen ausgebrannt...keine energie mehr...der aku ist leer, sagt man bei uns...manchmal ist da yoga sehr hilfreich...wieder ruhe finden...vielleicht gibt es kurse bei euch um die ecke...wir heubergfrauen können es empfehlen...:-)
und gib dir auszeiten...auch wenn es schwierig ist...unser körper sagt uns wann es genug ist...
hoffen es geht dir bald besser...
und nett, dass du auf unserem blog warst...

alles liebe

die frauen von frauheuberg

hallo holly,

I think everyone of us is sometimes completely out of energy ...the aku is empty, we say here in germany... sometimes yoga is very helpful ... again find peace ... maybe there are courses around the corner ... we Heuberg ladies can recommend it ...:-)
and give you outs ... even if it is difficult ... our body tells us when it is enough ...
we hope it goes better soon ...
and nice that you were on our blog ...

alles liebe

the women from women-Heuberg
Traveling Mama said…
I laughed out loud when I read that you needed either a nap or a Red Bull. I know that feeling, except I might have to wait until my 10 month old gets to be, oh, I don't know, maybe 18 before I shake it! Yawn! I swore I was going to take a few days off from blogging and I stink at it too. My blog is teensy tiny, so I cannot imagine how much pressure you must feel to keep up with yours!
Well, try to squeeze in some rest and please take your camera to the flower market! We have NO flowers in our city. I think they are all being used for weddings or something but it is so sad for us! Anyways! I'd love to see your market!
satakieli said…
When I moved from England to the States over 2 years ago I swear I was exhausted for a month. Had a similar experience when we moved from the States to Germany last year. Naps are the best!

I'm in love with your apartment. Sadly sticky toddler fingers stop me from having the white furniture that I covet so badly. My parents just this year got the white (IKEA) kitchen that they had wanted pretty much all of their lives... just happened to coincide with the last of the children leaving the house!

A question too, where is your rug from? I've been looking for something like that for my diningroom!
Amanda Nicole said…
It looks so homey already! Moving can really take it out of you, just sit back and relax for bit! Love the acorns :)
Victoria Klein said…
The living room looks great! It can be fun to have a place with unique characteristics, but I think having a truly "blank" slate like you have is all the more of a fun challenge to decorate.

I've moved over 20 times in my life and YES being exhausted is completely normal! Instead of Red Bull, try water with lemon - it will hydrate you much better and you'll be back to your old self in no time.
daydate said…
Hello Holly! Welcome back to germany! Best Carolin*
Ele said…
Your home looks gorgeous, Holly. Looking at those photos makes me want to get rid of all my stuff and paint my life white. I'm especially ALL OVER that white TV!

As for the exhaustion, it's perfectly normal. I felt similarly when I relocated from Canada to London three years ago. And that was only a mini-move; I just came with a suitcase!
leslie said…
You are too funny! Of course you are exhausted -you just did a huge move! You have been in overdrive to make that happen and now your body is saying "I need rest"...please create space to be restful and even if this seems like laziness to you I assure you it is not! Put your feet up honey!!!
Love the colors you used! The place looks lovely!!

Oh.. and I have the same problem with 'tiredness' my doctor told me I need to take lots of B vitamins. You should try this! I think it works.
Georgina said…
Hola Holly!! is very normal what you're feeling. The first time I moved I went to the doctor because I was tired all time. I was happy with my new place, wanted to do a lot of things but my body said: Stop!!!!! When I moved to my new house the last year I felt the same, this time I didnt go to the doctor, I just relaxed and take it easy.
Wish you the best!!!! :)
Unknown said…
Gorgeous pics, have a great time!
Irene said…
Welcome to the Continent! German cities are so relaxed if you choose to go for relaxed, that it. I am sure some walks in the leafy streets will do you much good, as will the kind German people.
nicoletter said…
I know exactly what you mean Holly, cause I feel the same. I'm so busy with my job. Since three weeks I work without a break. I'm so tired. Also there are emotional problems, which rob my energy. What to do? I don't know. At the moment to sleep is my only desire. Therefore good night and dream sweet. Everything is going to be alright.
Your living room is looking gorgeous! I've never moved overseas, but I moved from the East Coast to the West Coast, had a day to unpack, then started work the next day and was exhausted for a month afterward. So you're not the only one! (It didn't help that I injured my back carrying a couch, either, but I'm overzealous that way.)
Laura Gaskill said…
Oh yes. Moving can really take a toll on the body - between physically packing, moving furniture, etc., and the emotional stuff - it's hard! I felt really low-energy after moving across the country. And between mourning your Grandmother, recovering from your injury - Holly, no wonder you're out of energy!

Taking naps & drinking lots of fresh fruit & vegetable juices can really help! And I love Hilda's idea of going to a day spa :)

p.s., I love your floor cushions
Laura said…
I am moving just now and it's so exhausting. I thought I'd never finish packing things, there was always something left behind... but the boxes are ready and I'm flying to Spain tomorrow.
I hope you get your well deserved time to rest and enjoy the summer (I will, since I'm heading for 30*C after three years in rainy Ireland, I can't wait!)
Best of luck! :-)
Pixie said…
I love your budget living room! I can't wait to have one of my own. Unfortunately, my 175sq foot apartment doesn't leave much room for anything besides a dresser, bed & bookcase with a tiny chair. lol
SimplyGrove said…
Absolutely! Moving can totally take it out of you!!! You are a trooper for lasting this long! I would have crashed a few weeks ago:) Your space looks lovely.
Juliette said…
oh that fatigue, how could i forget it? Our first week here we were both like zombies - I think we were SO emotionally drained, and that without a death in the immediate family! Take those naps and let your body catch up. Get whole foods and fresh air and that should help, too. I know how tidying up can make you feel good too - but sleep is best!
Eireann said…
I know this feeling so well. I'm American too, but moved to France in 2006 and then to the UK. I think in some ways I'm still recovering from these moves. It's really good you have your husband and your place (even if it doesn't feel 'right' or permanent yet) to help you fit in. It's exhausting to find yourself finally and fully distant from the familiar (where what you know is generally correct) on a daily basis, no matter how much you love the new place.

Take care of yourself and give yourself time to adjust to this new life. :) Best wishes!
Martina said…
Hope you are very happy in Hanover - your apartment looks very lovely :)
Ann Marie said…
Hey Holly, glad to know you and the hubby are there safe and getting settled in. How fantastic! You've had so much going on emotionally, even if good emotions, that I think it is completely normal to be experiencing low energy. All the anticipation, even for positive changes in our lives, can really zap the energy for a while. You'll bounce back. When I experience this type of energy drain, I watch the sugar and carbs for a week or so and drink plenty of water. Slow walks in nature do wonders too! :)
Lovely_Sunflower said…
Wow, Holly, now that's pure inspiration :)

As for your condition - try Ginseng Tonikum P (you can find it at Aldi) as well as 1 iron (fizzy tablets, really cheap - Aldi, DM, Penny, everywehere). It works great for me and I know what I'm talking about - need to get myself going all the time.

Redbull is definitely NOT good for you. Way too much sugar.

Just getting yourself to move works wonders, too. There are so many WONDERFUL gyms round Hannover, I'm missing my old one so much - and I'll definitely join it as soon as I can move back (women only, the place is called LOFT and is probably not that far from you).

Greetings from Hildesheim!
(off to the gym)
Anonymous said…
You unpack faster than I do!
We moved into our new home a year ago and it's just now starting to come together as a real home. Before we had our office desks taking up space in the living room. In the bedroom were various plastic bins being used for tables.
Finally I was able to get an additional studio space we could move our office into.

Now that everything is situated I have to tackle the dark wood trim. I feel as if I'm living in a cave! I've been struggling trying to figure out what colour to paint everything to brighten the space. After looking at these wonderful photos I'm thinking white would be a great place to start! I just love the white white white rooms, and it's so easy to add a pinch of colour!

Moving is, yes indeed, so exhausting - especially when you're relocating to an entirely new country! That can take a lot out of a person. Make sure you get plenty of rest!
Anonymous said…
maybe it's time to be a human "being" rather than "doing" ... breathe ... dream ... become
alix said…
Hello Princess Holly aus Hannover!
Oooh it's all coming along so nicely!!!! (i love wearing my hair hair in Leia buns....seeing that peek of you was adorable! weeeee!)

So I think you are right about your body finallyshutting down. You've been through alot....your sweet grandmother, the move, prepping for everything, getting decor8 in order with guest posts and all that. Whenever I've been going non stop and pushing through things, the MINUTE i stop and rest (or go on vacation or take time to breath) my body immediately goes "Whew! OK, we're taking the day OFF" and I always get sick.
Be good to yourself, nap, lounge and go sloooow!!

Love your post(cards) from Hannover!
Sarah said…
Sorry to hear of all the stress in recent months. What you are feeling is indeed natural. Moving can be one of the most stressful things in life. I'm sure you will pick yourself up though :)

Your place looks lovely as always. It's definitely one of my interior inspirations!
christa Baca said…
Well, I travel a lot and understand Jet Lag etc... but recently I experienced the same thing-- and was CRAZY tired! (Which is sooooo unlike me, I have energy for ANYTHING!) and guess what? I was pregnant. Being ppregnant makes you more tired than anything you can imagine!
Anonymous said…
I had the same thing when I moved to Germany from New York last year. The first 2 weeks were ok and then I crashed! It took me a while to realize how big of a deal a move this big was- not only are you moving from your home, you leave behind friends, favorite foods, American tv...all of a sudden EVERYTHING is different.
And even if you discover new things you love, you will still always miss the old ones. When I feel homesick, I go to a burger joint here and have a snapple and I have to admit that this small pleasure takes me back "home" even for just a few minutes. It is also tough not to pick up the phone and talk to your friends whenever you want because of the time difference.
Be patient with yourself and know that sometimes, it is ok to be homesick.
haus maus said…
Anon - Oh no, I'm not homesick at all, quite the opposite I love it here! I was just tired from all the preparation involved in moving and then getting here and being really, really tired from all the travel and such. We were in a hotel for nearly a week between homes so that was sort of draining to have to eat out every day for so long. But my energy is back and I'm feeling great. :)
melisa said…
hi there holly!! i'm mel from argentina and i'm so glad i finally write to you çause is been a while since i began to read decor8, finding some amazing inspiration ideas that really helped me when i was moving to an enormous house after i've decided to study art. Some tricks i use still today to not feeling so tired after such a change, are organize mi activities from early morning to sleepy time so i try to do first everything that is more demanding to me physichally and mentally like cleaning, working or designing projects... after that take a little breake having some soothing tea and then up again!!, ending with some more light or enjoyable things to do like reading, shopping, painting all of this while listening to lots of great tunes of course!!
I will love to show you and the bloggers on decor8 some photos of my decoration solutions to this new house of mine, but it is still a work in progress...
I feel so happy for you about your new life in Hannover, i'm sure it would be wonderful!!! So, all you need to shake that exhaustion is being surrounded by the things you love and knowing that after all, the result is gonna worth double, you'll enjoy more of what you;ve acomplished!!
Carolyn said…
It looks great. I love all the simple white! Can you come help me over here in Austria? haha. I can't really afford to decorate (which is killing me), but we have an old, old flat with those great tall ceilings, herringbone parquet wood floors, old moldings over the doors and doors that you can tell have been painted over 100 times. So much potential, yet so little funds! Can't wait to look at more of your posts. :)
iva yaneva said…
I really love what you have done with the place. Yes, it is not a historical building with lots of character (which I would kill to live in:) but it sure looks cozy. I love all the white and the delicate colours, it is very, very pretty! And it is perfect for a small place, I live in a 52 square meters apartment and I can't even think of using a colour different than white :)
I like the view you have - everything looks so green and fresh :)
Gaia said…
I think is very nice and I like it,
very clean, bright and relaxing...

i'd like to answer your question ...But I don't remember my last move...It was long time ago, but I guess is physical, isn't it?
How is it going noW?

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