And the living is easy...

My husband is out for the evening and here I am at home, sitting in what is left of the sunlight for today, enjoying a salad I've prepared with lots of local things... while reading a magazine - candles flickering in my window. I love (and require) a quiet night like this...


and so I'm off to take a long bath with Corinne Bailey Rae and the new bath salts I found today at the bio store... I love simple, easy going Summer evenings. Don't you? (image: holly becker for decor8)


Victoria Klein said…
Good times. Happiness and peace are very simply concepts that we make complicated.
Vicki said…
Oh yum! That salad looks delicious. Glad you're settling in so nicely, Holly. And, yes, I love lazy Summer days. xo!
Vicki said…
Oh yum! That salad looks delicious. Glad you're settling in so nicely, Holly. And, yes, I love lazy Summer days. xo!
nicoletter said…
I will take a bath this evening too. It was a stressy day in the advertising agency. By the way, I bought the livingetc mag today. 10 Euro at the Wiesbaden main station. *gulp* However - yes - it's a good issue. Enjoy your evening and relax!
Unknown said…
Summer evenings have something, light, the warme temperature, and that easy living.
Simplicity of everyday things.
frauheuberg said…
oh,das sieht gut aus...lecker...lecker.hier zählt nur der moment...wir lieben auch diese kleinen augendblicke im leben wo einfach alles stimmt...geniess es ausgiebig...gute nacht...:-)

oh, this looks good ... yummy ... here counts only the moment ... we love this little moments in life where everything is easy ... enjoy it extensively ... good night .:-)
Katie said…
Love nights like that! Perfection!
I'd like a bite of that salad right now :) I love my husband, but I do enjoy a night all to myself once and awhile. Enjoy your evening!
Unknown said…
Dear Holly,
welcome so very much to Germany!!! For having just moved in, your flat looks very cosy already - we haven't managed that so very fast - you're amazing. Whenever you plan to visit the Rhine area, please stop by, I could definitely need some advice ;-)
Great to hear that you are getting acquainted with the area so fast. There are a few things in Germany that are really cool, just as the markets, that you mentioned, I enjoy them a lot myself and couldn't do without them.
Enjoy your evening alone, I', doing that, too at the moment, because my husband is away on a business trip for two days. We need our lazy evenings on our own every once in a while, don't we?
→lisa said…
I love mellow evenings. I hope you have relaxed and gained a little of that energy you've been missing.

It's too hot for a bath here. Besides, we have no water pressure because some idiot across the street opened up the fire hydrant at full force (but I *did* just go outside with my dog and splash around in the mini-river that's rushing along the curbside).
ktmac said…
I'm really excited for your Germany adventures and living vicariously...
Lovely_Sunflower said…
Good to know there's someone out there who can afford a lazy evening.
I'm very, very envious... However, your blog is so full of positive vibes, I enjoy it in small bites between the huge pieces of Irish history...
likeschocolate said…
It doesn't get better than that!
haus maus said…
Lovely_Sunflower - forgive me but your comment has me totally confused... Can you explain this about Irish history?
What an adorable napkin! Where is it from?
annechovie said…
Sounds perfect! I'm loving your white, cozy space. Enjoy Corinne - she's awesome. XO
Laura Gaskill said…
It is nice to have an evening all to yourself every now and again, isn't it? A quiet, peaceful summer evening, ah...
Dana said…
ah. sigh. That sounds lovely. With 4 year old twins nights like that for me are few and far between! Having fun living vicariously through you Holly! Congrats on your move :-)
Unknown said…
Sounds blissful Holly, hope you enjoyed! :-)
Luna Levy said…
Just wanted to welcome you back Holly! So glad to see you enjoying yourself - you deserve it after all the hard work of moving! I think it would be completely unusual if you weren't a little tired after all you have been up to! A major overseas move :)

Did you see this month's copy of Living at Home? There is a recipe for a plum cake I want to make - fresh plums from the farmer's market, yum :)

I agree with Susannah, it's so nice to see you tweeting on EU time, and I wish you all the best in getting settled in :)

Best, best, best!
Hi Holly,

a very warm welcome in Germany from Wiebke from Line+Liv in Flensburg ... all the best for you
Brit said…
Love the little beige napkin and coaster. Would it be possible to have the brand names?
Thanks so much.
Xenia said…
Hi Holly,

which ingredients did you use for this delicious salad?

Viele Grüße aus Hannover

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