
I've not yet visited Denmark but we'll soon be nearby so my husband promises that we'll go up to the coast in a few months from now and that I'll love it. I'll be sure to take photos and share the experience with you. I have no clue what the coast of Germany or even Denmark looks like, and I've never visited the Baltic Sea, so it will be a big surprise for me to see it.

Baltic Sea

See the little heart? That's where I'll soon be.
I grew up within a bike's ride away from the beach and at times, my parents had a home on the beach with the sand in our backyard. I remember back then laying in my bedroom which had 3 massive windows overlooking the ocean and drifting off to sleep listening to the waves, smelling the salty air. That's the ultimate peace and joy to me, the coast. Thankfully our dear friend owns a travel business and promises to hook us up with the best places to see and stay and our friends frequently rent houses in Denmark during winter and summer months to escape the city, so I already know who I'm talking to the moment I get a longing for the Danish lifestyle... I was excited to read a few days ago that the German parliament has approved a time-saving bridge from Hamburg to Copenhagen so that will certainly open up the two cultures to one another even more and allow me to zip around in the future though by 2018 I will no doubt be a mommy taking the family on vacation. :) (image: geographic guide)


Jo said…
If you get a chance to venture back to the Netherlands, go see Efteling. It is a beautiful family amusement park that is even a blast without having little ones. We fell in love!
AmandaMuses said…
How exciting to be so close to Denmark, especially if you've never been. I'm sure you'll delight in all there is to discover; hope you also get a chance to explore coastal Sweden as well. I used to live in Gothenburg on the western coast and discovered all sorts of wonderful little things. The Rohsska Museum of Design and Decorative Arts in town often has interesting exhibits and the School of Design and Crafts (HDK) is literally behind it; the Christmas market at HDK each winter often has neat finds made by the students. I could go on and on about all the little places to explore there though, so I'll spare you.

How exciting for you to be in the middle of all Europe has to offer!
Laura said…
Denmark is also on my to-visit list! Maybe next summer... By the way, if you will be looking for a language course, I recommend Inlingua, I attended an intensive (9:30am - 12:45 each day) for about 10 months once I arrived in Germany and it helped me tons! Maybe your german is already quite good though. They do have different levels of classes you can join.
Anna said…
Definitely go to Denmark soon! I lived in Copenhagen for a time and loved it. It is a city to live in, less touristy than some in Europe. Spend time there exploring the city rather than looking for tourist spots and you will be satisfied. and the rest of Denmark is very beautiful and interesting too.
As an expat in Berlin I was delighted to see you'll be back on this side of the pond!!!!
By the way, a Must Visit shop for your Copenhagen Trip is Green Square Copenhagen - Strandlodsvej 11 b - DK-2300 Copenhagen To get a preview

You'll thank me for this introduction if you haven't "met" this store yet!!!

And how did I miss hearing that they're building a bridge! Excellent news!!!
Epp said…
It's a beautiful area, indeed! (Of course, I grew up by the Baltic Sea, so I'm a little biased. ;-)) And it's good news about the bridge, although ferry ride is also fun. We decided to drive to our holiday in Estonia through Denmark and Sweden this time. The ship will take us from Stockholm directly to Tallinn. We have done it before and it's fine. We have tried the other route as well - through Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. That was almost suicidal! Never again! From now on we'll only take the road through Denmark and Sweden!
Camilla said…
I just went on holiday to Denmark at the end of May and was really pleased with the beaches - very white, super clean and the Baltic is a beautiful azure. If you can, try and head down to the southern island of Mon which has some spectacular coastline (especially Mons Klint) and is only two hours from Copenhagen. I'm sure you'll have heard of Copenhagen's Tivoli Gardens which is beautiful and huge fun plus there's a simply gorgeous Rie Elise Larson store near the entrance.
hoopty doopty said…
Hi Holly!
I've just caught up here and I am excited for you and all your plans. I know I relate to a lot of how you feel about experiencing life in another country/culture different to the one you were raised in. I experienced the same "relo" bug that you talk about very early on.
I've been blessed to have lived in the UK, Germany and now Australia. I suppose it's in my blood(cliché I know!). It's still an adventure each and everyday.
I must say that I still entertain the idea of living in the EU again. I especially love Scotland and I am certain you will as well.
I could go on and on but I just wanted to say thanks for sharing your thoughts and all your energy.
Looking forward to all you share as it unfolds.
jacquelyn said…
Oooh, I went to Copenhagen and some other places in Denmark on business two summers ago. I was there for two weeks and that was honestly one of the best trips I have ever had. I loved the people, the food, the shopping, everything. I rented a bike and toured all over the place. I stayed in several small towns for work but for the weekend we relocated to Copenhagen.

Now I can't wait to go back and am saving so we can go as a family next year.
linnea said…
Hi Holly! I am so excited to read about your preparations to move to Europe. I grew up all around Europe. I live in the States now, but my heart still pines for the places I grew up in. I lived in Copenhagen for two years during high school. I actually went back to visit in March/April this year. I took the train to my old school, walked to my old house, and from there, to the beach. I know you will love it! The beachy simplicity, the food, downtown Copenhagen, the bikes, the countryside... it's all so special. From Copenhagen, you can take the train across the bridge to Sweden. It's all so close :o) I hope you are having a peaceful weekend! Thank you for sharing the excitement of your move with us! You inspire me to go for my own dreams.
Tricia said…
I went to Copenhagen last spring (2008) when I studied abroad in Budapest. Before I went I really didn't know much about the city, but I have to say that it turned out to be one of my favorite European cities. We couch surfed in 2 different homes so we were given lots of advice on where to go and what to see. My friend and I spent most of our days there exploring the non-touristy areas and eating our lunch sitting on the edge of the canals. Definitely go there, I have so many great memories of that city and am dreaming of the day I get to go back!
Carolyn said…
Go to the Bodensee Lake on the border of Germany, Austria and Switzerland while you live here. We went to the town Lindau on the Bodensee and it was so quaint and cute! And the flower island, Mainau, is on that lake too and a must see in spring!

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